Sick Week

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So, I have half-bad news, half-good news. Bad news: I am going to end this story. There will be three more parts, then it will be over. Good news: I'm writing a new story. I've actually been writing it for awhile. I originally wasn't going to share this story, but then I was like why the heck not. So, there are three more chapters after this one, and then that will be the end of Jemma Winchester. I just think it's time for her story to end.

Synopsis: I don't really know how to summarize this chapter. Jemma gets sick and it's a flashback.

TW: illness(?)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dean's POV


The first couple months of Jemma living with the Winchesters, her and Dean were pretty distant. Which was to be expected, of course. With Jemma having just been abandoned by her abusive mother, and having nightmares occasionally; and Dean dealing with the aftermath of his time in Hell.

Whenever someone in the house--whether it be Dean, Sam, or Bobby--tried to touch her, or even make a quick motion near her, she would flinch. It broke all of their hearts, and made them incredibly angry. How could anyone hate such a sweet and kind little girl? All three men made many attempts to get her to talk about her mom, but whenever the word "mom" was mentioned, she went silent and shut them out.

Dean refused to hunt for a month after Jemma arrived. He insisted on staying and trying to coax her out of her shell. Of course, Jemma wasn't the only reason why he didn't want to hunt for awhile. Nightmares of Hell and torture plagued his sleep. He sometimes had flashbacks when he was having a conversation with Sam or fixing a car or something.

In late September, Bobby sent Sam and Dean on a hunt, just to get them out of the house. Both Sam and Dean tried to get out of it, but Bobby insisted. "It's a simple vamp hunt three hours away. You'll be back in a week, at the latest," he told them.

Dean was relentless. "Bobby, Jemma said she isn't feeling good. She told us how she felt--that's progress. We should really stay and take care of her--"

"I'll take care of her. Besides, I think it's just a little flu. It'll go away before you get back."

"Fine. You win. We're leaving. Let me say goodbye to Jemma first." Dean opened the door to her room. Jemma looked up from the book she was reading and gave him a shy smile. "Hey, Jemma. How're you feeling?" She shrugged and looked back down at her closed book.

"I dunno."

Dean walked over and sat on the edge of her bed. "Does your belly hurt?"

Jemma picked at the front cover of the book, then nodded. "Listen, Jemma," he began, "me and Uncle Sam need to go somewhere." She looked up at him with sad eyes. "We'll be back. We'll only be gone a week."

"Promise?" she asked quietly.

"I promise," he said solemnly.

Bobby's POV

The day after Sam and Dean left for the hunt, Jemma's health dropped dramatically. She was bedridden, spiked a fever, and could not hold anything down; not even water. Still, when Dean or Sam called Bobby every night to ask how she was doing, he refused to tell them the truth. He wouldn't tell them anything until they finished the hunt, or if Jemma got really bad.

After three days, Jemma started to refuse food and drink, and had nightmares every time she fell asleep. "Come on, Jemma," Bobby coaxed gently, "you'll feel better once you eat something."

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now