Chapter 31

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He went back to Dream pulled Dream on top of him again and fell asleep as well.

Of course, George never meant to hurt Dream or Sapnap, but he did decide to stay in his room. He got a message from Sapnap 10 minutes ago that there was a plate of food standing outside his room.

He opened the door and grabbed the plate and began eating. 30 minutes later he was done eating, the food was already cold when he got it so it was a bit harder to swallow. Done with eating nothing to do, George was bored.

Should I ignore Sapnap and go downstairs?... I don't want him to be even angrier... I want food tho.. 
George decided for going downstairs. Sapnap couldn't tell him what to do! SO he went downstairs real quiet. When he walked down the stairs he saw Dream and Sapnap laying on the couch, sleeping..

He got food and went back upstairs after he took a Snickers. He flopped down on his bed and went back to scrolling on his phone.

Sleeping, sleeping is what would help. So George slept for a long time, when he woke up he was blinded by the sun like the first day he was in Dream's house. He also woke up by footsteps on the stairs. By the creaks, you could hear it was Sapnap. Goerg was determined he was going to explain himself. 

Sapnap knocked on the door, he promised Dream in the morning that he would make it up with George... After he got yelled at by Dream.

A few minutes earlier....

"Good morning Dream, how did you sleep?" Sapnap mumbled against his hair.

"Sleep was okay, you're really soft." Dream chuckled. "Did you make up with George?" Now Sapnap was quiet, because he didn't. Okay, he knew he should've done it, but he was tired and still mad at George. So didn't say anything, he looked at Dream with a guilty face.

"You didn't say sorry? I said to you it was fine, of course I was sad, but that doesn't give you the right to make George feel bad about himself! Sapnap you know I love him, I love him with whole my heart, I could never be mad at him for not being ready. You should've known better!" And with that Dream got up walked away and went upstairs.

Present time.....

Sapnap was standing in front of George's door ready to say sorry.

George was standing in front of his own door ready to say sorry. He was about to open the door when Sapnap opened it for him and the door hit him right in the face. He yelped and fell to the floor. Sapnap who was confused walked inside and saw George laying on the floor while holding a hand for his nose.

Apparently, the door had hit George's nose and now it was bleeding. 

"Oh my god, George! I'm so sorry, I was coming in to check on you and to talk about yesterday, but I never intend to hurt you with a door!" Sapnap sat down next to George holding his face you at George with worried eyes.

"Come with me we're cleaning this, don't worry about Dream being downstairs he is taking a shower." And with that, they went downstairs to the kitchen to get a wet towel.

After George cleaned his nose, they sat down at the counter.

"So I came to your room to apologize, I shouldn't have yelled at you or snapped at you, that wasn't right" Sapnap stated with a sad smile. George gave him a nod and a hug, in George's eyes all was forgiven.

"But can I ask a question?" George gave him a nod.

"Why did you say no?"

George took his phone out of his pocket and began to type.

'Everything went so well, we had a great time and I really really really like him'
'But I have a feeling he is going to get tired of me not talking'
'maybe he will think I'm annoying and he will break up'
'Or when I go back to London...'
'I'm scared I'm so scared
'please help'

Sapnap read and began laughing.

"You really scared of that, my god that's so stupid." Sapnap said between laughs. Sapnap knew it wasn't nice to laugh at someone's pain and especially someone who is your best friend, but George was overreacting.

George was caught off guard by Sapnap laughing at his pain and he began hitting him.

"Not funny" He said repeatedly while hitting Sapnap.

"Okay okay, truce?" Sapnap held his hands in front of his face. George nodded and then there was silence.

"Okay first thing, it was kind of funny and to your knowledge, you were overreacting. Second Dream loves you too much, he will never think your annoying. He was crying because you wouldn't be his boyfriend. Dude, you're really stupid."

"He cried?" George was shocked, he really hurt Dream by saying 'not tonight'. George was so sorry, he stood up to 'talk to Dream' but he was held down by his arm by Sapnap.

"Maybe not now, he showering." The raven head mumbled. George nodded and stopped walking.

"Dream will be here in half an hour when he's coming, you to have your sorry speech ready." Sapnap said between laughs then he stood up unlocked and went to his room. 

After exactly 30 minutes Dream came downstairs with a small smile. 

"Hey" He mumbled while walking towards the couch George was sitting on. "I heard from Sapnap you wanted to talk to me, I know you prefer typing so you could do that as well, but I prefer talking if you are up for it."

"Let's talk then.. well, I want to talk. Just give me a minute..."

"Okay, I'll give you some time. Just tell me when you are ready.." Dream said while taking his phone out of his pocket to go on Twitter. A while later he felt a tap on his shoulder George was ready to talk and Dream was ready to listen.

"So.. I want to start with I'm sorry. I'm sorry I made u cry, I'm sorry I said no, I'm sorry u had to yell at Sapnap for me, I'm just sorry for everything..." The brunet rambled. "Also I shouldn't have kissed you, I gave you the wrong idea. I'm just scared I fucked everything up." 

He was sorry for kissing me?...
Sad thoughts came into Dream's mind.

"Why are you sorry for kissing me, I liked it, and correct me if I'm wrong but I thought you liked it as well?" He questioned.

"Your right I did like it, bu-"

"So what's the problem, we both liked it, I also like you, so why are you scared?" The blond asked. George had to think before he spoke. 

"Well, I guess I'm scared of you getting tired of me, or this feeling you and I have goes away or you get tired of me talking and the most important one! When I go back to England, what will happen?" Dream had to cut George off for all these reasons so he did what any reasonable person would do, kiss the guy they like.

George was surprised by the kiss but leaned in after a few seconds. For George this was absolutely magical, Dream still wanted to kiss him!

After pulling away George was about to talk when DReam interrupted him. "Before you give me any more reasons, I just want to say that their valid but wrong. I would never get tired of you, we've known each other for so long now! Second the talking, I literally just asked you to talk to me about this. So the last reason may be a good reason, but we've handled a long-distance friendship, so why not a long-distance relationship."

And George was smiling, Drem said all the right things, George just needed a bit of a push to see them.

"So now backtracking to yesterday night or the day before I don't really remember when." Dream laughed. "Will you be my boyfriend George?"

Words 1378

Here You guys have it the redemption chapter! The next chapters are going to be funny!

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