Chapter 28

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"Come on." Dream instructed, making his way back into the kitchen.

Sapnap nodded and followed Dream to the front door where they put their shoes on. The two walked out of the house and to the car, Dream took a second to make sure the house was locked. 

"Okay explain." Sapnap smiled once they got into the car. Dream smiled and nodded, starting the car.

"Okay so last night I heard a bunch of noise downstairs," Dream started as he pulled out of the driveway. Dream explained everything that had happened, from going back to the field for George's flower to him and George's magical kiss and cuddle session before falling asleep. While he was explaining he pulled into some sort of children's park so he wouldn't have to explain averting while driving and he could just relax.

"So what are you two a couple now?" Sapnap beamed.

"I..don't really know." Dream chuckled to himself. "I mean you would think so. We both seem to feel the same way...but we haven't talked about it." Dream mumbled.

"Talk to him about it tonight!" Sapnap smiled. "Bring him here. They have swings so you two can swing around while talking." Sapnap smiled. Dream chuckled and looked around.

That could be romantic..

"Alright." Dream finally smiled.

"Hell yeah!" Sapnap celebrated. Dream hesitated before asking a question he hated asking.

"Sapnap are you sure?" Dream asked. Sapnap calmed down from his celebration and looked over at Dream, confused.

"What?" He laughed.

"I mean you sure you want me and George to...happen?" Dream cautiously asked. Sapnap furrowed his eyebrows at Dream.

"It's not my decision first of all. Second why wouldn't I?" Sapnap asked

"Well I dunno I mean...your two best friends start's not exactly an ideal situation." Dream weakly laughed. Sapnap gave Dream a slightly disgusted look.

"You really think I would make you sacrifice your own happiness just because I don't want to be the third wheel?" Sapnap chuckled, there was a bit of seriousness in his laugh. Dream hesitated but slowly shrugged. Sapnap dropped his jaw and smacked Dream's arm.

"Dude!" Sapnap laughed. "You really think I'm that mean?" He asked.

"Well I wouldn't say mean, but is George and I together something you like...wouldn't mind?"Dream asked. Sapnap rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Absolutely." He chuckled. Dream let a large grin escape his lips

"Thanks Sap." Dream smiled. Sapnap nodded and tipped his imaginary hat

And with that, Dream drove them both home.


George sat in the dark in his room.

It had been a few hours since Dream and Sapnap came back from their little 20 minute trip, they all really didn't do much since the two got home. They watched a few movies and ordered pizza for dinner but that was pretty much it. After a while George got a little bored so he went up stairs to his room leaving Sapnap and Dream alone downstairs watching movies. Of course, they both begged George to stay down with them but he just smiled and shook his head. All George really wanted to do at the moment was sit in the dark and scroll through Twitter, one of his favorite hobbies.

Of course George felt a little bad about leaving his friends just to sit in the dark and mindlessly scroll through social media, but every now and then George needed a little break from people.Specifically Sapnap. Come on, you can't blame George for getting a little tired of Sapnap's jokes about George and Dream's non-existent sex life.

George sighed and swiped up on his phone, checking the time.

"Only 11:30 pm." George sighed to himself. He groaned and sat up, tossing his phone next to him somewhere on his bed. He was beginning to get bored. George glanced around the room, searching for something he could use to play around with and pass the time. He groaned again when he realized he couldn't really see anything. Slowly, he got out of bed and walked over to the light switch, flicking it on. George blinked a few times as he tried to get used to the light. Once his eyes adjusted he scanned the room. He sighed.

"Nothing." He quietly he groaned. "Should I go back downstairs..?" He whispered to himself.About 30 minutes ago he heard some shuffling on the stairs and hadn't heard anything since, not even the TV. So he safely assumed Dream and Sapnap had gone to bed. George shrugged and quietly opened this door. The completely dark hallway and downstairs area, from what he could see, only confirmed his assumption that the other two had gone to sleep. Meaning he had the TV to himself. He smiled and quietly made his way downstairs and into the living room, using the light from his phone to guide his way. Once he got to the living room he froze. There sat Dream, on the couch in the dark with just the light from his phone shining in his face.

"I knew you would eventually come down." Dream smiled. George gave a smile and furrowed his eyebrows a bit. He giggled a bit and flicked on the living room light. George walked over to Dream and sat down next to him on the couch. He opened his mouth to say something but then shut it and looked up at the mounted TV, although the TV was off so.. it was awkward. "What were you gonna say?" Dream asked. George looked over at Dream and furrowed his eyebrows, giving him a confused face. "You were going to say something." Dream smiled. George gave a more confused face and shook his head. In return Dream gave him an unamused face. George rolled his eyes and looked at the black screen of the TV.

The two sat in awkward silence for a second before Dream stood up. "Come on." He smiled.George raised an eyebrow but stood up and followed Dream to the front door, they slid their shoes on and walked out to the car. No matter how much he wanted to ask, George didn't say anything.

After a little while of driving Dream finally pulled into the parking lot of a playground. He glanced over and George and gave him a beaming smile. George rolled his eyes and got out of the car,Dream smiled and followed George out of the car. George's eyes lit up as he looked around the park. Truth be told, he hadn't been to a park with a playground area since he was like 15.

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