Chapter 45

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Dream then got up and walked out of the room, slowly and softly shutting the door behind him.

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶

The car ride was extremely awkward and quiet, and so was the wait in the waiting room.

"George?" Mandy smiled, walking into the waiting room. This time around only George stood up. Dream stayed seated. "Hey, George." Mandy softly smiled. "Once again you can go wait in that room for us. We'll get you when you're ready." Mandy told Dream. Dream nodded and stood up, making his way over to the room. "Come on George." George nodded and followed her out the waiting room and down the long hallway, he had been in yesterday. Finally, they made it into the room that smelled of vanilla. Mandy smiled as she and George sat down on the couches that faced each other, she reached over and handed George the tablet. 

"Alright, George. What's been going on?" Mandy softly smiled. George sighed and began typing. He explained the entire conversation between Dream and him that they had yesterday.

" what exactly popped into your head? What thoughts did you come up with?"

 "I thought Dream might have said something about my voice to his mom. I mean Dream is a very nice guy. What's stopping him from just taking pity on me? What if he just feels bad for me and he's just trying to make me feel better about it?"

George winced a bit as the tablet repeated his message out loud. Mandy frowned at the message. 

"I think we need to bring him in." Mandy frowned. George's eyes widened, he quickly shook his head. "George this problem won't be solved if we don't clear this up. Your brain will continue to decline your words if we do not fix this." She explained. George sighed. 

She's right. Let her bring him in. 

No. What if I'm right? What if he's really taking pity on me? 

Just let her bring him in! 


Yes. Let her bring him in.

"Okay.." George whispered. He just wasted his talking time. Mandy smiled and nodded and got up and headed out of the room. George sighed and hugged himself. This could either be the moment he says goodbye to Dream or this could clear the whole thing up and George's brain will give him his voice back. He crossed his fingers. 

"Alright, George." Mandy smiled, walking in, followed by a very confused Dream. "Take a seat next to George." She instructed. Dream nodded and sat next to George. George sighed and looked everywhere but Dream. "Alright. So I'm going to press play on this. It will explain how George is feeling. It's in his own words." Mandy explained. George's eyes widened and he winced in absolute embarrassment and pain from the embarrassment. Dream nodded and Mandy pressed the play button. The tablet began to repeat George's message out loud.

Dream's heart sank as he listened to the message. Once it was finished he sat there, shocked and hurt.

It wasn't her fault. It was mine.
"George..." Dream mumbled. George slowly looked over at Dream, cringing at the embarrassment. "George you really think I'm taking..pity on you...?" Dream asked, his heart aching at the idea. George shrugged and slowly nodded.

"What makes you think that George?" Mandy asked.

"I don't just makes sense to look at it as Dream takes pity on me because I hate my voice and I've been made fun of for years for it, so he tries to make me feel good about it even though he thinks of it as annoying." The tablet talked.

Dream could feel his heartbreak right then and there.

George really believed he was taking pity on him. George really firmly believed that his voice was annoying.

"George that's not the case at all I promise you. I'm not just taking pity on you I swear." Dreamfrantically explained. 

"George, what makes you doubt Dream?" Mandy asked. George furrowed his eyebrows a bit.

Good question... 

"I don't know I just feel like maybe he just doesn't want me to feel bad about it. So he's trying to help." The tablet talked again.

 "George no. I mean yes. I don't want you to feel bad about it and I want to help you but I genuinely enjoy your voice. I'm serious George I really do. Your voice makes me feel happy. It makes me feel safe. I don't know how I went on for years without it. I can't even make it more than 4 days without it." Dream explained. Finally letting out just a small sliver of the way George makes him feel. "George I promise you, you mean way too much to me for me to be able to lie to you like that. I would never please understand that." Dream frowned.

"Dream, maybe it will help George if you explained to him what exactly your mother wouldn't repeat," Mandy suggested. George looked up at Dream. Dream smiled.

"You wanna know what I told her?" He smiled. George slowly nodded. "I told her how much I liked you. I told her how nice of a person you were and how much you mean to me." Dream smiled. George furrowed his eyebrows a bit and a small smile threatened to appear, but it quickly faded. How was he to know Dream was telling to truth? Dream picked up on this. He smiled and took his phone out. He pressed a few buttons and then held his phone out. George glanced at the screen.

His mom.

"Hello?" She asked. 

"Hey, Mom." Dream smiled. 

"Hey Sweetie, what's the matter?" She asked. 

"Can you repeat the stuff I said about George?" Dream asked, keeping eye contact and his smile at George. 

"Is he there?" She asked.

"Yep." Dream proudly said. 

"Are you sure sweetie? You told me not to."George's heart raced. 

"I'm sure."

"Well... you talked about the way George made you feel." She started, trying to recall what Dream had said. "And how much you loved him." She giggled. Dream's cheeks turned a light shade of red as he cringed a bit at the embarrassment. George's smile grew a bit. "Oh! And I remember one time you got off the game with him and you were beaming." She laughed to herself. "And when I asked you about it you just went on this long rant about him and how he made you feel." She giggled. Dream smiled and his face went red in embarrassment. George was now giggling along with Dream's Mom, as well as Mandy.

"Okay okay, that's enough." Dream groaned. 

"Thanks, Mom."

"Mhm, bye sweetheart."

"Bye Mom." Dream clicked a button on his phone and then turned it off. "Believe me now George? Do you believe me when I say I love you?" Dream asked, with a smug and slightly embarrassed smile on his face. George giggled and nodded.

It was like a switch had just been flipped in George's brain. Suddenly his whole theory about dream feeling pity for George was out the window. Now he believed Dream. Now he believed Dream really did love George's voice. That he really did love George.

"George, how do you feel right now? Feel any different?" Mandy smiled. George didn't take time to think he just smiled and nodded. "Different as in you think you can talk?" She smiled. George furrowed his eyebrows.

It can't possibly be that easy. He can't just magically be cured that fast. 


"Try it." Dream smiled, and excitement flowed through his voice and expression. George giggled a bit but nodded. 

"I love you too, Dream. 

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