Chapter 43

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He smiled to himself a bit as he could hear Dream and Sapnap begin to argue over the tv as they left.

"It's been 3 hours. When are they coming back?" Dream mumbled

"Dream, calm down. Tests take a long time. And stop picking at your fingers you're gonna start bleeding." Sapnap said, smacking Dream's hand. Dream groaned and sat back in his chair and stared blankly at the tv.

"What are we even watching?" Dream asked, noticing that something random was playing.

"Uhh, Amazing World of Gumball. Duhh." Sapnap smiled. Dream smiled and rolled his eyes. Finally, the door opened again and Dr. Jones and George both walked in. Immediately Dreamstood up. Sapnap turned the tv off.

" we ran a few tests..." the doctor started, he began flipping through his packet of papers, double-checking his work.

"Yeah..?" Dream asked, complete panic settling itself inside him.

"Uh well there's nothing physically wrong with him..." the doctor started. Dream sighed, in relief.

"So what's wrong with him then?" Sapnap asked.

"I...don't know honestly." The doctor frowned. "He's not in pain, he doesn't show any signs of being sick or maybe something in his chest or throat." The doctor explained. "I recommend taking him to a therapist. Here." The doctor said, he reached into his pocket and took a small paper out then handed it to Dream. "I recommend that one." He simply said. Dream nodded and read the numbers on the paper. "Unfortunately there's else nothing I can do you'll have to leave. I'm very sorry." The doctor frowned.

"Thank you." Dream sighed

The car ride home was awkward and silent.

George of course felt awful. He felt he just wasted Dream's money and time. To be fair, George never said he wanted to go to the hospital. Dream took him there on his own. George wanted desperately to apologize, but he couldn't. For one, he can't talk, and two, what would he even say?

Hey Dream! Sorry I completely wasted your time and money over a mental issue!


Once they got inside George walked up the stairs into his room, Dream followed closely behind. George left the door open as he walked into the room and crawled up onto the bed, he knew Dream probably wanted to talk to him. Dream followed him in and shut the door behind him.

"George.." Dream mumbled. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to George. "What the hell is going on?" He asked, this took George by surprise a bit. Dream didn't say it in a mean tone, it was soft and slightly sad, but why'd he have to phrase the question like that? George opened his mouth and attempted to say something but quickly shut it as he realized opening his mouth wouldn't do anything. George sighed and shook his head. Dream mumbled something then took his phone out and handed it to George. He began to type.

'I don't know Dream, I don't know what's wrong with me I can make noises but I can't talk I don't understand I was fine earlier'

Dream read it and sighed.

It was obvious he was a little frustrated. Maybe not completely at George but at the situation.

"'re not..." Dream started. He sighed, there was no other way to word it. "You're not doing this on purpose right?" He asked. George scoffed and rolled his eyes then began to type.

'Of course not. I can't believe you just asked me that. Do u really think I'd let u take me to the hospital if I was doing it on purpose??'
Dream read the message and shook his head.

"Right..I'm sorry." He mumbled. George softened up a bit. Dream was obviously upset about it. George carefully took the phone from Dream and began typing again.

'I think we should call that number the doctor gave u'

Dream's eyes widened a bit.

"The therapist?" Dream asked, slightly surprised. George slowly nodded. "Are you sure I mean.."Dream mumbled, trailing off. George began typing again.

'I know what u mean but what's so bad about it? Maybe it can help'
Dream read the message and nodded.

He smiled a bit.

"I'll make an appointment." He smiled. George smiled and nodded. Dream smiled and laughed a slightly sad laugh. "I really miss your voice right now George." He smiled. He then got up and walked out of the room. George couldn't help but smile. But it quickly faded.

What about what he told his mom? He probably doesn't mean that. He's just trying to make you feel better. He doesn't actually like your voice.
George nodded to himself, acknowledging his own points and agreeing with them. He laid down and hid under the covers as the pain of it seeped in deeper in his heart.

Now to me and you that may not make sense. But to made so much sense. To George, Dream had told his mom how annoying George as and how annoying and high his voice was.This is why his mother didn't want to repeat and Dream thanked her for not repeating it. And as for the compliments he got from Dream about his voice, he assumed it was out of pity. Dream was a nice guy, a nice guy who was probably complimenting George about his voice just to make him feel better about it.

It's all out of Pity.

Dream managed to get George an appointment for the next day. Today is the next day.

Nervously, George slid on a large hoodie and some dark sweatpants. Although he was nervous, he managed to calm down a bit when Dream gave him a comforting smile and hug.

The drive there was exceptionally quiet, besides the radio and the sound of the car driving on the road, there were no other noises. And once they got to the therapy office it was even quieter. The only sound was the clock ticking. You would think they would have some sort of noise or music playing to calm the patients of their nerves.

"George?" A woman smiled as she opened the door. Dream smiled and got up, gently grabbing George's hand and guiding him to the woman. "Hi!" She smiled. George awkwardly smiled and weakly waved. "Come on George." She smiled, taking his hand. "You can either wait here for the hour or you can leave." She told Dream.

"Thank you. I'll wait." Dream smiled. She smiled, nodded, then lead George away. George turned and waved at Dream, Dream giggled a bit and waved back the two didn't stop waving until the door closed and they were no longer able to see each other.

Although Dream seemed perfectly calm on the outside, he was incredibly anxious on the inside. He stood and stared at the door for a second when a man approached him.

"Hi, are you waiting or leaving?" He asked.

"Oh, uh, waiting." Dream smiled, snapping out of his small trance.

"We have a room over there for guests who are waiting. There is a tv and some therapy pets inside." The man laughed. Dream smiled and nodded. "I'll show you." He smiled. Dream nodded and followed the man into the room. There was a tv playing some sort of Disney movie and a couple of cats and dogs laying around. The room was a very light blue with a few clouds pained on the walls. Dream smiled and laughed a little at the room. "You can wait here. We'll call you out when your friend is done." The man smiled.


Dream internally corrected.

"Thank you." Dream smiled. The man smiled and nodded then walked out of the room, leaving Dream alone in the room with the animals. As soon as he turned all four of the animals walked up to him and began to comfort him. Maybe he was more nervous than he thought...

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