Chapter 47

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Absolute Love. 

George woke up to a pair of arms wrapped around him. He smiled to himself, melting into the touch, pushing himself closer to Dream. 

"Morning," Dream whispered, planting a light peck onto George's head. George giggled a bit, in embarrassment because he was a bit flustered. He hummed in response, rubbing his eyes to wake up a bit.

Dream giggled and placed another kiss on George's head. George giggled and turned himself over, facing Dream."Hi." Dream smiled. 

George laughed, rolling his eyes, and tapped Dream a bit signaling he wanted to get up. 

"No!" Dream groaned, pulling George closer to him.

George groaned, lazily pushing himself away from Dream. Dream giggled and held George tighter. George huffed and closed his eyes and closed his mouth down into a straight line. 

"Pfft- what are you doing?" Dream smiled. George didn't answer, he kept his eyes closed and his mouth shut. "George." Dream laughed. George kept his eyes shut and his mouth closed. "George!"Dream groaned. George only huffed again. "George please." Dream mumbled. George just huffed again. Dream's grip loosened a bit on George. George opened his eyes a bit to see a very sad and panicked Dream. George furrowed his eyebrows a bit, completely opening his eyes all the way. 

"Dream? What's wrong?" George frowned. Dream's concerned and panicked face was quickly replaced with a smile of relief.

"Oh thank God." He whispered with a big sigh. 

"What?" George asked. 

"I thought you went back to not being able to talk." Dream weakly laughed. 

George's heart broke.

"Dream that's not going to happen. I promise it's never going to happen again." George whispered. Dream smiled and nodded. "Come on. I'm hungry." George weakly laughed, slipping out of bed. Dream returned the weak laugh and got out of bed. The two then walked down the stairs, holding hands as they were absolutely inseparable at the moment. Once they walked into the kitchen they saw Sapnap staring at his phone, a huge grin on his face. Once he saw them he quickly put his phone down and smiled.

"Morning guys." Sapnap smiled. "I made some eggs if you want some." 

"Thanks." Dream smiled. He let go of George's hand and began to make him and George's plates. 

"Can we do something today?" Sapnap asked. 

"Yeah, what do you wanna do?" Dream smiled, looking at Sapnap over his shoulder. 

"We should go to like the outdoor movies or something." Sapnap smiled. 

"Ooh, that sounds fun, George?" Dream smiled as he slid George's plate to him. 

"Yeah, that sounds fun." George laughed.

"Cool! We should go to the dollar store and get some snacks and stuff." Sapnap smiled. 

"I want some chocolate-covered raisins." George smiled. Dream and Sapnap both shared a look then simultaneously fake gagged at George. "Whatever. They are good." George scoffed rolling his eyes.

"They're not! They're disgusting." Sapnap groaned, scrunching up his nose in disgust. 

"Sorry, I have to side with Sap on this one. Those are gross." Dream wheezed. George scoffed again and rolled his eyes.

After a few hours they finally left the house, now arriving at the dollar store. 

"Let's just..." Sapnap mumbled, he slid his arm around a shelf with many different candies and then wiped his arm off of the shelf, pouring all of the candies into their cart. 

"Sapnap." Dream groaned. George just smiled and copied Sapnap's movement, dumping more candies into their cart. "George." Dream groaned. But not even a minute later Dream was doing the same, his arms were longer though so he managed to get more stuff. "Alright, I think we have enough." Dream laughed.

"Aww no fair you got more than I did. I wanna retry." Sapnap groaned. 

"Me too!" George whined.

"Guys no we have way more than we need anyways." Dream wheezed. George and Sapnap both exchanged looks and then simultaneously sprinted away in opposite directions. "Hey!" Dream yelled as they did so, Dream sprinted after George, abandoning their cart. Dream was quick to catch George. He quickly wrapped his arms around him and pulled him up off the ground, George managed to grab a pack of Pocky.

"Really George?" Dream smiled. George just huffed and crossed his arms, still up off the ground and in Dream's arms. Dream laughed and walked back to the cart. "You stay there while I findSapnap," Dream instructed, placing George inside of the cart. George huffed and stuck his tongue out at Dream. Dream smiled and ran away in the direction Sapnap went. It didn't take him too long till he found him. "Sapnap," Dream warned. Sapnap sighed and dropped the bag of MnMs in his hand and shuffled over to Dream.

"Yesss?" Sapnap groaned. 

"Come on." Dream sighed. Sapnap groaned but slowly began to walk over to the cart. 

"Awww Sapnap! You didn't get them?" George whined. 

"No." Sapnap pouted.

"Guys seriously? Stop it. We'll be late." Dream laughed. Both boys sighed and nodded, keeping up their very disappointed faces. Dream sighed and began pushing the cart to the checkout section, George pouted in the cart and Sapnap pouted and shuffled his feet as he walked along with the cart. 

"You guys are literal children." Dream sighed.

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"Okay, and you're going to take a left right over that way and find a parking space, go to station 2 for the sound." The woman explained. Dream nodded and began to drive over in the direction the woman had pointed. 

"Alright first row?" Dream asked.

"Yes!" Sapnap smiled as he looked up from his phone, he typed one last message with a huge smile on his face then turned it off and put it in his pocket. Then he unbuckled and sat up, Dreamlaughed, and parked in the middle on the first row. "George gimme the bags I'll set up." Sapnapsmiled. George nodded and passed Sapnap all 4 bags of candies. "You set up the blankets." He beamed. George giggled and nodded then crawled into the trunk of the car. He then began laying out the blankets and pillows they brought, as soon as he was done Sapnap began setting out all the candles. Meanwhile, Dream struggled with the radio a bit."Dream hurry up the movie is going to start soon!" Sapnap whined.

"Shut up Sapnap I'm trying." Dream sighed, extremely frustrated. George sighed and crawled out of the trunk then walked over to Dream. He pressed a few buttons and then turned the volume up. 

"There." George huffed.

Words 1062

Enjoy the happy chapters!!

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