Chapter 21

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Sapnap looked up at George in confusion,George just awkwardly shrugged.

George and Sapnap both got in the back of the car this time, because Dream forced them. Now sitting next to each other after a fight.

They had been driving for almost 30 minutes now, Sapnap and George still unsure of their destination.

"Don't look so tense. Roll the windows down you two." Dream laughed, he then rolled down all the windows in the car, allowing the cold fresh air to fill the car. George took a deep breath as the air hit his face and ran through his hair, making his hair fly in the wind and out of his face.

"See!George is having a good time!" Dream laughed, glancing over at George. George rolled his eyes in embarrassment.

"George I'm-" Sapnap started. He was interrupted, however, by Dream.

"Ohhhhhhhh! Music!" Dream smiled, turning the radio up.

"Dream, stop!" Sapnap yelled. Dream just turned the radio up even more in response to Sapnap's protest, which George couldn't help but giggle at. Sapnap rolled his eyes but a smile escaped his lips along with a small chuckle.

"And you are out of my league!" Dream loudly sang along with the song on the radio.

"All the things I believed!" Sapnap joined in.

"You are just the right kind!" Dream continued, making dramatic hand movements at George.George was now laughing harder then he ever has, gripping his stomach as it now started to hurt.

"Yeah you are more then just a dream!" Sapnap screamed.

"You are out of my league!" Dream sang, looking George's way now instead of the road. "Got my heartbeat racing!" Dream sang, continuing to look George's way. George was still laughing and now had his hands over his face, hiding it from the world.

"If I die don't wake me!" Dream sang,now lost in the lyrics as he sang them to George. "'Cause you are more then just a dream!" Dream laughed. He glanced back over at the road, he was now going at almost 100 miles an hour. Good thing it was late and there wasn't anyone on the roads. Dream glanced in the rear view mirror to make sure Sapnap was alright, but made eye contact with him. Sapnap had his mouth hung open and eyes wide. A slight smile grew on his face. Dream furrowed his eyebrows at him in confusion then looked back at the road.

then looked back at the road.

From time to time I pinch myself

Cause I think my girl mistakes me for somebody else

And every time she takes my hand

All the wonders remain

Become a simple fact

That you are out of my league

As Dream listened to the song all he could think about was George and how much Dream related to the song. He wanted to think more about it but they had finally reached their destination. Dream reached over and turned the music down and parked the car in the grass. George looked over at Dream in confusion, Dream just smiled and unlocked the car.

"Come on guys." Dream smiled, opening his car door. George looked back at Sapnap in confusion but Sapnap just looked back at him with the same face of confusion. Slowly they got out of the car and looked around for Dream. The more they looked around the more they realized how beautiful it was. There were hills for miles, cows grazing in the grass, the moonlight being their only light source besides the car headlights.

"Woah!" Sapnap laughed, running over to Dream who was standing on a nearby hill. "Look at the cows!" Sapnap laughed, nudging Dream's arm and pointing at a herd of cows who were eating and sleeping. George looked around some more. He could see there were multiple different types of flowers, although he didn't know the exact color of them. Between the darkness and the fact he couldn't see many colors it was a bit tricky. He followed the lines of flowers naming off the colors he thought they were in his head.

Yellow for sure.

He moved down the line.


He continued to walk along the flowers. He stopped at a column of flowers.


He smiled down at the cluster of blue flowers. His favorite color.

"George!?" He heard Dream yell. He looked around. It was a bit dark but he could see a small bit of light from the headlights of the car.

How did I walk so far away?

"George!" Sapnap called out.

"George come back where did you go!?" Dream yelled. Panic seeping into his voice. George looked back at the flowers. He smiled and picked a few of them. He knew he should have probably gone back to his friends and assure them he was fine but can you blame him? These were flowers in his favorite color. You can't blame him for wanting to keep some.

"George! Georgeeee!" Sapnap called out.

I guess I should give them a sign that I'm fine.
George thought to himself.

He looked around and picked up a small rock and threw it in the direction of the lights. He was a little far but he hoped the rock might have gotten their attention. He wasn't sure though. It was okay though he was almost finished anyway, he didn't need very many.

"George!?" Dream called out.

Guess it didn't get their attention.

George shrugged. He was done with the flowers anyway. He turned and began making his way over to the car headlights. He stopped though when he heard a twig break behind him. He whipped his head around and looked in the direction he heard it. He starred into the darkness for a moment.Maybe he was the one who made that noise. But he was soon proved wrong when another twig broke. George quickly looked around.

What the hell? Who is over here?

George could feel his breath shorten a bit and his heart rate pick up. Another twig broke and along with it was a low deep growl. George froze. Soon he could see what was making the noise. A dog slowly made its way up to him, baring it's teeth and growling.

Words 1035

Thank u guys for 6k reads!

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger...

Not really, but still

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