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!!!Warning! Attempt of Suicide!!!

Do not read if it may trigger something!


It had been a week since Hoseok was living with Taehyung. It had been a week since they learnt tiny things about each other. It had been a week since Hoseok took care of Taehyung.

And after that day Taehyung observed him. From the things he said to the things he did. And he came up with that he was extremely energetic, he was always chirping in the morning and glowing.

Hoseok was very soft for people especially children. One time someone bumped into him when he was throwing the garbage and Hoseok apologized. He smiled and bowed and the person couldn't even keep their scowl that they had.

Hoseok was easy going, bubbly, friendly and he never got mad. Not even when Taehyung messed up the place after he went to work. He just sighed and asked Taehyung to clean up with a please. Who was Taehyung to refuse.

"Alright Taehyung see you this evening I have work bye bye~!" The door slammed shut not expecting anything.
Because Hoseok noticed that Taehyung didn't really like to talk.

He was quite, introverted and Taehyung wouldn't admit but Taehyung is a bit shy and anxious. Hoseok could tell behind that blank face he was freaking out to talk to someone. That one time when someone knocked on the door he remained the blank yet fidgeted.

So Hoseok opened the door and talked to the person in place of Taehyung. He realized that Taehyung slept a lot or not. When Hoseok would wake up during the night he would find Taehyung staring at his computer screen or the TV's or Hoseok would see him sleep all day.

So from that day on Hoseok payed more attention to things he said and the things he did because he didn't want what he was suspecting to be true.
Why he had this gloomy aura all the time.

Why he seemed so sad. Why he never smiled or just his lip would twitch. Why he would eat a lot or just not want to eat. Why Hoseok found him vomiting his guts out in the bathroom one night.

He didn't expect to find out today..

Without the older at home Taehyung suddenly felt strange. He realized that happened when Hoseok left for work. He suddenly felt bored out of his mind. He plopped on the chair feeling the loud silence that he hadn't heard in a week engulf him.

And once again he was left his thoughts. He was left with the horrible thoughts.

'Waste of space.'

'You worth nothing.'

'You cant do anything right'

'All you do is make people pity you'

'It's all your fucking fault.'

"Go away..." He whispered to himself feeling his throat close up. This is what silence did to him, he was left with his toxic thoughts that he was starting to believe one by one.

'Why? Because you're a weak bitch?'

"No..im not."

'Ha! Hear yourself, your crying over a little shit talk.'

Taehyung felt his cheeks feeling tears cascade down them.

'You weak fuck.'

Silent tears wet his cheeks feeling the sickening empty feeling swallow him. He felt sick.

"Its my fault...its all my fault. I killed them. I should've been there."

'Yeah you should, now they're gone... You should meet them you bastard.'

Taehyung got up and moved to his room. He filled up the bathtub and took out a pen and a piece of paper.

To Joonie hyung, Jinnie hyung and my parents.

I'm sorry, i couldn't take it anymore. I love you guys.

And I'm sorry you had to see something like his Hoseok hyung.


A tear dropped on the paper as Taehyung set it aside. He slipped into the cold water not minding that some water over flowed from the tub.

'This is it...after this no one will have to worry about me. They won't have an extra burden on their shoulders..'

Taehyung closed his eyes and let his head slip under the water. When he felt his lungs burning for air, rejecting the water he didn't fight it. When he felt his head pound from the lost of oxygen he didn't fight it. And when he felt consciousness starting to slip from him he let it.




He felt himself yanked out of the water making him gasp for air hearing someone panic over him. "Taehyung?! Taehyung! Oh God please no.." His eyes flutter open seeing Hoseok with tears streaming down his face holding his head above the water.

"Hoseok..?" "Oh God! Taetae?" His voice cracked wiping the hair out of Taehyungs eyes. "Are you ok? What are you doing!?" "Im sorry... Im so sorry im so stupid and useless I-I-" Hoseok cried wiping the tears streaming down Taehyungs cheeks.

"Its ok, its ok alright see? I got you, hyungs got you, Yeah?" Sobs wrecked the younger's shoulders blaming everything on himself. He was so stupid, so pathetic.

Hoseok silently brought his head to his chest letting Taehyung cry it out. Letting his choked up sobs let free ignoring the fact that he got wet. Because right now, Taehyung was vulnerable.

And he made a promise to himself, whatever Taehyung was going through. He was Going to help him get through it and see the younger smile..


Hey guys.
Suicide is no joke. And if you have these thoughts you should speak to someone and if theres no one you can speak to. Yoonji's always here alright?

We ARMYs have to have each others back. Cause it aint a fandom at this point its a family. 💙

So stay safe and beautiful for me hm?

-Yoonji 🖤

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