Chapter 33

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"Got you?"

"Dream! Please!" Sapnap whined.

"No." Dream firmly said, not looking away from the road.

"PLEASE the radio music suckss!" Sapnap groaned.

"After that little 'prank' you pulled this morning, there is no way you're getting what you want right now." Dream chuckled.

"Dream can I have the aux cord?" George smiled. Dream sighed and glanced over at George who was looking back at him with a sweet innocent smile. Dream groaned and passed George the cord.

"Wha- what the hell!?" Sapnap yelled. "He was involved too!"

"Yeah, but it was your idea." Dream chuckled. Sapnap groaned and crossed his arms. After a moment Sapnap sat up.

"Is this some sort of bias? Because he can fuck you and I can't?" Sapnap groaned.

"Sapnap!" Dream scolded, his face immediately turning red. Sapnap groaned and sat back again, crossing his arms.

"I want to make this perfectly clear Sapnap." George firmly said. He turned back in his seat to look at Sapnap. "Dream and I have never done anything like that before. And if you say it again I'll smack you across your face and pull a George on you. Do you understand?" George firmly said. Sapnap stared back at George slightly shocked, but then he smiled.

"Damn Dream. So you're not getting anything?" Sapnap chuckled.

"Sapnap!" George yelled. Sapnap smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Fine Gogy." Sapnap laughed. George rolled his eyes and sat back facing forward in his seat, now he was the one pouting.

"Sapnap George doesn't like those jokes like that. Stop it." Dream frowned, looking at Sapnapthrough the rearview mirror. Sapnap nodded in understanding. Sapnap knew Dream hated to make people feel uncomfortable. Especially George. Dream smiled and looked back at the road. The rest of the drive was silent.

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Finally, Dream pulled into the parking lot of the zoo. Sapnap quickly unbuckled and hopped out of the car. Dream chuckled and did the same, followed by George.

"Come on. The ticket area is this way." Dream smiled, leading his friends to a booth.

"Hi!" A man in the booth smiled.

"Hello, can I get 3 tickets? All adults." Dream skilled. The man smiled and nodded.

"Of course! I do want to let you know that we have a stingray area where you can pet the stingrays and a giraffe feeding area as well. If you're interested." The man smiled. Dream chuckled and looked over at Sapnap who was viciously nodding his head. Then he looked at George who smiled and nodded.

"Alright. Can I get tickets for those too then?" Dream smiled. The man smiled and nodded. Dreampassed him some cash and he gave them a few tickets in return. Dream thanked him and then led the two boys into the zoo.

"Alright what do you wanna see first?" Dream smiled.

"We need a map!" Sapnap laughed. After a second of looking around, he ran over to a small booth and grabbed a paper map, then ran back over to his friends. "They don't have pandas." Sapnapsighed. Dream laughed and rolled his eyes.

"What if we go see the cheetahs?" Dream smiled. Sapnap smiled and nodded. "George?" Dream asked. George thought for a moment and nodded.

"I think it's over there." Sapnap guessed, pointing in a random direction.

"Let me see the map." Dream chuckled. Sapnap giggled and handed Dream the map. Dreamskimmed it for a moment then looked up and around him. "It's that way." He smiled, pointing to the right. He then began to walk, Sapnap and George following closely behind.

Soon they made it to the exhibit. Although it didn't seem like there were any animals inside.

"Wait where is it?" George asked, looking around the exhibit.

"Um..." Dream mumbled as he started to look around.

"Um..guys.." Sapnap awkwardly smiled. Dream and George turned their heads to see Sapnappointing at a cement sign. The two walked over and read the sign.

Thank you Gizmo for your amazing 11 years. You will be missed.

Next to the sign was a picture of a cheetah possibly Gizmo.

"Ohh noo!" George frowned.

"Aww, that's sad." Dream mumbled.

"Bummer." Sapnap frowned.

"Let's go look at the brown bear," George suggested. The other two nodded and began to walk to where the brown bear exhibit was. Once they got there they looked around for the bear. After a moment the bear came out of a dark cave and began to walk around.

"Aww look." George laughed as the bear picked at a piece of the tree.

"She looks sad." Sapnap mumbled.

"No, she doesn't! She's having fun!" George protested. They all glanced back over at the bear who was now playing in a small pond in her exhibit. "See!" George giggled. Sapnap laughed and watched as the bear played with the water. After a second a few other smaller bears came out of the cave. "She has babies!" George giggled, pointing at the small brown cubs.

"They're so cute." Dream laughed. Soon the cubs joined their mother in the fun and began splashing around with the water. All three boys giggled and smiled at every little movement the bears made. Although the bears retreated back into their cave.

"Aww." George smiled as they walked back in.

"Let's look at the rhinos! I wanna see if they have babies too. Rhino babies are always cute."Sapnap laughed. The two nodded and began to walk over to the exhibit. They all stood and laughed and giggled as they could see a baby rhino playing with its mother.

The three migrated from exhibit to exhibit laughing and having a good time while watching the animals interact with each other. They soon even came across a few meerkats and watched as they popped their heads out to examine the humans standing before them. George giggled and kneeled down, giving them a small wave. The animals looked back at him, confused, then popped back into their holes.

"Ha! They don't like you!" Sapnap teased. Dream quickly reached over and smacked the back of Sapnap's head.

"Shut up Sapnap." George groaned, getting off the floor

"Let's go pet the stingrays." Dream smiled. Sapnap and George laughed and followed Dream over to the stingray area. After they were finished receiving instructions they washed their hands and then made it over to the pools. Dream immediately stuck his hand into the water and waited. Not even a few minutes later a stingray came up to him and brushed against his hand. Dream chuckled and the feeling and pulled his arm out of the water.

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