Chapter 5

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This day was gonna be hard for George and the worst thing he didn't shower what he so desperately wanted to do.

They went all upstairs to change. Sapnap took the bathroom Dream took his own room and George went to his room. As George began to take his clothes out of his suitcase he let out a deep relived sign. He didn't pack swim trunks. Now not only did he not have to get in the water but he also didn't have to be shirtless in front of Sapnap, Dream and all the other people on beach. George has always been insecure about his body, he was insecure about a lot things about himself for example: legs, arms, stomach, his style and most of all his voice..

After a few minutes he heard Dream by his door.

"George? Are you almost ready?" Dream asked from the other side of the door while knocking. George knew he couldn't nod in responds. He sighed and walked over to the door and opened it. It startled Dream a bit, the the sudden movement from the door but he quickly bounced back from it. George smiled and nodded at Dream as a responds.

"Great! Sapnap is waiting at the stairs, let's go so we can go to the beach." Dream smiled. George nodded  and followed Dream downstairs towards Sapnap. Sapnap was just playing a game on his phone until he saw his friends. They all stepped into the car but before Dream started driving Sapnap noticed something.

Got your swim suit Gogy?" Sapnap smiled while asking the question. George just shook his head. Dream gave him a confused look.

"What? Why not?" Sapnap frowned. George rolled his eyes and then he took out his phone. He pressed Sapnap's messaging icon and began typing.

I didn't bring one

"What?! Why?!" Sapnap pouted. George just shrugged and slid his phone back into his pocket. He and Dream started discussing what they would do. after a few minutes Sapnap remembered he had a extra pare of swim trunks.

"I just remembered I packed two you can borrow that one!" Sapnap smiled 
"one sec!" Sapnap yelled when he got out of the car. Sapnap quickly ran up the stairs into Dream's room. While George was having a mild panic attack, luckily for George he had become a master at hiding emotions including panic attacks.


George thought before he saw running to the car. Sapnap aggressively opened George his car door and gave him the swim trunks.

"Go put it on!" Sapnap smiled, while pushing the swim trunks into George's hands. George sighed and grabbed the swim trunks. He slowly walked upstairs to his own room. He knew he wasn't going to get past Sapnap without any good reason so he just gave in. He found it easier just to give in. Soon he joined his friends back at the car. He opened the car door and went to sit in the backseat again.

"Perfect!" Dream laughed. "Let's go!" Sapnap shouted. and with that they were on their way to the beach.

This was going to be a long day..

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Once Dream had found a spot and parked. Sapnap stepped out of the car and began walking to the sand, bare foot. Dream soon followed also barefoot. Despite it being  extremely hot outside, the two boys seemed unbothered by the heat. Seeing both of his friends walk effortlessly on the hot ground barefoot, George assumed the floor wasn't hot.  

Oh boy he was wrong...

He slid one sandal off his foot and carefully put one foot  on the ground, still sitting in the car. Dream and Sapnap were already pretty far away from the car so George quickly slid off his other sandal and tossed them both into the car. Now he was fully on the ground with both feet and as soon as he closed the door it started to burn. He cringed at the pain but brushed it off and tried to quickly catch up to Sapnap and Dream, who already had stopped walking once they realized George wasn't right behind them.

The sand isn't too far away. It will be better then the concrete.
George reassured himself.

"George hurry up!" Sapnap shouted, laughing. George nodded and quickly made his way over to the two.

"Are you alright?" Dream laughed. George viciosly nodded. Then George began stepping from side to side because they stood still what made the burning under his feet worse. 

It hurts so much!

"George is doing a happy dance!" Sapnap smiled. George winced a bit, continuing to step from side to side.

Come onnnn! Let's go! My feet hurt!
George internally screamed.

"Wait dance with me Gogy!" Sapnap smiled, now beginning to mirror George's effects, oblivious to the pain George was going through. Apparently so was Dream, he began wheezing as he watched both of his friends 'dance'.

George winced again, slightly louder this time. Although it was pretty much drowned out by the laughs from his friends. Finally George just couldn't take it anymore, he quickly ran past the two and sprinted over to the sand. Dream and Sapnap stared at each other like George was crazy in his mind.

When George was in the sand his feet burned even more then it did on the concrete, causing him to yelp in pain. Finally, George managed to yelp loud enough for Sapnap and Dream to notice he was not having a good time.

Sapnap and Dream's eyes widened. Finally George's friends ran over to him to assist him.

"Burry your feet in the sand like this until you find the cool part!" Sapnap yelled, shuffling his feet in the sand as an example. George copied Sapnap's movement but the sand continued to burn. He yelped once again, unable to continue burying his feet. Dream quickly pulled George's arm and began running over to the water. Now George was forced to run so he just followed Dream to the cooler sand. 

"The further down we go towards the water the easier it will be to find the cold sand." Dream yelled behind him so George could hear him. And then..
George fell. Again. Dream was going too fast and he couldn't keep up. So he fell. Face first into the sand and his ankle started to hurt again. Dream saw it happen and couldn't help it and burst out into laughing his ass off. 

"You fell again, you are so clumsy George." Dream laughed. When George was up on his feet again he saw Sapnap walking to them.

"Omg! You fell again!" Sapnap shouted. George was a bit embarrassed but that feeling was quickly washed away with the sharp pain in his ankle. Dream saw the pain George was in and gave him a concerned look.

"Are you gonna be able to walk George?" Dream asked. George shook his head. Dream nodded and picked George up bridal style. 

Words 1155

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