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Hoseok was ... On edge.

I mean he had been living with a man who he thought he knew, who he thought he understood-- but it seems you don't actually know someone till you live with them, you only know them when they let you know them.

"Ready to go?" There it was, that deep, raspy voice still gave him goosebumps. He turned around seeing the man fix roll up his botton up shirt's sleeve, the tattoos Hoseok wondered the meaning of showing themselves, swooning Hoseok.

"Mhm, ready.. " Taehyung sighed and strided over to him lifting the nervous' chin with his fingers. "Promise nothing will change love, I'm still me whether I work with Gucci or not. "

"Pinky promise? " Hoseok raised his finger with innocent eyes making Taehyung smile softly at the cute act but nevertheless join pinky fingers with the nervous ball of sunshine.

"Promise.. "

"Woow!" Hoseok breathed out seeing the huge building.

Taehyung chuckled

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Taehyung chuckled. "Like it? " "Like it? This place looks cool!" Hoseok giggled waving to himself through the reflected mirrors while people on the inside either coo at him or watch him as if he was a mad man.

"Come here darling." Taehyung rolled up his sweater paws so that his hands can actually breathe for once. "Oh! Thanks tata." He giggled happily excitely following Taehyung inside.

Hoseok looked around and then saw a very pretty lady at the receptionist desk. "Jennie." "Hi Mr. Kim oh? And who's this cutie?" Hoseok slightly hid himself behind Taehyung making her coo.

"This is Hoseok, hyung this is Jennie if you need anything don't be afraid to ask her yeah?" Jennie smiled at how soft the younger spoke to him, like he would break at any moment.

"Hey Hoseok. " "Heyo Jennie." He smiled still clutching on to the back of Taehyung's shirt. She chuckled. "Adorable oh yes and Mr. Kim scheduled a meeting with you for tomorrow evening at 3."

"Ok and the stocks on project 380?" "Going just fine Sir, Mr. SeokJin is personally bringing the files for you, he won't let anyone lay a finger on it." Hoseok stared between them like a little kid concluding with a pout that it was boring to listen to so the little shit decided to wander in a place he knew nothing about.

The building was honestly just workers running around with files and phones in their hand. He stared at someone who was typing away the woman who was either flirting or asking for a male to do her work load for her.

He kept walking around until he bumped into someone falling on his butt with an 'oof'. "Sorry- hey you dont work here, who are you?" Hoseok looked up seeing a very tall and handsome man.

He had blue hair and glasses on. He looked expensive and neat. Hoseok got up and bowed quickly. "Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going um, you're right I don't work here, haha.. Um.. " Hoseok was intimidated by his slight glare and raised eyebrow.

This man looked as if he could throw him into a wall no problem. "He's with me hyung. " Saved by the fucking CEO himself.

Taehyung poked the olders head with a raised eyebrow. "He ran off somewhere when I was talking to my receptionist. " "I was bored, you were talking about something so grown up I felt like a 5 year old. " Hoseok mumbled in pout making Taehyung scoff.

"You act like a five year old. " "Do not!" "Do too now hush before I tickle you till you pee your pants." Hoseok pouted looking away from him with folded arms making Taehyung chuckle.

"This is Hobi hyung. Hoseok, Namjoon. " Namjoon looked at the pouting boy with wide eyes. "This is him?" "Wait you know me?" Hoseok suddenly spoke up. "I don't think we've met before." "Yet, I'm Namjoon as Taehyung said, pleased to meet you Hoseok. " He smiled making Hobi smile at his dimples.

"Nice to meet you too!" "Joon baby- oh? Who is this?" Hoseok gasped at the male's visuals. What a God.

"This is Hobi Jinnie. " 'Jinnie gasped. "Like the one Taehyung talks about?" "He wha-" Oh.. Goodness!" Jinnie squealed lifting up the younger in his arm earning a squeak.

"He's so cute and small and adorable! " "Uh- thanks?" "Alright Jin hyung put him down." Taehyung sighed pulling back a partly traumatized boy. The God just held him.

"Let's go, we can talk to these weirdos later."

"Hey! "

Hoseok giggled. They were fun. "Bye bye! I'll see you later!" And who could not smile at his cute charms?

Hoseok followed Taehyung to an elevator and saw him press a golden K sign like the one at home.

"Love?" Hoseok looked at him and then remembered he was supposed to be mad and pouted looking away making Taehyung chuckle.

"Are you still mad at me sunshine?" Hoseok remained quite hearing the soft ding from the elevator.

Taehyung wrapped his arm around the olders shoulder bringing him to his office. Hoseok looked around the huge place before running to the window seeing the view of the huge city.

It was so cool. Taehyung sat in his spiny chair watching as Hoseok moved around his office looking at all the trophies and books curiously. He rubbed his lip thinking of how to make Hoseok not mad at him.

"Sunshine, come here." The said boy looked back seeing Taehyung with his legs spread and blushed. Why does he have to look at him as if he was just gonna..

Hoseok shook his head and waddled the the younger pulling at his sweater paws that somehow undid themselves.

Taehyung held onto his waist making him gasp. "Don't be mad anymore Petal, please?" He said in soft voice. Hoseok pouted and raised his hand ruffling the younger hair making the boxy grin appear.

"You're lucky that you're adorable." He grumbled making Taehyung chuckle pulling him to his lap smirking when his cheeks blossomed into the red shade he learned to adore.

"So... You're a boss?.." Hoseok asked getting comfortable in Taehyung's lap. "Yes. CEO of Kim's Corp. at your service." Hoseok giggled softly. "What do you do?" "Well I model for a lot of brands, even own a few."

"Like?" Taehyung chuckled. "Why don't I just show you."


Taehyung wants to show Hobi a lot of things.. 😏
Double update cause haha the fuck not? 😃

-Yoonji 🖤

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