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Hoseok smiled up at Taehyung with a blush on his cheeks feeling the earring dangle from his ear.

"Th-thats really sweet Taehyungie." He giggled and changed his focus to the other one Taehyung wore. "It looks really pretty on you as well." He commented. "Same as you, you should wear these types they look pretty on you." Hoseok nodded.

"Uhh what next?" He changed the subject feeling his stomach being swarm with butterflies, he felt so giddy and that made him feel sick. He wasn't supposed to feel these things right?

"Are you hungry? We've been in the market a while." Hoseok's eyes lit up. "Oh actually yeah I'm kinda hungry." Taehyung nodded and smiled a little. "C'mon I know a place."

Taehyung intertwined their hands and lead them to the car.

As they got in Taehyung put in an address in the GPS. "Oh? What does that restaurant sell?" Taehyung looked over and smiled. "An Arab restaurant, they have these street food called Gyros, it's basically meat and vegetables or you can just get either of the two with sauses and stuff– wrapped in a flat bread." Hoseok nodded.

"That sounds bomb." Taehyung laughed a little and placed his hand on Hoseok's thigh habitually. "It is." Hoseok hummed. "What meat can you put in it?" "Depends on what the restaurant has. They normally have lamb, beef, chicken. I heard you can also get a mix though."

Taehyung made a turn raising his hand off of Hoseok's thigh just for it to go back with a little squeeze. "That makes me so hungry. I'mma go with a chicken and beef mix." Taehyung smiled. "Read my mind exactly." They pulled up to a parking lot and took off the engine.

Hoseok smiled at the restaurant. It was near the beach and wasn't closed up with AC. It was an opened deck, wooden homie vibe. The smoke and smell of food filled the air with delicious scents of meat and other food. Taehyung came out the car and opened the door for Hoseok before he could process.

He held out his hand to the blushing boy. "Your hand, love?" Hoseok held the warm hands and got out the car. "You don't have to Taehyungie." He whispered seeing a few people who probably recognize them whisper. "But I want too." Taehyung locked the car and wrapped his hand around Hoseok's neck.

Hoseok giggled shaking his head as they walked to the restaurant.

Taehyung started to order while Hoseok looked around the place. It was very calming, nothing too extravagant and fancy. Simple and pretty.

After they got their food they went to a table outside sitting down.

Hoseok unwrapped the contents and let out a soft 'woah' earning a chuckle. He took a bite and almost melted. Explosion of flavor and juicy meat made him moan unknowingly. "Heaven?" He whispered dramatically while Taehyung's eyes darkened from his pretty little noise.

None the less he chuckled shaking his head. "Heaven is more...pleasurable." "What's Heaven if this isn't it then?" Taehyung leaned forward, placing his head on his hand before giving a smirk and wink. Hoseok chocked and blushed emitting a throaty laugh.

"N-nasty!" Taehyung smirked not looking away knowing how much Hoseok felt flustrered at his sudden flirting. "Ooo that's fun too."  Hoseok. Was. Red. He dropped the food and covered his face in his hands shinning lowly. Taehyung was laughing at him evilly.

" Adorable my love." My love? It was a slip up right? He didn't mean his love right? Yeah.. Slip up.

Hoseok let out a small breathe and looked up at Taehyung with red cheeks. The afternoon sun, shone on their faces giving them a special glow. "Taehyung.. " Hoseok breathed out in a whisper. The younger looked so surreal as did he to Taehyung.

"You're really pretty.." Taehyung's eyes widened and he cleared his throat looking all over besides Hoseok. Hobi gasped softly seeing something he never saw before.

"A-are you blushing?" He asked, a smile slowly making its way onto his heart shaped lips. "N-no." Hoseok giggled seeing the younger's cheeks turn pink. "Do you like being called pretty Taetae~?" He teased earning a glare but he only giggled.

"Hmm pretty Taetae. " Hoseok mused at his red cheeks. "It's just unexpected o-ok!" Hoseok threw back his head laughing. Taehyung drank water and quickly got the color of his cheeks making Hoseok pout.

"Sad." "What is?" Taehyung questioned. "Your blush, it's gone. It was really pretty."


He giggled.

"Where are those two oblivious lovers?" "Dunno." Jimin shrugged to Jin's question popping a piece of chocolate in his mouth only to choke and fall off the chair. Jin rolled his eyes and patted his back. "You good?" "Y-yea- ack-" He giggled and shook his head patting his back.

"Guys!" Yoongi came running into the room with wide eyes. "What?" Namjoon questioned looking up from his book. "They're coming!" "Babe, clearance." Jimin said and Jungkook nodded.

Yoongi groaned and stomped his foot with a pout. Sometimes it was hard for him to explain things when he was excited. "They're holding hands!" Everyone in the room got up and ran to the window.

"Stop pushing-" This is my ship!" They all tried to hide behind a plant watching the two figures walk with each other laughing and looking away shyly.

"They're so cute, my glasses are fogging up!" "Namjoon, shush!" The man pouted but quickly looked back at the two. Their hands intertwined, swinging between them as they glowed.

They looked happy. Really happy. They could feel tears in their eyes, they never thought they would see either of them like this. Two broken souls glowing happily. Their hearts swelled, little sniffles coming from them.

"Happy." Yoongi croaked out wiping his tears and his boyfriends hugged him kissing his head and cheeks whispering sweet nothings. Jin and Namjoon smiles widely at each other exchanging millions of words with their eyes alone. "He's happy again Joonie.. " Namjoon wrapped his arms around Jin hugging tightly.

Even if it's just a little..

Or forever..

I'll cherish it..


I'm back! I know where I wanna take this story now so updates will be weakly from now on
Thank you for giving me time and reassuring me everything is ok
No more goal!
Love you guys, truly. 🖤


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