Chapter 8

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Word? Maybe? I don't know?

There will be drama in this chapter..

Soooo how was your day? ------------------->

Did you drink some water ------------------->

Do you like this book ------------------------->

Does George need to talk more? ----------->

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

"Okay I'm gonna get Sapnap" Dream laughed as he got up.

George watched as Dream made his way over to Sapnap, waving his arms to get Sapnap to see him. Sapnap just ignored Dream and on with playing. George giggled a bit seeing as Sapnap completely ignored Dream as he saw a wave coming his way.

"Sapnap!" Dream shouted angry but playfully. This made George laugh more.

Love his laugh... Love it... Love him.. Stop That!....
Dream  argued with himself

Dream walked over to Sapnap. George continued to laugh as the two boys now seemed to be arguing. He couldn't hear what they were saying over the loud wind and the sound of the waves but he enjoyed watching their body language. Every now and then someone got pushed as they were now playfully fighting. Now Dream was pushed under water by Sapnap and when he got above water again he pushed Sapnap under water and that went on.

"Hey stranger. What are we laughing at?" A girl asked, she had long brown hair that had been pulled back into a lazy pony tail. George didn't like it. He was more into blondes. She was wearing short shorts and a Bright pink crop top. George didn't like her already.

You can't think about someone like that you don't know... I don't like her.... Please go away....
George internally thought

She sat down next to George inside his little sand hole.

Go out of my hole... Wait... that's sounds weird.. Get out of my sand hole... Still weird...
George thought while becoming stressed.

George stared at the girl a bit shocked. He stared at her attempting to get a name on her.

Wait... I don't know her Right.... Right!?.....
George thought to himself now stressed.

"Helloooooooooooo?" She laughed, waving her hand in his face. George her an awkward smile and weakly waved, still unsure of who she was. Then it him he didn't know her her had never seen her his whole life.

Pleaseee go away.... Don't know you.. GO...... AWAY... PLEASE....
Now screamed to himself.

Instead of leaving she gave George a funny look. Like he was crazy in his mind.

"Uhm..hello? Why aren't you talking?" She asked, kinda aggressively.

Don't be mad at me.. You're the one who came up to me..

George just hummed and scratch the back of his neck awkwardly. 
What else was he supposed to do?

"Okay you're being rude to me." She groaned, rolling her eyes.

"I thought you were cute and liked your laugh so I wanted your number. But now I see you're just ass." She sighed.

So.. Perfect for you to... LEAVE.. Just Leave.... Pleasee....
Now he began to panic.

Despite insulting George she didn't move from her spot.

My spot... Go away.. please...
He was going crazy.

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