Chapter 25

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This chapter was supposed to be out on monday, it's Thursday now. Anywaysss

" I guess I'll just start from the beginning of it." George weakly laughed. "It first started when I was like 13 or 14..." he mumbled.

"What started?" Dream asked.

"The uhm...bullying." George weakly smiled. Before he could go on he shivered a bit. It's cold out here. "Can we um move to the car? It's cold out here." George awkwardly asked.

"Oh! Yeah sure." Dream smiled. The two walked to the car and got into the backseat so it was easier for them to face each other.

"Want my hoodie?" Dream asked once they got in. George thought for a moment then slowly nodded. Dream smiled and slid off his hoodie. He balled it up a bit and passed it to George. George took a moment but he finally slid it on and curled up inside of it. Dream smiled as the boy got comfortable inside the hoodie. He could feel his face heat up a bit but it started to fade as George went on with his story.

"So... when I was younger my voice was...high to say the least." George slightly smiled. "Like it is now..." George mumbled, looking down at his hands that were now messing with the hem of Dream's hoodie. "So my family would always comment on it when I talked." George mumbled, his voice starting to turn to a whisper. "And every now and then my siblings or sometimes even my parents would um..." George trailed off. "They would like make their voice higher and try to mimic my voice." George weakly smiled. "Which I dunno made me a bit self conscious about it I guess..which is....stupid." George weakly laughed to himself.

"Hey." Dream comfortingly whispered. "It's not stupid. I would feel the same way." He smiled.George smiled and nodded then looked back at his hands.

"So um...that's what kind of started it. And when I turned 16 I stopped talking as much, I mean  Is till talked but I just...didn't say a few things." George shrugged. George took a deep breath. Now time for the part that would explain to Dream what happened with Sapnap. "Uhm..and when I was16 I had to go on this little student exchange trip." George weakly smiled. "To America." He mumbled, looking back up at Dream. "I was staying with my assigned American family for about um...6 months I guess." George weakly smiled. "And the whole time I was there I was...mocked..and um...made fun of for the way I talk and the way my voice....sounds.." George mumbled. He could feel tears begin to form. Why was he crying? There was no reason to cry. He was being sensitive about this whole thing. He's over reacting.

"Oh.." Dream mumbled under his breath.

"Yeah Uhm.. yeah it's stupid. It's a stupid reason.." George half heartedly laughed.

"No. No it isn't actually. I mean I get it." Dream frowned. George looked up at Dream, slightly taken back.

He gets it..?

"Then what?" Dream asked.

"Oh yeah while I was there they just kept mocking my accent...saying the exact same sentence I had said in this horrible accent. Which you know was fine at first but...6 months of it non gets to you.." George explained. Dream frowned and nodded, listening and hanging onto every word that rolled out of George's mouth. "And um not only that but they made fun of the different names I had for things." George explained. "You know like how you guys call somethings different names then we do back home."

"Yeah." Dream weakly smiled.

"And they would correct me and tell me I was...wrong." George mumbled. "So that influenced me more into not talking." George shrugged. "And they often just made fun of my voice really."George mumbled, he could feel a few tears fall down his face. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm crying. I don't know why I'm doing all of this." George weakly laughed, quickly wiping his tears away.

"George." Dream smiled. George looked back at Dream, tears still falling down his face. Dream smiled a bit and grabbed George's shoulders, pulling him into a hug. They had been sitting crisscross in the back seat so George sat almost in Dream's lap. George hesitated but eventually wrapped his arms around his friend. Dream grabbed George's lower back and pulled him into his lap, making it more comfortable for them both to hold each other in a tight hug.

George buried his head into the crook of Dream's neck and let the tears fall. Dream sighed and rubbed George's back comfortingly as his friend sobbed into his shoulder.

"You know George...I like your voice." Dream whispered. George didn't answer, he just continued to cry into Dream's shoulder. "I like your accent too. I think it sounds sweet." Dream went on.George's sobs began to calm a bit. "Your voice is so soft and comforting George." Dream smiled.He held onto George tighter and pulled him closer instinctively as he went on to explain the way George's voice sounded to him.

"It always makes me happy to hear your voice. Your little laughs."Dream chuckled. Now George's sobs were only mere hiccups that occurred every now and then.Finally George pulled away from Dream's shoulder to look him in the eyes. Dream inspected George's face. A few last tears fell from his red swollen eyes, and his cheeks were a bright shade of red.

"You like it...?" He mumbled, bringing his voice down to a quiet whisper.

"Yeah." Dream smiled, bringing his voice down to the same quiet whisper. George smiled, his face turning to a brighter shade of red then before. Dream smiled at this and softly lifted his hand to George's face, wiping away the last tear that had fallen from George's face. Once he had wiped the tear away he kept his hand there on George's cheek, cupping his face.

"I like yours too." George smiled, keeping the same quiet whisper. Dream smiled and hummed,slightly leaning in closer to George's face. Dream glanced down at George's lips. George did the same. Soon they were both leaning in. Just before their lips could touch, Dream's phone went off.George quickly whipped his head around at the sudden noise. George sighed and reached over,grabbing Dream's phone from the top of the middle console.

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