Chapter 22

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Soon he could see what was making the noise. A dog slowly made its way up to him, baring it's teeth and growling.

"George!?" Sapnap yelled, panic now settling in his voice as well. Finally George gained movement as the dog made it's way closer to him, growling at barking. George quickly turned and began running towards the lights. The dog now sprinting after him, barking as loud as it could cause more panic for George.

"George!? George!?" Dream yelled, hearing the barks of the dog. Finally George could feel his voice return to his throat. He began screaming, not saying any words but just screaming. George glanced back behind him to see the dog just inches away from him. He screamed even more.

Hearing George's terrified screams Dream's heart sank. He had no time to focus on the feeling, he need to find his friend. He began sprinting towards the screams.

"George!" Sapnap yelled. Finally George emerged from behind a few trees still screaming and slight tears in his eyes. He dove towards Dream and held onto him like his life depended on it.

"George wha-" Dream didn't have time to ask any questions as an angry dog emerged from where George had ran from.

"Woah!" Sapnap yelled in shock as the dog approached them. The dog stood a foot away from them barking and barring it's teeth at the boys. After a moment Dream became less tense and dropped his shoulders in relief.

"All bark no bite." He simply said. "Sapnap just wave your arms around." Dream instructed.

"What!? Why me!?" Sapnap screeched.

"Because! George is terrified and I can't move. You'll be fine trust me." Dream laughed, slightly gripping onto George, pulling him closer then he already was.

"Hell no!" Sapnap yelled. Dream sighed. He would have to do it himself. Dream turned and passed George to Sapnap. George didn't hold onto Sapnap as tight as he did with Dream but he still gripped onto him.

"Go away!" Dream yelled, stepping towards the dog. The dog continued to bark but stepped backwards. "Go on!" He yelled, his voice sounding a bit more intimidating. He began waving his arms a bit and stepping closer to the dog.

"Dude you're gonna get attacked!" Sapnap yelled.

"No I'm not." Dream wheezed, stepping closer and closer to the dog. The dogs barks lessened and it began to whimper, inching further and further away from Dream. But that made Dream feel bad so he stopped moving closer to the dog. "Go on." Dream instructed waving his hand off a bit to scare the dog one last time so that way it would run. The dog quickly turned and sprinted back into the trees.

"Dude you're a hero!" Sapnap laughed. Dream laughed and rolled his eyes. His attention quickly turning back to George.

"You alright George?" Dream asked. George turned to Dream and viciously shook his head. "Did it bite you?" Dream asked. George slowly shook his head. Dream laughed a bit and rubbed George's back comfortingly.

"That's why you don't run away George." Dream smiled. George frowned and nodded, looking at the floor.

"What were you doing anyway?" Sapnap asked. George glanced over at him and shrugged. He didn't really want to explain. He had talked way too much then what he's used to. He was tired. He didn't want to anymore. No more. He cringed looking back to just now, hearing his screams escape his mouth.

That's embarrassing...

"We should go home." Sapnap suggested. Dream nodded and sighed. Sapnap then turned and got into the car, closing the backseat door behind him.

"Come on George." Dream smiled. George nodded and followed Dream into the car.

The ride home was pretty quiet, just the sound of the radio filled the car. Once they were home George immediately went into his own room. He was too tired to do anything, it was late and he was still slightly shaken up. After about 20 minutes in his room he heard the house go quiet. The others must have gone to bed. He sighed and opened his door. He was thirsty ever since he got home but didn't want to go into the kitchen and risk having to talk about what happened earlier before they left the house.

He slowly crept downstairs as to not let anyone know he was up and out of his room, which was hard because Sapnap and Dream were just down the hall from George. As George crept by the room he couldn't help but wonder, do Dream and Sapnap sleep in the same bedorrr...? George rolled his eyes. Knowing the two of them they most likely slept in the same bed.Slight jealously made its way into George's head. George shook his head, attempting to relief his mind of the jealousy.

Finally, George made it into the kitchen. As quietly as possible he grabbed a cup from the cupboard and placed it on the table, he cringed at the noise the glass made when it made contact with the table.

Why is it so loud?

George sighed and opened the fridge. He winced at the loud noise the fridge made as it opened.

"George?" Dream whispered from behind him, before George had time to react the light in the kitchen flipped on.

"What are you doing?" Dream asked. George turned and pointed to the jug of water in his hand. Dream hummed in approval then took a seat at the island. George couldn't help but wonder if he woke Dream up, or what Dream was doing up, but George didn't ask. He remembered when he told himself no more words tonight.

"Did you have fun? Well besides the dog?" Dream smiled. George nodded and hummed in response, taking a sip of his water. He sat down on the island Then it hit George. He dropped his flowers when he started running.


He groaned and flopped his head down on the table.

"George?" Dream laughed

I liked them though..

He groaned again.

"What happened?" Dream asked. George stayed quiet. Dream sighed. "Here." Dream smiled,sliding his phone to George. George nodded and took the phone and began to type.

'I dropped my flowers that I really liked and wanted when I was running.'  The text read.

Dream smiled.

"Let's go back and get more then." He laughed. George raised an eyebrow. "I mean we only spent like a little bit there and we drove for a while. Come on let's go back. Me and you." Dream smiled.George thought for a second. Dream was right, they weren't there for long and he really wouldn't mind going back. Finally George smiled and nodded.

"Great. Come on let's go." Dream smiled.

Words 1117

Dream and George wholesome moment?

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