Are You Afraid of the Dark?

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So I don't really have anything to say. What were you guys for Halloween? I was a slice of pizza. Anyway, this chapter is a little long and sad, 'cause that's the way I like 'em.
TW: torture, child abuse (verbal + a little physical but it's all in a dream), hallucinations
Synopsis: After an incident involving demonic possession, Jemma begins hallucinating monsters and past friends as a result of the Darkness.
"Jemma, me and Sam are heading to Topeka for the day. There's a demon nest that's gotta be taken care of. You wanna come?" Dad asks.

"Um, no," I reply, sliding my bookmark into place.

"No? Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I just--I'm gonna take a break from hunting for awhile. After everything that's happened the last couple months..."

"I think that's a good idea," he says and kisses my forehead. "We'll be back by tomorrow morning."

"Be careful."

The Next Morning

I wake up, get dressed, and make my way to the kitchen to make breakfast. As I'm pouring the milk into my cereal, I hear the front door creak open, and footsteps clomp down the stairs. Sam and Dad walk through the kitchen door and sit at the table. "How'd it go?" I ask.

"Piece of cake," Dad replies.

"Good. Hey, do you know--?"

I'm tugged backwards by the back of my shirt. "Dad, what are you doing?" I turn to look at him and--

His eyes are black. "What the hell?" I breathe and move to grab my angel blade, but I left it in my room. Sam grabs me from behind. "Let go of me!" I demand.

"Okay," Sam says and shoves me away from him. I lose my footing and fall. I get up and start running as fast as I can. Dad and Sam's footsteps are getting closer, closer, until one of them grabs my arm and twists it. I cry out in pain.

"Nice try, but we're a lot stronger than you," Dad says and throws me against a wall.

"Get out of them," I gasp, trying to stay upright.

Dad wraps his hand around my throat. "Not a chance."

I can't breathe. I try and pry his hands off my throat, but I'm losing too much air. "Stop," I manage weakly. "Stop."

Dad lets go, and I drop to the floor, but Sam yanks me back up and pushes me against the opposite wall. "Aww. Poor, little, weak Jemma Winchester. Can't even handle two demons on her own." He raises his fist, and it collides with my face, over and over and over again, until, finally, I black out.

The bright lights send an ache to my head as I open my eyes. The whole of my face hurts, and I can feel blood dripping from my nose. I try to wipe it away, but my arms and legs are tied to a chair. I'm in the dungeon. I groan and try to shake off the drowsiness. "Well, look who's awake," Sam says.

"How did you possess them?" I demand.

Dad leans down close to my face. "Your daddy and uncle underestimated us. You see, there were over thirty of us, and we got them easily. Some of the others held them down while we burned off those pesky little anti-possession tattoos." I wince as Dad flicks a cut on my shoulder. "Oh, Jemma, you should've heard them scream."

"Get out of them, you sons of bitches," I spit.

"If I had a nickel for every time your father said that... Well, I'd be rich. Like father, like daughter, I guess."

"What do you want with us?" I ask.

Sam chuckles. "Well, at first, we were just going to kill your father and uncle, but then we thought we could have some fun with this. Why not kill them emotionally first, and then physically? I mean, all the demons in hell have a vendetta against the Winchesters, and we're sick of it. We are sick of Crowley acting all buddy-buddy with you three, plus the angel. We're done. We're going to kill all four of you."

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now