The Boy, the Girl, and Her Overprotective Family Part 2

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My sister has a chorus concert tonight ew. BUT the agents of shield mid season finale is tonight and I'm so excited and nervous and emotionally unprepared


Dad has been avoiding me and been unusually quiet at breakfast this morning. "Dad--," I begin to explain, but he cuts me off.

"Jemma, I don't want to talk about it right now," he says and continues staring down at his eggs.

"I know you're pissed at me, but hear me out."

He sighs deeply. "Fine. Start at the very beginning."

"Well, one time, fourteen years ago, you met my mom, and then you--"

"I'm not in the mood to joke around, Jemma. You know exactly what I mean."

"Okay, so last night, I got bored, and I decided to walk around in the woods out back. Then, I heard someone screaming for help, and it sounded like a little girl, so, obviously, I was trying to find her. When I found her, I also found her brother, and her dad, who was killed by a hellhound. She said her dad was a hunter and that the hellhound they were tracking was the one that killed their mom. So I brought them back here, and we should really keep them here until we can figure out where to send them. We owe them that much," I conclude and lean back in my chair. Neither Sam nor Dad speak for a few moments.

"Jemma?" I turn in my chair to see Lily leaning against the doorway silently.

"Hey, Lily. Are you hungry? We have food if you are."

She nods and sits in the chair next to me. Sam and Dad's expressions immediately soften upon seeing Lily's innocent face. "Hi, I'm Sam, I'm Jemma's uncle; this is Dean, he's Jemma's dad," Sam says. Lily just nods and continues staring at the table as I slide a plate of eggs underneath her nose and smile.

"Good morning, everyone," Wyatt says as he swaggers into the kitchen. Immediately, Sam and my father straighten in their seats, and their faces develop stone expressions. "Tough crowd," Wyatt mutters as he slides onto the bench next to me.

"It's Wyatt, right?" Sam asks, his face frozen in a deadly stare.

"Yep. English. Means 'Brave in war'."

"Good. It's good that you know the meaning and origin of your name."

It's good that you know the meaning and origin of your name? Really, Sam? "So, Wyatt," Dad begins. Oh boy, here comes the interrogation. "You planning on being a hunter your whole life?"

"No, Mr. Winchester. I want to go to college," Wyatt answers. Sam's expression falters, remembering that that was what he did.

"Really? What for?"

"I don't know yet."

Dad laughs under his breath. "You don't know what you want to be? You should know what you want to be by now. Always think about the future."

"Oh yeah? Why should I be taking advice from a guy who never went to college?"

"Wyatt," I scold, "don't."

Dad and Wyatt are now giving each other glares that could kill. "You know, you really shouldn't take that tone with me."

Wyatt leans forward and arches one of his brows. "Oh yeah? And why is that?"

Dad smiles, amused at Wyatt's arrogance. "Son, I get it. You're playing the whole, 'I'm-mad-at-the-world' charade, but it won't work on me. You're upset and angry because that hellhound killed both your parents and you couldn't do anything about it. Underneath all of that fake 'I-don't-care' attitude, you're just a scared little boy."

From The Mind Of Jemma WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now