Chapter 10

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"So what happened?" Sapnap asked.

Dream sighed as George pulled away from Dream. He instantly missed the feeling of George cupping his face, caring to his injury.

Lov-.... No Don't think that right now!... Lo-... No!.... LOVE youuuu....... Simp....
Dream was fighting whit his own brain but when he felt a punch in his arm he came back to the reality.

"Ow what was that for!" Dream said a little angry.

"Pussy, George didn't hit that hard!" Sapnap Laughed. "I said. What happened?" Sapnap asked again.

George?.... He hit me...... But it's George...... It was playful.... I'm going to get back on him...... With teasing.... I'm trying to get him to talk to me... My new plan for the months...
This is not the plan yet but I think it's going to work....
Dream thought to himself.

"we were yelling to each other and then I saw you guys walk away and I got distracted. He managed to punch me. A few people saw and quickly found the life guard. he had to pull us away from each other." Dream explained

"Long story short. I'm now banned from the beach for a month and I got a fine." Dream laughed.

"It was all worth it!" Dream said with a smile

"Did you at least hit the man back?" Sapnap asked. Dream laughed and nodded.

"Hell yeah! That is my boy!" Sapnap laughed.

"Oh yeah and here is what happened with my sweet sweet Gogy." Sapnap smiled, handing Dream his phone with the text on it. Dream read the message George had sent to Sapnap and immediately got angry and after that he began to laugh.

"She was flirting with you and then called her boyfriend when things got heated?" Dream laughed. George sighed and weakly nodded.

Flirting with George..... WTF..... While she has a boyfriend.... The only one who can flirt with him is me... ME!...
Dream thought went lose.

"That's what happens to pretty boys" Dream spat out. Without even wanted to say that out loud. But Dream played it of as a joke and smirked.

Pretty boys?...
George face began to get a little pink, as he replayed Dream's words and smirk in his mind over and over.

I'm a pretty boy?... Dream called me pretty?... No.. He is just messing around.. He doesn't actually think that.. We are just friends.... Just friends...
And with that George his blush immediately died down.

"You guys wanna get some food?" Dream asked. Sapnap and George quickly nodded.

"Chilies!" Sapnap suggested. More shouted, but we will leave it as suggested.

"I'm cool with that." Dream smiled "George?" Hoping that he would get a answer. HE glanced at George. George smiled and nodded. Dream sighed so quiet George or Sapnap couldn't hear it.

"Alright then." Dream laughed. He began driving towards the nearest Chilies.

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Once they got there, they stepped out of the car. Dream got out first and opened George his door. For no particular reason, But George thought it was cute. Then George and Dream began walking to the Chilies.

"So you were not going to open my door?!" Sapnap shouted at Dream while he was trying to catch up. After a few second of running he was walking besides Dream.

"That's because you don't have pretty privileges, We don't want George his beautiful soft hand getting damaged by the door. Do we?" Dream joked. George then rolled his eyes to Dream.

Again with the pretty... He was obvious joking.. Right?... Right?!
George thought.

Then Dream opened the door to Chilies. For both of his friends this time. They were seated at a table by the window. The window wasn't very clean but they decided it didn't really matter. They all took a menu cart and began skimming thru it.

"Hi my name is Cassie, I will be your server today." The girl smiled. George, Sapnap and Dream all looked up and smiled back.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" She asked.

"I will take a Coke." Sapnap said to her. She nodded and began to scribble in her little note pad.

"Me too." Dream laughed. She smiled again and nodded continuing to scribble in her note pad. Now turning to George, waiting for his answer.

Shit... I have to talk now.. Shit...
George began to open his mouth and then closed it.

"If you need help deciding we have after, Coke, Pepsi, lemon aid, Chocolate milk, regular milk, Iced tea and a few more." The girl smiled proudly that she got so many drinks out of her head.


"Oh Uh actually he doesn't talk." Sapnap chimed in.

Thank you Sapnap...

"Oh! That's alright." Cassie smiled. She reached into her pocket and handed George a chart with all the drinks they had. George skimmed thru the list then pointed to Fanta orange soda.

"You got it!" She said, scribbling in her note pad. Still smiling what wasn't abnormal but she was really sweet about everything.

"Are yo also ready to order food?" She asked. All three nodded their heads.

"Alright then go ahead." she laughed. She found it very funny that they were all in sink. Sapnap and Dream began to order while George skimmed thru the menu trying to find his order again. Looking for what he wanted. He probably shouldn't have closed it, now he lost it. Luckily he had showed Dream what he wanted, now he just had to hope that Dream remembered his order.

Okay and you?" She asked George but George just stayed silent.

Please Dreamm.. Please...
He looked at Dream with hopeful eyes.

"Ohh that's right! He wanted the grilled cheese with a side of fries. Dream smiled.

Thank god.. Thanks.. Dream..

George looked at Dream and thanked him in facial expressions. Dream just nodded back with a huge smile on his face what read 'No problem'.

"Okay alright. Good choice." She laughed " I will return in a bit with your drinks." She said, then she turned and walked away.

"Good job George with ordering." Dream said. George looked up at Dream and smiled.

"we should get crayons I'm bored." Sapnap groaned. Dream laughed at him but instead of making a joke about how childish he was he flagged down a waiter to get Sapnap some crayons and something to draw on.

"There you go Sap." Dream laughed and handed the Sapnap a little coloring paper and some crayons. Sapnap giggled and began coloring the paper. After a minute Sapnap giggled again and slid the paper in front of George then handed him a crayon.

"Tic-tac-toe" Sapnap smiled. George rolled his eyes and claimed the middle box with an 'X' then slid the paper back to Sapnap. Sapnap groaned and stared at the paper, condesplaining on where to go next. George laughed and waited patiently.

George won.

Words: 1160

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