Chapter 39

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"I love you."

 Dream froze. A large smile formed on his face. 

"I love you too, George." Dream smiled. 

He said it!
He finally said it!

He said it FIRST!
Dream internally celebrated.

For years George has refused to say 'I love you to Dream. But now, finally, George had said it. He said it before Dream could say it. George sighed and nuzzled his head into the crook of Dream'sneck, sending slight shivers down Dream's back every time George took a breath.

 After a while, George's breathing became more even and soft soon turning into soft snores. Dreamsilently chuckled at the feeling and leaned down a bit to kiss George's forehead, soon falling asleep just as George did.

This is all Dream ever wanted. To be here with George falling asleep in each other's arms whispering sweet nothings to each other. 

They were soulmates.

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

George woke up to the sound of pots and pans clanking together downstairs, followed by a few laughs and conversation, although George couldn't make out what the conversation was about since it was muffled. He groaned and sat up, stretching his arms out, he let out a long satisfying yawn as he did so. After a second he slipped out of bed and walked out of the room and downstairs, following the noises.

"Shut up Dream." Sapnap chuckled.

"What? I didn't say anything." Dream hummed, turning the stove off.

"I know what you were going to say." Sapnap scoffed. Sapnap rolled his eyes but stopped midway, his eyes fell onto George. "Oh hey, George." Sapnap smiled. George groaned and weakly waved, taking a seat next to Sapnap.

 "Hey. You hungry?" Dream smiled. George smiled and nodded. Dream laughed a bit and put two pancakes onto a plate and slid it over to George. George smiled at the freshly made pancakes and began eating.

"So we were talking about going to Dream's parents' house today." Sapnap smiled. George's eyes widened.

Dream's Parents!? 

"Sapnap!" Dream scolded. "I told you to wait!" He yelled. Sapnap shrugged and smiled. Dreamrolled his eyes then looked at George. 

"My mom has wanted to meet you since you got here.." Dream nervously smiled, slight blush growing on his face. George smiled a bit.

"Okay." He mumbled. 

"You wanna go?" Dream asked, a little smile growing on his face. George smiled and nodded. Dream's eyes lit up. "Great! We'll go after breakfast." He smiled. George smiled and nodded, and with that Dream left to go get ready practically running up the stairs. 

"Momma's boy" Sapnap mumbled, playfully rolling his eyes. George just giggled and continued eating his food. 

Finally, they pulled into the driveway. Specifically, Dream's Mom's driveway. 

George began to get increasingly nervous as they drove closer and closer to the house. His nerves were now through the roof as they walked up to the door. Dream smiled down at George and then knocked on the door. George took a deep breath and waited. A moment later a shorter woman opened the door. Her eyes lit up as she looked up at Dream. Surprisingly, Dream's mom was rather short. She is at least 5'4.

Dream must get all his height from his dad.

"Hey, Mom." Dream smiled. Dream's Mom reached up and pulled Dream into a tight hug. Once she released him she looked at both Sapnap and George. She smiled at the two. "Is this Nick and George?" She smiled. Dream laughed and nodded. 

"Hi! I'm Nick." Sapnap smiled. She giggled and pulled him into a hug. 

"And you're George?" She smiled, pulling away from Sapnap. George opened his mouth but quickly closed it. He forced a bit of a smile and nodded. She giggled, not catching onto his now forced smile, and pulled him into a hug. Although, Dream caught on.

 "It's lovely to meet you." She giggled looking at Sapnap and George. "Come in." She smiled, opening the door more. Sapnap chuckled and was the first to walk in, George followed behind him and Dream followed closely behind George, a little sad.

"Jim! Come downstairs Dream is home!" Dream's Mom called out. She looked up at Dream and playfully rolled her eyes, he smiled and chuckled a bit.

"Hey, Mrs. Dream." Sapnap smiled.

 "Yes?" Dream's Mom smiled, chucking at the name. 

"Where's Dream's room?" Sapnap smirked, glancing up at Dream as he asked the question. Dreamglared down at him and squinted his eyes a bit.

"Upstairs to your right." She smiled. Sapnap smiled and grabbed George's hand, dragging him throughout the house. Dream tried to follow but his Dad had already made it down the stairs and begun a conversation with him. Sapnap quickly and easily found Dream's room and walked inside.

 "Ew, he has such a boring room." Sapnap groaned. George just giggled and looked around. The walls were a light shade of green, although to George it was yellow, and the bedsheets matched the walls. There was a small desk in the corner with a laptop and a few pictures. George smiled and made his way over to the desk, inspecting the pictures which had a light layer of dust. George giggled at a certain picture and picked it up to inspect it. The picture was a mirror picture of Dream and his sister in a random store throwing up peace signs and making some sort of kissy face. Dream was significantly taller than his sister just like how he was with his mother which made the picture funnier. Sapnap walked up behind George and looked at the picture in his hand, he let out a soft chuckle as he too stared at the picture. After a second Sapnap took his phone out and snapped a picture of the picture in George's hand.

"I'll send this to you." He smirked, sliding his phone back into his pocket. George smiled and rolled his eyes. Carefully, he put the picture back where he found it, taking one last look at it before doing so. His attention then turned to a bookshelf in the other corner of Dream's room. Sapnap was already standing there looking through the books.

 "Bruh he has a sex education book." Sapnap smiled, turning to George. George laughed and walked over to see if Sapnap was telling the truth. Once he saw it the two of them immediately burst out into laughter.

As they were laughing Dream walked in. 

"What's so funny?" He asked, shutting the door behind him. 

"You have a—a sex education book—in your—your bookshelf-!" Sapnap wheezed. Dream rolled his eyes and snatched the book out of Sapnap's hands and put it back on the shelf. 

"Shut up. I didn't have any other books to fill the empty space." Dream groaned.

This made George and Sapnap laugh even harder.

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