Vanishing Act

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Heyyy happy new year! I hope this year is filled with kindness, peace, happiness, and laughter for all of you. Anyway, this chapter is pretty out of character for Jemma (you'll see why) but I wanted to write it like this so yeah. I hope ya like it!

Synopsis: Jemma runs away after Dean and her have a fight, which leads her to do something really, really stupid.

TW: yelling, getting arrested, getting punched, teen pregnancy (it's not Jemma i promise)


It's been one week since I ran away.

One week since I left in the middle of the night with a group of other runaway kids, all older than me. One week since I got into the worst fight I've ever had with my dad. Looking back on it now, the fight was stupid, but I can't go back. Dad probably doesn't want me to come back.

I glance down at the Enochian angel warding written on my wrist so Cas can't track me, and swallow fear and guilt. "Hey," Bella, one of the girls I've been traveling with, says, "we'll be fine."

The rest of the group has decided to rob a gas station, to which I reluctantly agreed to do with them. Easy for Bella to say, she could bat her eyelashes at anyone and they would give her anything. From what I know, Bella is sixteen, ran away because she was tired of small town life, and looks like a real life Snow White.

Damien, the eighteen-year-old driver of the car we've been traveling around in, pipes up. "You can sit out if you're too  chicken." Him and Liam, his friend, laugh. My cheeks heat up, and I sink down lower in my seat.

"Damien, leave the poor girl alone. This is her first time out on the road, alone," Bella says and slaps Damien's shoulder.

"Guys, I still don't think we should do this," I say.

"Relax, Jemma, we're gonna be fine," Liam says. "Haven't you ever lived life a little dangerously?"

"You have no idea," I mutter and pull the hood up on my hoodie, leaning against the cold car window. I think back to last week's fight with my dad.

He found a case in Lebanon; a demon nest. I asked if I could go with him, and he told me I should stay home.

I tilt my head in confusion. "Why?"

"It's too dangerous," Dad says simply.

"It's just a demon nest." I shrug.

"I know it's just a demon nest, but your hallucinations..."

"You don't think I can handle it," I finish the sentence for him and swallow.

"Yeah. Basically."

"Gee, Dad, could you be a little more blunt?" I ask sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to keep you out of harm's way."

"It's just a demon nest," I repeat.

"I said no, Jemma. And that's final."

"Please?" I step closer to him.

"No!" He shouts.

A sudden anger rushes through my bloodstream. "You can't keep me here forever. Eventually, you'll have to let me go out into the real world!"

"And the real world involves hunting demons?"

"I'm not weak!"

"I never said you were!"

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now