Start Over Again

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Sorry sorry sorry sorry I've been busy with track and it makes me exhausted blah blah blah enjoy.


The Bunker

"Sammy, we need to talk," Dean says with a serious look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Sam asks.

Dean glances at me. "Not here."

They walk off down a hallway, and I can hear muffled voices. This isn't good. I thought everything is okay, but it's never good with us Winchesters for long.

Sam marches back into the kitchen, distressed. "What's going on?" I ask, placing my sandwich back on its plate.

"It's nothing."

I narrow my eyes at him. "Something's wrong. You feel stressed, and upset. I deserve to know what's wrong."

"Jemma, leave it. We're leaving for a hunt soon, so we need you to get ready for HQ duty."

HQ duty is something we came up with a long time ago when Sam and Dean started leaving me behind on hunts. Basically, I stay in the Bunker and feed them information.

"So, I'm not going on the hunt with you?"

"It's too dangerous."

I roll my eyes. "It's always too dangerous nowadays, isn't it?"

Sam shoots me a stern look. "We're just trying to keep you safe."

I sigh. "Yes, yes, I know, I know."

When Sam and Dean return from the hunt, I immediately spring into action, checking for injuries and asking how it went. Dean is the only one who needs stitches. His upper bicep gushes blood, seeping through his flannel.

"That definitely needs stitches," I say as I start to thread a needle. Dean removes his sleeve so I can only see the injury, nothing else.

I laugh a little. "Dad, you have to pull down your sleeve farther."

He frowns. "No, you can see it, now stitch away."

"Dad, just take your arm out of the sleeve."

He shakes his head. "No."

"You're being ridiculous." I grab his sleeve and yank it off. "Okay, now we can-"

Something tattooed on Dean's forearm makes me stop mid-sentence. The Mark of Cain is branded into his skin. I can't stop staring at it.

"How did this happen?" I ask quietly.

"Burning the First Blade only delayed the Mark from coming back again," Sam says carefully.

"Were you ever going to tell me?"

Dean gives me a painful look. "Of course we were, sunshine. We just didn't know how to tell you."

I try to hide the anger boiling inside me. Dean doesn't deserve this. He's done so much for humanity and hasn't even gotten a thank you. I try to take a deep breath before responding.

"Okay, this is fine. We'll just find another way to remove it."

Sam arches his eyebrows. "...Okay."

We stay silent while I stitch up Dean's wound. When I finish, he checks the stitching and kisses my forehead. "Looks good. Thanks, sunshine. Hey, it's getting late, why don't you get some sleep."

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now