Chapter 4

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Sapnap and Dream had to build their wall of pillows again and after that struggle they both said goodnight to each other and then they went also to sleep.

George wakes up and he feels rested. When he now looks through his room he sees that it is still dark which he which means that the curtains are working. He picks up his phone and looks at the time.
9:36 am

He gets up to go to the bathroom  because he feels dirty so he wants to take a shower. George always needs to shower in the morning because he likes the water on his body and also because he hasn't showered in two days, so he feels gross.

He walks to the bathroom and the first thing he notices that his ankle isn't hurting like a bitch. When he wants to go in to the bathroom he sees that it's locked. George knocks on the door and then hears Dream asking who it is on the other side from the door. George just knocks again because he knows he can't answer that question. 

"Who is it?" Dream asked again. The only thing he gets in responds is another knock.  Then he realizes that it maybe be George.

"If it's George knock one time and if it's George not knock two times." Dream says. He is greeted with one knock. 

"What are you doing here?" Dream asks. 

Wait that's a dumb question, he is here because he needs the use the bathroom.

He gets another knock. Then he thinks of a new question George can ask without saying anything.

"If it's urgent knock one time and if it's not urgent knock two times" Dream asks thru the door.  This time he gets two knocks instead of one and after that, he hears George walking away from the bathroom. Then Dream goes back to what he was doing and that was showering. He was half undressed. So he takes off the remaining clothes and steps into the shower. The water isn't too cold or to warm.

George walks away from the bathroom door and walks downstairs where he is greeted with a sleepy Sapnap on the couch. He walks over to the couch and gives Sapnap a little push. When Sapnap doesn't wakes up he again gives Sapnap a push but this time a little harder. When he still doesn't wants to wake up he takes his phone and looks for his alarm. He presses onto the alarm he wants and then he puts his phone on full volume. George then holds the phone against Sapnap's ear. And he presses start..

Sapnap wakes up screaming because he doesn't know what's happening. Then he sees George who is laughing, but not a normal laugh he's laughing really hard and it looks like he's laughing so hard it hurts his stomach. After a few minutes George calms down and then gives Sapnap a thumbs up.

"Why the Hell did you do that, I was sleeping so peacefully and then you walk up to me and start blasting a alarm in my ear. That really hurts you know?" Sapnap says a bit angry. He just sees George start typing and then he gets the phone handed.

"I tried to wake you up with pushing but you wouldn't wake up so the next best thing I could imagine was blasting my alarm by your ear and I'm not regretting it because it was funny." Sapnap read to himself.  He gives the phone and George starts typing again.

"Now shuffle over because I want to sit on the couch too." Sapnap read to himself ones again. After he read that he feels George pushing him and he does what he asked and he goes to the other side of the couch. He gives the phone back to George and George just puts his phone in his pocket. George gave him a gesture for why he was on the couch.

"Dream sent me to the couch at a 3am because I was kicking him and he wanted to sleep peacefully. The mean thing was he also told that I couldn't wake you up because otherwise he would pull a George on me." Sapnap said pouting.

A George?? What is a George..

George got his phone again and started typing:
"What the hell is a George, is it a bad thing? And Dream was right you can't wake me up because otherwise I would hit and kick until you would leave me alone."

"Well that's not very nice of you George. The answer for your question what a George is. It's simple,  Dream would ignore me or just won't talk to me. It's not a bad thing it just simple thing to say instead of saying you going to ignore the other person." Sapnap explained. He could hear George starting to type.

"Okay so my name is now a word you guys use?" Sapnap read out loud.

"Yah basically" Dream said behind them. Dream heard the conversation his friends were having and then felt like he should also say something about it. Before George or Sapnap could react Dream already asked if they want something to eat and they both nodded their heads. 

Dream had made some sandwiches and now they were sitting at the kitchen table. Dream and Sapnap were having a conversation and George was just listening. 

"We should do something today." Sapnap said while taking a bite.

"Yeah we should." Dream agreed

"George?" Sapnap smiled. George nodded.

Another disappointed sigh.

"The beach?" Sapnap beamed.

"I'm down." Dream smiled. "George?" Dream asked.
George heisted for a moment.

The beach? That's a disaster waiting to happen

But when he looed up he saw Dream and Sapnap very exited about the idea. Their smile was so bright you couldn't say no. Right? He weakly smiled and nodded.

"Yes!" Sapnap celebrated. The whole time they were at the kitchen table he saw Sapnap looking at him. Sapnap is so weird George thought so himself.  George gave Sapnap a look. 

Sapnap spoke up: "I swear you were gonna say something!"

"Sapnap leave Georgie alone he probably just yawned because you're too boring." Dream said grinning. They could both hear George typing.

"I'm not boring, I think he yawned because of you!" Sapnap snapped back to Dream. They could hear George typing

"Sureee, I'm way too interesting so it couldn't be me." Dream said. And with that George gave his phone to Dream.

"Dream don't call me Georgie, or I will pull a George on you, Whatever that means and I wasn't planning on saying anything. Sapnap just sees things in his head." Dream reads out loud. Then he gave the phone back to George. They could both hear Sapnap dramatically gasp.

"I didn't imagine it!" Sapnap loudly said

He didn't imagine it and you know it

George pointed to dream's phone and then he began texting the group-app

He did imagine it     
I would know when I'm going to say something       
But let's just get ready for the beach! :)

This day was gonna be hard for George and the worst thing he didn't shower what he so desperately wanted to do.

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