Happy Birthday to You

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I almost posted this chapter yesterday because I thought it was the 15th and I almost posted the finaly chapter right now because I thought it was this chapter. So I'm on costume crew for our school's musical and we're doing Mary Poppins and it's show week and our costume director put me in charge of getting Mary Poppins changed (which is VERY frequently) and I've never been involved with a musical before and our first show is Wednesday and I *sweats and laughs nervously*

Synopsis: (FLASHBACK) It's Dean's birthday. 

TW: None

January 24, 2009
Jemma's POV

"Uncle Sam," Jemma whispered and poked her uncle's shoulder. They were on a hunt—vampires, Jemma thought she heard her father say, and had crashed in some motel for the night. "Uncle Sam, wake up."

Sam made a noise of acknowledgment. "Jemma, what are you doing up this early?"

"Shh." She pressed a finger to her lips and glanced back at her father, who was sound asleep on the couch. "It's Daddy's birthday! I wanna make him some breakfast, but I'm not 'llowed to touch the stove 'n the oven 'n the toaster."

"Aww, that's so sweet of you, Jemma. I'll help you make him breakfast."

Jemma grinned and slid off of the bed, tip-toeing to the side of the room with the fridge and the other cooking utensils. "Uncle Sam, how old is Daddy turnin' today?" Jemma asked as Sam plugged in the toaster and warmed up the oven.

Sam chuckled. "He'll tell you he's turning 23, but he's lying; he's turning 30,"

"30," Jemma repeated.

"What do you want to make your daddy for his birthday?"

"Um, I dunno. Maybe some—some toast 'n some bacon?"

"That sounds like a good idea."

"Oh! We need to get him some pie, too!"

"Alright, we'll get him some pie."

One hour later.

Thankfully, Dean did not wake up during the duration of making breakfast, and grabbing pie from a little market down the road. "Are you ready to wake him up?" Sam asked.

"Mmhm," Jemma said and crawled onto the couch. It was a smaller couch, so she was practically sitting on top of Dean. "Daddy?" No response. "Daddy, wake up."

"What's up, Sunshine?" Dean responded tiredly, not opening his eyes.

"Happy birthday!" she yelled, so loud that Dean nearly fell off the couch. "Me 'n Uncle Sam made you breakfast."

"You did?"

"It was all Jemma's idea," Sam piped in.

"And we got you pie!" Jemma exclaimed, throwing her arms out.

"You did all of this for me?"

"Yeah! 'Cause it's your birthday!"

Dean grinned and grabbed Jemma into his arms, planting kisses all over her face. She laughed, then Dean sat her in his lap. "Alright, now where's this breakfast?"

Sam brought two plates over—one for the toast, and one for the bacon, and placed them on the couch. They laughed and talked and ate, until the breakfast was gone. "How old are you turnin' today?" Jemma asked Dean.

"I am 23 today," he announced proudly.

She giggled. "No you're not. Uncle Sam told me you were gonna say that. You're turnin' 30!"

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now