The Boy, the Girl, and Her Overprotective Family Part 1

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Sorry the chapters late it was my sisters birthday yesterday.

Warnings: mentions of suicide, telling of suicides, stitches, major blood loss, death, kiss

Synopsis: Jemma is losing her mind from being kept in the Bunker for too long. So, she takes a walk.

I wander around the Bunker aimlessly, bored out of my mind. Dad and Sam are on a hunt, and Cas is who knows where. I've been trapped in here for weeks, my hallucinations getting more frequent and lifelike. "I've got to get out of here," I mumble to myself. The cold December air bites my cheeks and nose as I pull on a hat. I bring a flashlight and my angel blade with me, just in case. I've never actually been in the woods behind the Bunker. I guess it just never crossed my mind to go back there.

Snowdrops and wild daisies that haven't died yet line a path straight through the forest. I pick a daisy from a patch and tuck it behind my hear. The grass on either side of the path is nearly up to my knees, giving the dusk an eerie ambiance. I flick on the flashlight and straggle down the trail. All of a sudden, a distant cry pierces the night. "Help!" I stop dead in my tracks and listen keenly. "Somebody help me!" It sounds like a little girl.

No, Jemma, it's probably not real, I tell myself in my head.

"Hello?" I call back. "Is someone there?"

"Help me!"

"Where are you?" I spin around, trying to locate the source of the cries.

"I don't know!" The voice breaks down crying.

"I'm coming to find you, okay? Don't move and keep talking to me!" I step into the grass and head in the direction of the voice. "Why don't you tell me what your name is?"


"Lily? That's a beautiful name. My name is Jemma," I shout back. I wave the flashlight around, landing on a frightened, bleeding, and crying girl with her hands on a body. I run over and crouch down beside her. "Hi, Lily. Who's this?" I check the body for a pulse, and am relieved to find out it's steady.

"M--My brother Wyatt," she says.

"What are you and your brother doing out here? What happened?" I ask Lily while I rip off a part of my shirt and tie it around one of the more severe cuts on Wyatt.

"You won't believe me," she sobs.

"Try me."

"M--My daddy hunts monsters, and we were hunting a--a hellhound and--and the hellhound killed my daddy and hurt Wyatt really bad." Lily dissolves into another fit of crying.

Their dad hunts monsters? A hellhound? This definitely isn't real. "Your dad is a hunter?"

She nods.

"My dad is a hunter, too! And so are my uncles!" I say with false enthusiasm, trying to get Lily to calm down. "Are you hurt? Does that cut on your arm need stitches?"

She shakes her head. "No, I'm okay."

"Here's the deal: we're going to go back to my house and fix you and your brother, okay? And you can stay as long as you want until we get this figured out. Does that sound like a plan?"

Lily nods and glances behind her. "What about my daddy?" She points to a body I didn't see before. A wave of nausea hits as I look at what used to be Wyatt and Lily's dad. Some of his limbs are missing and there is not a spot on his body that isn't bloodied.

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