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Hoseok lay with Taehyung's head in his chest, softly stroking his black, curly locks as he was asleep. Taehyung's arms were wrapped around his waist tightly not wanting to let go and his face buried in his chest.

And Hoseok did not mind. Because he knew what the younger was going through and he wouldnt make him say a word unless he wanted too.

How did they reach here?

Well Hoseok got Taehyung to calm down then he got him out the bath. He let him change and then Hoseok dried his hair seeing the younger was too tired to move anymore.

And i guess he fell asleep in this position. After all Hoseok had a very nice scent. It was sweet and calming. Like peaches and cream. (Yes)

He caressed the wet tear stain on his cheek with soft, sad eyes. He sighed rubbing the younger's back with his sweater paws thinking back to earlier today. Hoseok never wanted to see that again. It was terrifying..

He felt his heart clench hard yet painfully beat widly in his chest. He could barely breathe, he felt as though he was under the water. Without a thought he pulled him out shaking when the younger only responded to him after a while.

'How long has be been like this!?'

'I shouldve stayed home'

'I shouldve trusted my gut..'

He felt so guilty knowing that the younger was going through something so tough and he just pushed aside not wanting to believe it.

Taehyung shuffled on him making his eyes snap open looking at the waking up man. He groaned deeply snuggling right back into Hoseok and he thought it was over until Taehyung flipped him ontop of himself making him squeak out blushing deeply.

He was now straddling him. He gulped with wide eyes seeing Taehyung wake up.

"Hi?" "H-hi." He gulped not sure where to put his hands instead holding them to his chest. Taehyungs eyes widened his mouth gaping but he couldn't talk.

"I- sorry I thought you were my pillow." Hoseok didnt know if he should coo or sink in a hole. "It-its ok- um." He gasped feeling Taehyung lift him so easily by the waist yet so gently and place him on the bed next to him.

Hoseok looked up from his folded knees to Taehyung who hid his face in his hands. "Tae?" He asked gently placing his hand on the younger's head, caressing it gently.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm sorry that you have to worry so much, why did you come home? You had work. Did I make you have to stay? God I'm sorry." "Hey, hey calm down it's all good."

Hoseok flashed him a pretty smile. He looked so adorable. His bed hair all messed up to perfection. His purely white teeth on display and his skin naturally glowed. Hoseok was a Goddess.

"See? I'm fine, you're fine it's all good bub take it slow hm?" Taehyung gulped hesitantly nodded.


He felt his heart flutter at such an adorable name. 'Do I even deserve it for what I put him through?'

"Your over thinking again huh bub?" "What? How?" "When you crease your eyebrows and space out you're over thinking." Hoseok traced his eyebrows smiling when it did the trick to make his frustrated look go away.

"You smile too much.." Hoseok pouted. 'Sorry Hoseok.. I can't get too close. I'm not worth it.' "You don't smile enough." Hoseok poked his cheek smiling at his glare, completely unbothered. He could read Taehyung like an open book with pictures.



Taehyung sat at the counter watching Hoseok hum while making ramen. The night was cool, the smell of delicious food in the air and a sweet voice humming. He could go straight back to sleep.

A soft clink or bowls made his droopy eyes open again seeing Hoseok place food in front of him. Normally he wouldn't eat. Normally he wouldn't sleep. But who was he kidding things weren't 'normal' anymore.

He was living with someone. That someone is natural human comforter that give the brightest smiles and comfortable vibes. That person cooks good ass food. "Thank you.." "Welcome bud." Hoseok giggled, silently eating the younger.

"When was the last time you went out?" "Uh. A few months ago." Hoseok near damn choked. "You don't work?" "Yeah but from home." "Oh.. Lucky bastard." Taehyung's lips twitched as Hoseok pouted.

"You don't enjoy being out?" "Yeah it's really fun! Even better when go with your fri-" the ringing of Hoseok's caught his attention. "Gimme a sec, Tae."

"Hello? Kookie?"

Taehyung poked around at his food not feeling the urge to eat. He can't eat, he'll just vomit it up. He pushed away the bowl and stared at Hoseok instead who was on his phone call.

"Kookie.. This really isn't a good time.... I know but i-... Kookie hyung said no. I can't let you come here as yet .... No! What? No! No one is kidnapping anyone!... Kookie? Kookie!" Hoseok stared at disbelief at his phone.

"That brat hung up on me!"

Hoseok pouted but then remembered what they talked about. "Tae I'm so sorry. I know this is a bad time and - and I really tried to stop him but he's really stubborn and-" Taehyung suddenly poked his forehead making him shut up.

"You're ranting." He grumbled making Hoseok giggle. "My- my friend.. He um said he wanted to.. Meet you- a-and! Don't worry I can make him not come here it's just that he's freaking out like what if this dude's like that one and yadadada-" Taehyung stared at the boy amused again. 'He talks a lot.'

"Sure." "I know and I'm sorry- what?" Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle. He got up and took his bowl to the sink. "I said sure, love. He can come here do all the inspections he needs I'm ok with it."

Hoseok flushed. Love? "Thank you.. Tae Tae." "No problem hyung." He giggled as Taehyung went to his room. "Going to bed?" He hummed so Hoseok followed him.

And in that week Hoseok always made sure to do his magic. "I have a question Tae." "Shoot." "You- you have y'know.." Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Sleep paralysis? depression? Anxiety? Terrifying nightmares and lucid dreams? Yeah it ain't a secret anymore." He scoffed lightly and Hoseok felt his heart ache.

"What can I do to make it better?" Taehyung froze at his words staring at him blankly. "What?" The boy scooched closer to him and ran his fingers through the fluffy, raven hair.

"What can I do to make you feel better."

'Come sleep with me..'

"Nothing. At least I don't know."

Hoseok nodded softly. "Well when you sleep I'll do my magic and sing you a song, and when you feel anxious I can brush your hair and tell you it's gonna be ok and when you feel down you can come talk to hyung and when you feel stuck hyung will come help you."

'Why are you doing this?'

The boy smiled lightly at him. "Close your eyes." Taehyung followed his instructions feeling Hoseok light fingers thread through his hair making him sleepy. "With a little bit of sugar and a lil bit of spice with my magic you'll sleep really nice.."

Taehyung felt a bit better hearing that someone was there for him when he felt down. Someone was there to wake him up when he couldn't move. Someone was there to put him to sleep when he couldn't close his eyes without remembering that day.

The warmth of Hoseok's hand, the sweetness of his honey like voice and his calming smell, his kind words. Taehyung felt his body relax and he allowed himself to drift away to sleep.


Not me writing long chapters
I just woke up, im on my period and i feel like total and utter shit.

Edit 11/1/22: This is my favorite chapter ngl.


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