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Hoseok turned to him shocked. "M-me?" "Yeah.. Everyone gets sad right?" "W-well there isn't anything really for me to complain about, I-I mean I have everything I need."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "What makes you sad?" "U-uh world hunger?" Taehyung dead panned before bursting out in laughter shocking Hoseok.

He was laughing...
Taehyung was laughing!

He smiled at the sound that seemed like music to his ears.

"God you're stupid!" "Hey!" Taehyung let out another fit of laughter as Hoseok rolled on top of him punching him lightly with his fist.

Taehyung held his fist in his bigger hands still laughing his ass off.

"Wow, what a day." He chuckled smiling at Hoseok who blushed.

He. Was. Fucking. Cute.

His smile that shaped itself like a little box --made his eyes crinkle up was utterly adorable. He went from hot daddy to soft wittle baby.

Hoseok poked his cheeks with a cute pout.

"It's not fair how your smile is cuter than mines.."

Taehyung chuckled. "Don't worry love your smile is still very cute." Hoseok giggled cutely as Taehyung held onto his waist so that he was steady.

"What a tiny waist." Hoseok looked down and flushed. "U-uh sorry." Taehyung smirked and got up like nothing making Hoseok wonder how much time he spent in the gym.

"Let's go inside shall we?" Hoseok nodded burying his face in Taehyung's neck feeling warm and safe. What a cuddly giant Taehyung was.

The latter walked up the stairs his hands holding onto the thićč thighs of Jung Hoseok opening the little door and bent down to go through.

"Good job love. It looks pretty." Hoseok blushed humming into his neck. Taehyung kicked off his shoes slipping a hand under Hoseok's butt to hold him while he slid off the vans.

"Thank youu~" Hoseok said cutely making him chuckle. Taehyung sat on the couch like chair letting Hoseok straddle him still snuggling into his neck. The younger wrapped his arms around the older who seemed so quite all of a sudden.

"What's wrong love?"

It was quite for a while until Hoseok hesitantly answered.

"My parents.. Make me sad.."

Taehyung looked shocked hearing little sniffles.

"Love? Petal? What's wrong?" He asked freaking out that Hoseok was crying. Why was he crying?!
"Nothing just.. Stay with me... please?" Taehyung nodded hugging him closely. It was obvious he didn't want to talk about it.

"I had fun today.. It was really nice.." Hoseok sniffles and finally came out of his hiding space with big glossy doe eyes and a wobbling bottom lip, cheeks all flushed from the warmth of Taehyung's neck.


"Really?" Taehyung nodded and smiled himself seeing the older smile. He cupped the older cheeks with his hand rubbing his thumb over the soft chubbiness. "All thanks to you."

Hoseok giggled happily.

"I'm happy!" There it was. The glow that was once lost a few seconds scaring Taehyung. The heart shaped smile that made his heart flutter.

"Me too, sunshine.."

"Where are you going?" Hoseok mumbled in awe seeing Taehyung dress up in a suit. The man looked at him and chuckled at his state. "I'm going to work. "

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