All My Fault

366 8 16

Sorry I uploaded so late I thought it was the 23rd. Oops. I'm also sorry for this chapter, which is quite emotional.

Synopsis: Dean allows Jemma to come on a vampire hunt with him and Sam, but they encounter a familiar face from the past that threatens to tear Jemma apart.

TW: mentions of physical abuse, mentions of abusive parent, verbal abuse, blood, death

"Alright, we're heading out now," Dad says and shoulders his duffel bag.

"Can I come with you?" I ask.

He snorts. "There is no way in hell that you're going on a hunt for a long time. Not after the fire." His voice quiets.

"Dad, please, I promise I won't do anything like that again."

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "You will not leave my sight and you will do as I say. Do you understand?"

"I understand," I say, pulling out the duffel bag I already packed.

Almost eight hours later, we arrive at a motel in St. Louis, Missouri. I lived in St. Louis with my mom before she abandoned me. I sigh. "You okay?" Dad asks.

"Yeah, I just... I used to live here with my mom," I reply.

Dad nods and kisses the top of my head. "Well, I promise, we won't run into your mom here."

We throw our duffels on the beds, take out the stuff we need, and pile back into the Impala. The vamp nest is on an abandoned farm outside of town. I turn the machete over in my hands nervously. It's been so long since I've been on a hunt, and my lungs are still a little burned. I'm scared, but I won't show it. I have to focus and get the job done. I can be scared any other time, but not now.

We pull over about a half a mile away from the barn and start to walk. When the barn is in our sight, Sam stops us. "Okay, so what's the game plan?" He asks.

"Me and Jem will take out as many vamps as we can. Sam, you try and free the hostages," Dad says. We continue walking in silence. "Are you okay to be doing this? Because you can go wait in the car if you want," he whispers.

"I'm okay. I can do it," I tell him.

"I just don't want anything to happen to you again."

"I won't leave your side," I promise.

"That's my girl. Okay, Sam, go around the back and work toward the front. Me and Jem will work from the front and toward the back."

"Be careful," I warn.

"Same goes for you, Sunshine," Dad says. He slowly opens the barn door while Sam runs around to the back. One of the vampires takes notice of us, and he hisses, alerting the other vamps of our presence. Dad starts to fight the first vampire, and slices off his head.

There's at least 15 other vampires surrounding us, with the alpha standing on a loft with, what I assume is, his girlfriend. I can't help but notice that the alpha's girlfriend looks familiar.

A vampire grabs me from behind. I smash the back of my head against her nose, spin around, and decapitate her. I only have to kill three vampires before the barn is empty, except for the alpha vamp and his girlfriend.

"Go! Run!" Sam yells at the hostages as they flee. We run up the stairs to the loft. The alpha and his girlfriend are passionately making out, either not noticing us or not caring. We glance at each other, not really knowing what to do. Dad gets ready to cut off their heads as they pull apart.

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