The Apocalypse

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Today I just feel really crappy so pardon my writing if it's bad. It's a flashback to the Apocalypse when Sam and Dean part ways and Sam tries to lead a normal life and Dean tells him to take Jemma with him so she can have a normal life too. Okay? Okay. (Hehe.) P.S. Jemma is 8 when the Apocalypse happens.


3:15 p.m.

        "Sam?" Dean called, and Sam turned around to face his older brother. "Take Jemma with you. I want her to have as close to a normal life as she can."

        Sam just nodded and took my hand, grabbed our bags, and started to lead me down the road. "Uncle Sam?" I asked and looked up at him.

        "Yeah?" He replied.

        "Where are we going?"

        Sam sighed. "I don't know. Somewhere safe."

        "What about Daddy? Is he going somewhere safe, too?"

        "Yeah, he's going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine, I promise."

        "Okay, I believe you."

        "That makes one of you," he said as he waved his hand at a car driving by, trying to get its attention.

        "What's that supposed to mean?"

        "Nothing, it's just - you're the only person who's believed in me this whole time. No one has. Not even your dad."

        "Why doesn't anyone believe in you?"

       Sam hesitated before answering the question. "Because I'm the one that started the Apocalypse. I brought the end of the world. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I was just being stupid. I chose a demon over my own brother, and it's all my fault."

       "Well, it's not entirely your fault, you thought you were doing the right thing - the demon tricked you into thinking you were. Also, we can fix this. We're gonna stop Lucifer and the Apocalypse, 'cause we're the only ones who know how," I said, fixing a determined look on my face.

        Sam chuckled. "You're getting more like your father everyday." A blue truck pulled over next to us and Sam sighed with relief. "Finally."

        "You two need a ride?" The truck driver asked.

        "Yes, thank you," Sam said as he lifted me into the truck next to him.

        "Where you headed?"

        "Anywhere but here."

        A few hours later, we stopped in front of a motel. Sam thanked the driver as he dragged our bags out of the back of the truck. "This is only a temporary living situation until we figure something out."

        I nodded and followed him into the motel. "One room, please."

        "Why, aren't you the cutest thing!" The receptionist remarked. "Is she yours?"

        "No, she's my brother's," Sam said, placing a hand on my head and taking the room key. "Okay, tonight, we'll relax, but tomorrow, I'm going out and finding a job, so I'll be gone early." I nodded again and put my bag on a chair. He seemed to read my mind as he rubbed his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, we're going to be just fine. Why don't we order some pizza and watch a movie?"

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now