10 facts about me

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I was nominated by deansbaby1967 to do the "10 Facts About Me" challenge so yeah

1. I am a high school freshman

2. My birthday is on Monday (Sept. 7)

3. I have had glasses since I was 7 months old

4. I was the first girl born on my dad's side of the family in 95 years

5. I am the oldest of three girls

6. I have hemifacial microsomia and microtia, causing me to be deaf in my right ear

7. Because of my poor hearing, I'm trying to learn ASL

8. I'm taking Spanish at school, but I also know a little Irish and I want to learn Irish once I've finished learning ASL

9. I have a strange affinity for Greek mythology

10. I live about 20 miles south of Rochester, NY

Okay! So now you know a little bit more about me. I nominate @The_Squish @beccat23 and 

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