Unfair Trade

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Agent Carter starts tonight! I'm so excited! Enjoy!


The Bunker

11:34 p.m.

"Cas, I've got to ask you something," I say as I slide into the seat next to him.

"What is it?" He asks, looking up from his papers.

"When Sam and I went to get Dad, I tried to use my powers, but they didn't work, why?"

"The First Blade is engraved with all traps and sigils, including an Empath's Hold."

"What does that look like?"

Cas pulls a notepad closer to him and begins to draw. "It looks like a cornflower," he says, focusing on his drawing. "With Enochian around it. The Enochian spells out-"


"Exactly. When an Empath's Hold is present, the empath cannot use their powers, and it can be used to trap them. Put your finger in it."

I place my finger in the center of the hold and lift it back up, the notepad still attached to my finger. Cas smiles. "All right, you've had your fun, now get it off." Cas leans over and erases a bit and I take my finger back off.

"Didn't I tell you not to use your powers unless it was necessary?"

"I was being attacked!"

"Okay, okay, just...be careful." Cas glances at the clock. "It's getting late, why don't you go to bed?"

"Okay, goodnight."

" 'Night."

3:23 a.m.

Someone opens my bedroom door, and three people enter, all men. Two are tall and one is a bit short. I curl my fingers around my angel blade hidden under my pillow. "Are you waiting for an invitation, grab her!" An English accent floats from the door. Crowley. I feel him sit on the edge of the bed. "Such a shame I have to stoop this low, I like her."

I sit straight up and bring the angel blade to his throat, and slide my glasses on. "Hello darling," he says.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask.

"Well, the boys and I wanted to pay you a visit, and we need to make a trade."

"What're you trading?"

"You," he smirks.

I snort. "Like hell you are."

Crowley signals to the two men - I mean, demons - and one of them hits me in the back of the head, hard. "Drop the blade," he commands in a deep voice. I comply and let it fall to my bed, and blink away the black dots.

"Good girl. Much more obedient than the rest of your family," Crowley says. I fling my arm to the side in hopes of thrusting him and the demons against the wall, but no such luck. "What? You thought we didn't know about your little abilities?" He holds up a pair of handcuffs etched with different traps and sigils, including an Empath's Hold.

"He-!" I start to scream, but one of the demons clasps his hand around my mouth and the other secures my hands together with the handcuffs.

"All right, let's go make that deal," Crowley says as one of the demons holds my angel blade to my throat. "Sam! Dean! Castiel!" He yells as we walk down the hall. "I've got something the three of you might want!"

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now