How It Comes To End

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Here we are. The final chapter.

Synopsis: The end.

TW: death, blood

This is it.

Today is the day.

I glance at the clock.

12:01 am.

23 hours and 59 minutes left.

Tears fill my eyes.

I can't do this.

I have to do this.

I wipe the tears from my eyes and walk to Dad's room. He's not in there. I check the kitchen and the library. He's not in those places either. I stop outside Uncle Sam's room. "Uncle Sam?" I say quietly. He looks up from his computer screen, and worry spreads across his face.

"Hey, Jemma. Did you have a nightmare?"

I can't tell him the truth, so I nod. He holds out his arms, and I cross the room and wrap my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder. "It's alright, Ace. It wasn't real. Nothing bad's going to happen to you," he consoles me and rubs my back. At that last part, I burst into tears. "It's okay, Jemma. I got you, I got you."

"I love you, Uncle Sam," I manage to say between sobs.

"I love you, too, kiddo." After a couple seconds, he starts to hum 'You Are My Sunshine'. "Sorry. I know it's your's and your dad's song."


After a couple minutes, I calm down. Uncle Sam holds me at arm's length. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I nod and wipe my eyes. "Where's Dad?"

"Garth called about an hour ago, and said he needed some help with a case. Your dad went to go help him, said he'd be home in a couple days."

My heart sinks in my chest, and tears sting my eyes. I won't get a chance to say goodbye to my dad. On the bright side, he won't be here to see me die. Maybe I can get Uncle Sam out of the house before I go. "Okay." My voice comes out as a squeak, and I wrap my arms back around Uncle Sam's neck.

"Are you sure you're okay, Jem?"

"Yeah," I say before starting to cry again.

"It's okay, Jemma. Breathe. Close your eyes. Go back to sleep, I got you."

I do what he tells me, and I shut my eyes, falling back asleep in a matter of minutes.


"Jemma. Jemma, wake up."

"What? What's wrong?" I mumble and roll over. It takes me a moment to realize that I'm in Uncle Sam's bed, not mine.

"Your dad just called," Uncle Sam whispers. "Him and Garth need more help than they thought, so I'm leaving, okay? We'll be back in a couple days. You just go back to sleep and relax, alright?"

"Okay." He turns to walk out, but I grab his arm. "Wait." I stand up on the bed so I'm slightly taller than him, and wrap my arms around his neck, squeezing him tightly. I plant a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Are you sure you're okay, Jemma?"

"I'm fine, I promise. I love you."

"I love you, too, Ace. Go back to bed, okay?"

I nod and pull the covers back over me, and start bawling as soon as I hear the front door close.


From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now