Chapter 27

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After awhile Dream too drifted off to sleep, but not before tightening his grip on George and giving him a small peck on the top of his head.

When Dream woke up in the morning he was in ecstasy. He was afraid that when he woke up he would be in his own bed and that the magical kiss he shared with his long time crush would have been a dream, but sure enough he woke up in the backseat of his car with George sleeping soundly on top of him. He grinned and tightened his grip on George, balling up a chunk of his own hoodie,that George now wore, in an attempt to hold George even closer then he already was.

After a few minutes George took a deep breath and yawned, waking up. At first he was confused and a little scared, but he quickly eased up as he realized where he was. Or who he was with...

"Good morning." Dream whispered. George smiled and lifted his head to look at Dream. George smiled and nodded in response. Dream frowned a bit. "I thought we established I liked to hear your voice." Dream frowned. George giggled and rolled his eyes.

"Good morning Dream." George smiled. Dream quickly grinned.

"There it is!" He laughed. George laughed and rolled his eyes once more. George's smile faded as he began to think. "What's wrong Georgie?" Dream asked. George rolled his eyes at the nickname.

"Does this mean I have" George asked. Dream furrowed his eyebrows.

"Have to?" He asked.

"Yeah. I mean do I have to talk in front of people now?" George asked. Dream chuckled a bit.

"George you don't have to do anything. You don't have to talk in front of people if you don't want to. As much as I hate it, you don't need to talk in front of people." Dream smiled. George smiled and nodded.

"I like talking in front of you." George admitted.

"I like it too." Dream smiled. George smiled and giggled a bit. "We should go home." Dream said with a sigh. "Sap is probably waiting for us." Dream laughed. George laughed and nodded. He carefully got up off of Dream and sat up. Dream sat up as well after George got off of him. They both got out of the car and got into the front seats. Once they got in Dream started the car and began to drive back home.

They drove back home and were greeted at the door.

"Oh hey guys." Sapnap smirked as the two walked into the house.

"Hey Sapnap." Dream smiled through his teeth.

"You guys were gone all night." Sapnap smiled.

"Mhm.." George hummed.

"Where did you guys go?" Sapnap asked in a peppy voice, a huge grin growing on his face

"None of your business." Dream smiled, mocking the same tone of voice Sapnap used. Sapnap rolled his eyes and smiled.

"You guys want breakfast?" He asked changing the subject. Dream and George both nodded and smiled. Sapnap nodded back and made a hand motion for them to follow him. As soon as Sapnap walked out of the room Dream quickly reached over and grabbed George's waist, he gave him a quick and soft kiss before releasing George. George scoffed and rolled his eyes as Dream jogged out of the room to find Sapnap. George followed Dream into the kitchen where Sapnap was.

"What took you two so long?" Sapnap laughed

"Dream was being annoying." George groaned rolling his eyes. Sapnap's eyes widened. He looked over at Dream to see him smiling and glancing over to George.

"Was not!" Dream laughed.

"Was too!" George yelled, mocking Dream's voice.

"Mocking isn't nice George." Dream smiled.

"Shut up." George scoffed, playfully rolling his eyes. Sapnap stared in shock as the too continued to bicker.




"What the hell!?" Sapnap yelled

Dream and George immediately stopped arguing at the sudden loud noise and looked at Sapnap with confused expressions. Sapnap stared back at the two with a 'what the actual hell' expression to put it simply.

"What?" Dream asked, finally.

"What happened? George talks now!?" Sapnap yelled. Dream glanced over at George who looked back at him then looked back over to Sapnap and shrugged. "Since when!?" Sapnap yelled.

"Since last night." George shrugged.

"What the hell did you do last night?" Sapnap asked.

"Talked?" George laughed. Sapnap looked back and forth between the two.

"Something else happened." Sapnap smiled. George and Dream's blushing faces only proved Sapnap's point. His eyes lit up and he giggled a bit at the two. "Did you guys do the deed?" Sapnap beamed. This caused Dream and George's faces to burn a brighter red.

"No!" George yelled, covering his face

"Sapnap what is wrong with you!? Of course not!" Dream yelled. Sapnap just smiled and giggled.

"Well I mean you never did come home last night..." Sapnap smiled, trailing off in his sentence.

"Shut up!" George yelled, he quickly turned and stomped up the stairs and into his room, slamming the door behind him. Sapnap watched and laughed as George stomped up the stairs. Once the door was closed he turned his attention back to Dream. Dream glared at him, his face still red with blush.

"What happened then?" Sapnap smiled. Dream rolled his eyes and leaned back a bit to make sure George's door was closed, it was. Dream took a deep breath and leaned in closer to Sapnap.

"We kissed." He whispered. Sapnap stayed quiet for a second before bursting out into laughter

"That's it!?" He laughed.

"Shhhh!" Dream hushed, reaching over and smacking Sapnap's arm. The two sat in silence for a moment just in case George came down or said anything about it. Once they were sure George didn't hear Dream let out a deep relieved sigh.

"Tell me what happened." Sapnap whispered. Dream rolled his eyes and nodded then walked out of the room, leaving a very confused Sapnap.

Dream walked up the stairs and knocked on George's door. After a second George opened the door and looked up at Dream with a curious expression.

"Me and Sap are going to leave for like 20 minutes we have something we need to take care of.We'll be back." Dream explained. George gave a confused expression but nodded. Dream smiled and waved goodbye to George, George waved goodbye and slowly shut his door.

"Come on." Dream instructed, making his way back into the kitchen.

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