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Taehyung followed the giggles and footsteps of the playful older. He was chasing the boy straight to his hiding space. Taehyung would've easily caught up, but why would he ruin those cute giggles and squeals.

"Sunshine! You'll slip, slow down!" "Come on Tae Tae! That wont- Ouch!" Taehyung's eyes widened and he quickly caught up to the pouting boy. "I told you to be careful love- fuck are you ok?"

Hoseok giggled and smiled widely, his brunette hair dropping in his face being wet.

"I'm oki!" Taehyung sighed and easily lifted up the squeaking male as he held him by his thighs. In silence they walked through the wet forest.

"Look taetae." Hoseok whispered pointing at the trees in the distance. Taehyung froze looking at the huge tree that was once drying out from the heat. The tree was going to die last time they saw it, its leaves drying too quickly.

Now it was finally getting some rain, finally getting what it needed. 

"Sometimes a man's trash is another's treasure." Taehyung stared him and smiled a bit continuing there journey till they reached the tree house. 

The male climbed the wooden steps of the beautifully built house and chuckled as they stumbled in. "You're stupid you know that?" Hoseok gasped fakely offended.

"I'm not stupid, just cute." He cupped his face smiling making his dimples pop out and Taehyung laugh.

"You've got dimple in like the weirdest places.. " He smiled a little looking at Hoseok with something in his eyes that made the older's stomach do flips.

"But it's cute." He blushed again for like the millionth time. It wasn't like he easily blushed, Taehyung just had a charm to him and his smile. God, his smile it was beautiful.

Taehyung placed the male on the floor following as he waddled away to the open balcony. The view was pretty despite being in the forest. Little animals ran around sometimes and the trees danced in the rain together.

The brunette smiled leaning his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"See... The rain isn't that bad is it?" Taehyung chuckled around kissed the crown of his head making him squeak surprised.

"It's actually very pretty now... No wonder they loved it so much." Hoseok smiled and went back in taking the multiple pillows and blankets he saved placing them on the floor making a make-shift bed.

It looked very comfy actually.

He went into the corner and took two pairs of hoodies and sweats blushing as he gave Taehyung a set.

"Wait- these are mines? My clothes, how did you get them?" Hoseok glared at him knowing that he knew exactly how he got them.

He stole them.

He huffed out the hair in his eyes and looked away. "No comment." Taehyung chuckled and pulled off his shirt earning a pretty blush.

His skin was slightly still wet, glossing up his strong and tanned figure. Defined abs on display for Hoseok to drool over. Taehyung smirked lightly seeing his flustered state and stepped foward making him step back, they kept going until Hoseok was against the wall blushing furiously.

"You know... Hyung.. " why did it sound so mocking? He was indicating that Hoseok was older yet he felt as if he wasn't the superior one here..

"You're eyes are all over me.. " He whispered hauntingly, gently brushing the hair out of Hoseok's face sliding his hand down to behind his ear cupping his jaw line.

"It ain't fair... You've got all your clothes on. " Hoseok squeaked pushing him away blushing even more when Taehyung let out a throaty laugh.

"Pervert!" Taehyung laughed loudly before flopping onto the comfy sheets and pillows propping his head up on his hand. Hoseok huffed. "Close your eyes."

Taehyung chuckled and followed his request hearing shuffling, he was changing his clothes.

A small smile graced his lips feeling the small figure come closer to him. "You- can open your eyes now.. "

God was he beautiful. A light pink hue on his cheeks, fluffy brunette hair falling onto his forehead and pink lips slightly parted. How his big brown eyes sparkled naturally. He wore Taehyung's hoodie with shorts showing off his long, smooth, pale legs and thick thighs.

While Taehyung? A handsome closed lip smile lingering, his features were sharp and his dark eyes trailed over Hoseok. Raven locks ruffled to perfection. Only sweats on, his upper body showed off proudly. Deathly handsome.

Hoseok let out a small breathe and lay down, burying his head into Taehyung's chest when the younger pulled him closer.

"Since... You told me about your parents.. You wanna hear about mine?" Taehyung nodded remembering that Hoseok said that they make him sad. He wanted to know if he had to murder someone.

Hoseok took a deep breathe tracing the tattoos Taehyung had. How they swirled and formed, all connected in some way.

"Well.. I wasn't meant to be born.. I was an accident and they never let me forget it." He whispered out mind going back to his past.

"I was always an energetic kid, always bursting with idea and energy. So I wanted to dance, it was my dream for so many years but they wanted me to be a lawyer. Now I'm finally get to do it." A smile graced his lips but it soon falters.

"They would mentally abuse me, s-sometimes even physically." Taehyung wrapped his arms around him holding him tightly hearing the slight crack in his voice.

"A-and when it was my fourteenth birthday, I finally found the the courage to tell them.. I said 'mama, papa I don't like girls.' He chuckled bitterly. Then they gave me the worst beating I had ever received, it hurt to breathe for 3 days." A shake breathe left his lips clutching onto Taehyung with tears in his eyes.

"They kicked me out on the streets and left me to fend for myself..." Warm tears cascades down his face breaking Taehyung's heart.

"A-and I loved them so much, I just wanted to make them proud so I-I studied, I played football when I wanted to play tennis a-and it never was enough." He cried softly, whimpering in the warm embrace.

"It's ok Sunshine, they're assholes, they don't deserve a son like you." He said deeply, rage laced in his voice making Hoseok shiver looking up into his eyes.

They stared at each other, breathe completely taken away at how the other looked so handsome.

"Do you have something to say sunshine?" Taehyung questioned softly seeing how hesitant he was, he rubbed his thumb on his cheek a way how Hoseok a late comforted him.

'I really like you.. '

"Thank you." Taehyung smiled down at him and gently placed a kiss on his forehead making him smile.

"No problem."

Hoseok lay on Taehyung's chest closing his eyes and inhaling his natural comforting scent. He slowly dozed off into one of the best sleeps he had ever had.

Taehyung chuckled at the boy and kept running his hand through the brunette locks.

"I have something I really wanna say.. " he whispered well aware that the other was asleep.

"I like you Sunshine.. "


I am not dead 😃🤌
Well- that is physically at least. 💀

-Yoonji 🖤

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