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Hey guys. So I have decided to post a chapter every other week because it's getting hard to come up with ideas. Don't be surprised if I stop posting altogether for a few weeks. I just have a lot on my plate at the moment and then it's on to track season and I hope you guys can understand. x

Synopsis: While on a hunt, Jemma is injured and must deal with amnesia. Sam, Dean, and Castiel help her regain her memory.


        Dean breaks open the door of the abandoned house and we all cautiously stalk inside. We got word from another hunter there is a demon group holding young women hostage. "Sam!" Dean yells as a demon runs up behind Sam. Sam quickly turns around and stabs him with the demon knife, watching as the demon's face flickers yellow. We split up; Sam and Dean taking one hallway, Cas and I taking another. Muffled sobs emit from behind a closed door. 

        I nod toward the door and Cas flings it open, stabbing the first demon he sees. "Jemma! The hostages!" He shouts while fighting off more demons. I crouch behind the women and slice the ropes off of their hands and untie their gags. The last demon standing thrusts his arm toward the wall and I fly backward, smashing straight through the first wall and slamming my head against the next. A blinding white light takes over my vision and I fall unconscious to the floor. I hear Cas scream my name as I let darkness take over my body.

        I wake up on a bed, with three worried looking men standing around me. "Hey, how are you feeling?" One of them asks and reaches out brush back my hair. I scramble back against the headboard despite the fiery pain in my head.

        "Who are you?" I ask.

        The man with the dark blonde hair looks confused, then  laughs. "You're funny, Jemma."

        "Dean, I don't think she's kidding," the tallest man says.

        "Am I Jemma?" I inquire.

        The man with the dark blonde hair-Dean- turns toward me. "You really don't remember us?"

        I shake my head. "I don't even remember my name." 

        Dean looks back up at the tall man. "I'm not going to ask again: who are you and how did I get here?" I demand.

        "Sweetheart, it's me. It's Dad," Dean says.

        "You're my dad?"

        Dean nods and the tall man speaks up. "I'm Sam, and I'm your uncle. Do you remember anything now?"

        I slowly shake my head. The man in the tan trench coat moves closer to me. "You probably want these." He hands me a pair of glasses and I slide them on, the room coming into focus. "My name is Castiel; I'm an angel."

        I widen my eyes. Angel? There's no such thing as angels. I've been kidnapped. That's the only explanation. I have to get out of here. "There's no such thing as angels," I say. I hobble out of the bed and toward the small table in the corner next to the door.

        "Where are you going? Hey-take it easy," Sam says. I place my hands on the table. 

        "Jem, are you okay?" Dean asks. I bolt for the door and sprint down the hallway of the motel. I hear a pair of feet chasing after me. One of the men wraps his arms around my torso and starts to drag me back to the room. I frantically kick my legs and try to loosen the man's grip on me.

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now