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Hoseok groaned in his sleep feeling himself wake up. His fingers searched for the younger only to pout when the bed was empty yet still warm.

"Mornin sunshine." The deep voice filled his ear, sending shivers down his spine. He blinked open, turning his head only to see the younger near his head, a small smile playing on his lips.

Hoseok gave a sleepy smile. "Mor-" he suddenly froze when he tried to move. Pain shot up his back, getting a quite whimpered out of him. "T-tae." He whispered with a shaken breathe, his heart started thumping wildly against his chest.

"Hm?" The man hummed seemingly looking for something. Hoseok felt tears cloud his eyes. "I-im sorry! I didnt m-mean- what happened, my-you-"  Taehyung looked back with wide eyes seeing him hyperventilate. He dropped the shirt rushing to the bed to hold Hoseok's hands seeing him try to rip out own hair.

"Hey! Hey! Hobi, sunshine. Look at me!" He started to freak out when he tensed upon completely, unshed tears glossing his shaky orbs. 'Panic attack.' He thought carefully bringing him into a hug. "Shhh calm down sunshine, it's ok. It's all ok. I'm right here." He whispered in his ear with a soft voice rubbing his back and nape.

Hoseok let our broken sobs wrenching Taehyung's heart. "I-im so sorry- I don't k-know why I did that! " he cried, finding it hard to breathe. Taehyung held him close. He hated seeing Hoseok like this, like him. Like how he used to be, before Hoseok came into his life.

"Baby it's ok. I don't mind ok? You haven't done anything wrong love. Now breathe with me you wanna do that?" Hoseok nodded in his neck, still letting out broken cries.

"Ok, in.... Out. There we go darling. Again. "

Taehyung softly instructed, taking deep breathes with the older until he was only sniffling in his hold. Until he calmed down enough in his embrace

"Thats it. You did well flower." Hoseok sniffles  feeling himself drowned in the warm hug. "I-im sorry Tae.. I feel l-like I took advantage o-of you. I-im not supposed to do th-that." He whispered desperately only for Taehyung to gently shush him.

"It's ok, we're ok. You didn't take advantage of me Petal, I willingly did it too." Hoseok felt his stomach burn. "Y-you did?" He quitely asked pulling back with a trembling bottom lip and glossy eyes.

Taehyung marveled at be sight, carressing his cheek softly smiling when Hoseok reached up to hold onto his wrist. "What if I say I enjoyed it?" Hoseok let out a shaky breathe, absentmindedly biting his lip. The simple action unknowingly drove Taehyung insane.

"I-I.. Just want this to not change us.. To not make you think a-any differently of m-me.." Taehyung smiled at him and leaned down kissing his forehead, letting his lips linger while Hoseok closed his eyes, savoring the giddy feeling that came.

"Nothing's changed sunshine." Taehyung reassured and of course being him he smirked. "Besides that now you look a little more sexy with my marks." Hoseok blushed madly and whinned hitting his chest emmiting a laugh. "Now is NOT the time for teasing me!" Taehyung let out a throaty laugh and smiled widely.

"But seriously, nothing has changed darling." Hoseok nodded looking down, a pretty glow of pink still on his cheeks.

Taehyung gave him one last hug before carefully standing up. "Let me get some painkillers. Namjoon said that he saw a beach resort that looked a little more comfy than here. Would you like that, love?" Hoseok sighed dropping back onto the bed.

"I don't mind.. " that was the last of his worries. My God he just had rough, dirty sex with his best friend! Right after he promised to make those feelings go away! He felt as if they grew deeper and they did! Taehyung took such good care of him. He made sure Hoseok was ok even though they did it rough. Hoseok still remembered how his touch lingered all over his body, his soft forehead kisses and praises.

His cheeks blew aflame and he closed his eyes.

He remembered how hot the younger looked. How he looked at him, with dark lustful eyes another emotion he couldn't figure there as well..

And now on top of all that. Taehyung said it was ok and for God's sake he said he enjoyed it. Hoseok felt so flustered he covered his face with his hands even though Taehyung was organizing pills and could not see him.

He had to admit...the younger railed him good... Like really fucking goo-

"Hey love, found them... Are you blushing?" "No!" Hoseok sat up only to wince again. Really fucking good..

"Hey hey be careful. Take this." He took the pill, putting it in his mouth and downing the water with it. "Thanks." Taehyung hummed putting on his shirt.

"I'm going to take a look at the house. There's food on the nightstand and the tv remote right there. I helped you take a bath when you were kinda knocked out." Another reason to blush. Taehyung chuckled and took the keys leaning down to the extremely flustered man.

"Hey.. Don't worry. It's all good ok?" I love you..

Taehyung hesitated before leaning down, kissing him softly on his forehead, his nose ...then his lips. Hoseok kissed back although in shock giving a little access to Taehyung's tongue with a moan.

The man pulled back almost making Hoseok whine. "See you soon doll." Taehyung smiled and headed for the door, opening it and closing it.

Hoseok stared at the door with wide eyes.

Nothing's changed...

Nothing's changed...

Nothing's changed...

Nothing's changed...

Nothing's changed Nothing's changed Nothing's changed Nothing's changed NOTHING FUCKING CHANGED.



-Yoonji 🖤

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