Chapter 2

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As soon Dream and Sapnap saw George they stopped talking and smiled and waved to George.

"Morning George" Dream smiled. George just hummed and weakly waved, taking a seat at the island next to Sapnap.

"Sleep well Gogy?" Sapnap said. George just nodded in response. Sapnap let a out a deep disappointed sigh.

"Sapnap he's not going to say anything." Dream wheezed, turning to the stove to  mix the food.

"It was worth a try Dream!" Sapnap groaned. 

George awkwardly smiled. Every now and then Sapnap would attempt to get George to say something, which was always slightly uncomfortable for George, but on the other hand he found also quiet amusing. It was all a game for George, because Sapnap would never actually force him to say something which was always nice to know.

Between the questions from Sapnap which he didn't answer he got asked by Dream if he wanted some food and he quickly nodded, which made Dream laugh a bit. Once the food was finished Dream began distributing the food between three different plates.

"We should do something today." Sapnap said while chewing on his food.

"Yeah we should!" Dream agreed

"George what do you want to do?" Sapnap smiled. 

George picked up his phone and opened his notes app and showed them that he really wanted some curtains for his room. 

His friends agreed and when they finished the food they went to put on some fresh clothes. Once they were done changing they went downstairs and they all waited for each other. George got downstairs and then they all went into Dreams car for the second time in the last 24 hours.

Sapnap connected his phone to the radio and he started to blast his own favorite music. We went from hard metal to the soft songs to love songs. Dream and Sapnap just sang with all the music songs and George just hummed. 

Sapnap thought it would be funny to scare George while he was humming to the song with his eyes closed. So he threw something to George's head and he threw it perfectly on his forehead. George who got scared just got his phone next to him and started typing angrily.  Sapnap watched as he typed and couldn't help but laugh hard to the typing noises. Dream who was driving asked what was happening and Sapnap explained to him what happened. Now Dream and Sapnap were both laughing while George was still typing.

"Not funny you arsehole! That really hurt, when I'm out of this car I'm going to hit you right on your head and if you're still laughing after that I will never even consider talking to you! btw you could have hit my nose.." Sapnap read out loud.  

"I'm sorry my sweet sweet Gogy please talk to me" Sapnap said while giving the phone back to George

Dream who heard all of that just wheezed harder while trying to focus on the road. Now George was typing again and when he was done with typing he gave his phone to Sapnap.

"Okay I will consider Sapnap, but don't call me sweet sweet Gogy anymore! Tell Dream that if he continues to Wheeze I will not hesitate to not even respond to his questions!" Sapnap read out loud again.

Dream immediately stopped with wheezing and focused of the road. Sapnap handed the phone back and he began to sing to the songs again. And George was proud of himself because he could just threaten his friends with not talking and they would do anything for him. 

When they arrived at Home Depot and stepped out of the car George hit Sapnap right on his head just like he said he would. Sapnap fake pouted and Dream just tried to hold his laugh because he didn't want George to ignore him for the rest of George his stay.

They went into the Home Depot and went looking for curtains. George and Sapnap went looking for curtains on the left side and Dream on the right side. But before they split up Dream asked what for color he wanted and George pointed at his blue hoodie. Dream nodded and went out to look on right side. It wasn't a very big Home Depot and George and Sapnap found the curtains quiet quick. Sapnap went to get Dream while George was left alone. George went thru the curtains and found the he wanted. When he found the right length he already saw Sapnap and Dream walking to him. George waved and pointed at the curtain he wanted.

"That's a nice color!" Dream said to George with a smile.

He thought to himself

Instead of saying Thanks he just nodded with and gave them a smile. But when he looked at Sapnap and Dream he thought they had seen a ghost or some shit because they looked shocked. 

"Were you planning on saying something?" Sapnap eventually said

George just gestured a why.

"Because you opened your mouth and it looked like you were planning on saying something." Dream added.

Then George gestured a ~Owh~ . Then he grabs his phone and start typing. He gave the phone to Dream and Dream read it out loud.

"I almost said Thank you." Dream read and then he gave the phone back to George.

"Why didn't just say it?" Sapnap said to George with a sad smile.

George again began typing and gave the phone to Dream

"He didn't feel like it" Dream said to Sapnap

Sapnap sighed and that's were he left it. They all agreed on the curtains and then they went to pay. They arrived at the checkout and they paid for the blue curtains and went back to the car. When they were back at the car. They stepped into the car and began driving.

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Dream, George and Sapnap decided to go the Mac Drive thru. George texted to Dream what he wanted and then Dream and Sapnap ordered. 

"Are you sure you guys want a Happy Meal?" Dream asked.

"Yeah I'm sure." Sapnap said smiling. George just nodded in agreement. 

"Okay Only if you guys are sure."

"Hi, what can I get for you?" - Lady

"Hello, Can I get 2 Happy Meals and with Chicken nuggets and 1 large bag of fries with a double cheeseburger." Dream said

"And do you want something to drink?" - Lady

"Yeah 3 Sprite" - Dream

"Okay you can drive to the next window!" - Lady

"Okay thank you." - Dream

When they all got their food Dream began driving to his house or should he call it their house? He had let George connect his phone to the radio and let him choose what sort of music they were going to listen to. Halfway of the ride George sent Sapnap a text.

I don't wanna choose the songs anymore can you connect your phone to the radio so I can still communicate with you guys?

If you want to say something why don't you just..
You know..
Say it..

Please don't force me into saying things..


George disconnects his phone from the radio and Sapnap connects his. When Sapnap puts on his music. Sapnap begins immediately with singing, Dream is a little disappointed that he can't listen to George his music style but he still quietly sings with Sapnap's music. Dream likes listening to George his music because it feels like it is his way of talking. 

After the long drive home they brought all the trash to the trashcan and they went to sit on the couch. Dream checked his phone for the time and it said it was 7:03 pm. So Dream and George decided to go and hang the curtains. They told Sapnap that he would have to choose a movie.

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