Christmas Extra!

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Yay! It's Christmas! Here's an extra chapter because it's the holidays. Enjoy! I do not own any characters except for Jemma. All rights go to the CW.


The Bunker

Christmas Eve

7:38 p.m.

        "I don't want to go," Claire protests.

        "Claire, they're your family, and you'll only be gone for a few weeks," Cas reassures her.

        "They're my third cousins, they're hardly family."

        "Claire, please."

        "Why can't I stay here?"

        "It's Christmas and Christmas should be spent with family."

        Claire sighs. "Fine, I'll go."

        "Thank you," Cas says as he ushers her out of the door of the bunker, into the cold winter air.

        "Wow, it's really snowing, isn't it?" I say and rub my biceps.

        "Yeah. I hope Claire doesn't get snowed in with her family," Sam says as he sits on the couch to watch A Christmas Story, like we do every year.

        "Please, that's exactly what you want," Dean scoffs. We all laugh at this. Cas comes back into the bunker and shivers. "That was quick," Dean remarks.

        "Claire did not enjoy the Christmas music I was playing, and could not wait to get on that bus."

        "Well, come sit down, Cas. The movie's about to start."

        "What are we watching?"

        "A Christmas Story, which is a Christmas classic. Everyone has to see this movie at least once in their life."

        "I've never seen it," Cas observes as he sits next to Dean on the couch.

        "I've got the hot chocolate!" I call from the kitchen.

        "Put whipped cream in mine!" Dean calls back.

        "Don't forget the marshmallows!" Sam yells.

        "I'm coming, I'm coming," I say as I place the tray of four mugs on the coffee table.

        "You didn't put whipped cream in mine," Dean complains.

        "That's why I brought the can out."


        "Cas, do you want anything in your hot chocolate?" I ask. He brings the mug up to his lips and takes a sip. He frowns and sets it back down.

        "It's very hot," he observes.

        "Well, it's implied in the name, you know, 'hot chocolate,'" I say. "Here, let's put marshmallows in it."

        "What do they do?"

        "Absolutely nothing."

        "Hey, can you two stop talking?" Sam complains.

        About an hour in, Cas remarks, "I like this film."

        "Good," Dean says.

        When the movie ends, Sam and Dean are fast asleep. "Can we watch another?" Cas asks.

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now