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This one might be a little shaky and a little short. I got the idea from Tumblr. Enjoy. I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS EXCEPT FOR JEMMA.


May 11, 2014

3:44 a.m.

        A small sound pierces my soundful sleep and I open my eyes. I could sleep through the Revolutionary War if it was held in the motel room, but the smallest sounds could wake me up. This sound was clearly human, and it was coming from my dad's bed.

        I swear to God, if he brought another woman here from the bar, I'm gonna kill him. I think to myself. I slip out from underneath the covers, trying not to make the fouton creak, and stand at the foot of his bed. It's just him, sleeping. Suddenly, he rolls over and mutters something, and scruches his face.

        "No, please don't."

        I start to step closer, and this time he speaks in a normal voice. "Don't. Stop. Leave her alone." He screams this time. "No! I said leave her alone! Please, stop!" He pleads. I lean over him and shake his shoulders.

        "Dad! Wake up! It's just a dream!" I shout at him while viciously shake his shoulders. He still continues to scream.

        "No! Stop! Please don't!"

        "Dad! Please wake up!" His eyes fling open and he grabs my arms. He pants and sits up, still clutching my arms.

        "Jemma?" Dean's eyes are wired open. My arms are numb.

        "It's alright, it was just a dream." He releases my arms and I throw them around his neck. I feel a few teardrops fall onto my back as he holds onto me like his life depends on it.

        "It was terrible...right in front of me..." He says.

        "It's okay now, it's over." I squeeze my eyes shut.

        "Guys? What's going on?" Sam flicks the lights on. I'm surprised he slept through the yelling. He looks at us, but I can't see him.

        "It's okay Sammy, I just had a nightmare," Dean says.

        "You sure you're alright, man?" Sam asks.

        "Yeah, I'm okay."

        "Alright." He turns the lights back off and goes back to bed. Dean finally loosens his grip on my back and places me next to him on the bed.

        "Are you really okay?" I ask.

        "I'm positive. I'm glad you woke me up...and you're alive." A single tear escapes from the corner of my eye. He reaches out and wipes it away. "I don't want you to worry about me."

        "If I don't, who will?"

        "It's not your job. It's my job to worry about you."

        I nod. He pulls me into his chest. "I love you."

        "I love you too."

        "I promise, no more nightmares."

        "If there are, I'm right here."

        "My little angel."

        I remember something he told me, that instead of lullabies, his mother would sing "Hey Jude" by the Beatles. I have heard the song a few times before, so I start to sing. "Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song, and make it better..." I lose the next words as we both drift off to sleep.

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now