Daddy-Daughter Date

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So, this chapter is almost 6,000 words long. Oops. Anyway, happy holidays!

Synopsis: While Sam handles a hunt by himself, Dean and Jemma decide to go on a little vacation, resulting in them being kidnapped by demons who work for Rowena and the Grand Coven.

TW: heights, blood, stitches, verbal abuse, physical fight


The Bunker

Sam left for a hunt yesterday. Just a simple salt-and-burn, nothing major. Dad decided to stay back because I came down with a fever the other day, but I'm feeling better now.

I'm sitting on the couch reading when Dad sits down next to me. "Jemma?" He says.

"Yeah?" I look up from my book.

"What do you say you and I go out of town for the weekend?"


"Yeah, just the two of us. Where do you want to go? Jefferson City? We can stay in a hotel right on the Missouri River."

"Yeah." I smile.

"Go pack a bag, we'll leave right now." I hop off the couch and run to my room, stuffing shirts and pants into a duffel bag. I've never been on a vacation before, and I'm pretty damn excited to go on one now. "I'm ready!" I shout as I put my bag on the table.

"I'll be right there!" Dad shouts back. Moments later, he appears with his bag. "You excited?"

I nod eagerly. "Very."

"You ever been on a vacation before?"


"Neither have I. But that is going to change tonight."

Six and a half hours later, we arrive outside of a hotel. No, not some run down, dirty motel, an actual hotel. Dad and I get our room key and head for the elevators. "Sixteenth floor, with a view overlooking the Missouri River, just like I promised," he says, grinning as we enter the hotel room.

"Whoa," I gasp and drop my bag, pressing my face against the window. "It's beautiful." And it's true. Christmas lights wrap around the trees and cast colorful shadows onto the nearly frozen river.

"Jemma," Dad says and shakes my shoulder.


"I asked you what you wanted to do. We've got a couple hours till dinner."

I shrug. "I don't know."

Dad sighs. "Well, do you want to see a movie?" Immediately, I whip my head around and break into a grin. "No! I don't want to see that stupid movie you won't stop talking about," he protests. "It's based off of one of the books that one guy wrote, and after last summer's movie fiasco--The Faulty Stars--I really don't want to see another one of this guy's books be turned into a movie."

"Okay, first of all, it was called The Fault in Our Stars, and second of all, you know you liked that movie."

"Fine, we'll go see Paper--whatever it's called."

"Paper Towns." I jump a little as I say the name of the movie I've been dying to see since I found out it was going to be a movie.

"Alright, let's get going, we have to see if the nearby theaters are still playing it."


After the movie is over, I bound out of the theater. Dad follows. "That was fantastic!" I exclaim and jump off the curb.

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now