Chapter 41

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"You two are crazy." 

It was already 1:00 and George still hadn't come down from his room.

"Should we go wake him? Or check on him?" Dream asked. Sapnap thought for a moment then nodded. Dream nodded back and got up off the couch and headed up the stairs. He hesitated but knocked on the door. 

"George?" He asked in a soft voice. No reply. "George are you awake?" He asked, now he had a bit of panic in his voice causing him to speak a bit louder. "George, can I come in?" He asked. After a moment he sighed. "I'm gonna come in George." He warned. He didn't waste another second, he quickly opened the door and looked around. George quickly looked up at Dream, confused and slightly startled. He sat on his bed under the covers with headphones in. Dream took a large sigh of relief. George slowly took off his headphones and stared at Dream still confused.

"I was knocked but I guess you didn't hear me." Dream chuckled. George nodded but kept his confused expression. "Sorry I wanted to check on you. It's already 1:00 and you haven't been down for breakfast or anything yet." Dream smiled. George just nodded and hummed. "You're not hungry?" Dream asked. George just shook his head and glanced down at his phone, pausing his music as he realized this one-way conversation will probably go on for a while. "Are you okay?"Dream asked, catching onto the fact that George wasn't talking. George furrowed his eyebrows and nodded. Dream furrowed his eyebrows and stared at George.

He's lying. 

"No. No, you're not. What's wrong?" Dream asked. George gave Dream a confused look and shook his head. "George talk to me." Dream instructed, walking further into the room and shutting the door behind him. He took a seat at the end of the bed and faced George. George just stared at him and shrugged, showing he had no idea what Dream was talking about. "George, are you feeling okay?" Dream asked. George nodded and shrugged. George took Dream's silence as an opportunity to escape. He got up and walked into the bathroom that connected to his room. He closed and locked the door. Of course, George didn't actually have to go, he just didn't want to sit there awkwardly anymore.

George obviously felt bad about leaving Dream in the dark about the whole thing but can you blame him? It hurt to think that Dream might have told his mother something bad about him that she herself wouldn't repeat. What if it was about his voice...?

The thought pained George. 

He wanted to tell himself that wasn't true. That there was no way Dream would say something like that. But he couldn't calm himself for he had no idea what Dream told her. He sighed, trying to push down the anxiety and hurt. It didn't really work but it was worth a shot. 

George waited in the bathroom for a while only coming out when he heard shuffling and his bedroom door close. He smiled and opened the door. Dream left. George walked over to the light switch and flicked it then laid down on his bed and put his headphones in, resuming his music and turning it up full volume. He went back to mindlessly scrolling through social media. But not even five minutes in Dream opened the door again. George looked up at him, sighed, and paused his music. 

"Hm?" George hummed. Dream sighed and slowly shut the door behind him then walked over to the bed and took a seat at the end of the bed. George gave Dream a confused and awkward face then glanced down at his phone, waiting for Dream to say something. After a while when Dream didn't say anything George let out a long frustrated sigh and pressed play on his phone allowing the music to flow through his ears and get rid of the horrible silence.

"George." Dream finally spoke. George internally rolled his eyes.

Why didn't you say something earlier instead of sitting in silence?...

"Hm?" George hummed, taking his headphones out. 

"Somethings wrong George. Please just tell me." Dream mumbled, his voice cracking in between his sentence. He looked down at his hands and began to fiddle with them, trying desperately to compose himself. George eased up a bit. A huge wave of guilt came over George. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. His heart sank even more. He was unable to say anything. His mouth was open but not even a squeak was coming out. "George, please. I'm begging you just tell me what happened. Say something." Dream pleaded, looking back up at George. George gave him a panicked expression. George simply couldn't say a word. Dream caught onto the pure panic on George's face. "George?" Dream asked, slight panic and concern growing within him. George opened and closed his mouth but couldn't make any sounds, causing more panic to set in. His heart rate and breathing began to speed up.

What's happening? Why can't I say anything??

"George? George, what's going on?" Dream asked, scooting over to sit right in front of George. Complete and utter panic now set into Dream as well as he watched George struggle to make the smallest sound. "George, George just breathe okay? Calm down a second." Dream instructed. George tried his hardest to catch his breath, and after a few minutes, he succeeded. Finally, he took one final deep breath and closed his eyes. "George, what just happened?" Dream asked. George opened his eyes and looked at Dream, he opened his mouth but once again nothing came out. After a second of trying he let out a small squeak. Dream furrowed his eyebrows, now concerned and confused. Dream slowly reached into his pocket and pulled his phone out, then handed it to George. George quickly began to type. 

{I can't talk. I don't know why but nothing is coming out. I can't.}
The message read.

Dream's eyes widened a bit as he read the message. He looked up at George, confused."You physically can't?" Dream asked. George quickly nodded his head. "We need to get you to a doctor." He said, standing up and walking out of the room. George sighed and rubbed his throat.

This doesn't make any sense. Why can't he talk? Why so suddenly? He wasn't in pain..
It simply didn't make sense.

"George change really quickly. We're going to the hospital. They will be faster." Dream said poking his head into the room. George nodded and slipped out of bed. 

The hospital? 

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