Chapter 30

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First of all, I want to say... I'm not sorry....
It's really funny to me that George rejected Dream :) 
One thing! Have hope!!

Dream was sad of course he was but he couldn't force George to be his boyfriend.

"Come on let's go home..." Dream mumbled and got up and walked to the car.  George followed..

They went into the car Dream, played some music, and began driving. "So can we still kiss or is that also out of the question?" Dream asked. George blushed and nodded. Dream smiled and then screamed in happiness, George just smiled and laughed.

When they got home George went to his room and walked by Sapnap who was sitting on the sofa. Dream came into the room and went to sit next to Sapnap. 

"Sooooo, how did it go?" Sapnap smiled. "Wait! don't say it, I'm guessing that I'm the third wheel now. And I know what you're going to say 'We could never forget you' and 'Why would you think that' and 'Sapnap your way too cool to forget' but I just want you to know I'm totally fine with it. An-" Sapnap stopped talking and looked at Dream, he was in fact not smiling and looked kind of sad. 

"Why are you looking sad? Why aren't you happy? Dream? Dream what happened?" Sapnap rambled. Dream just looked up with teary eyes. It wasn't like George hated him, but he didn't want to be his boyfriend.

"Uhh, he- he said n- no." Dream stammered.

"But I thought you guys kissed?! I saw how happy he was, did he say why?" Sapnap asked quietly.

"He said he couldn't do it tonight.." He began to tear up. "But he didn't say like no-no, just that he couldn't do it tonight.. So please don't be mad at him, I also asked if we could still kiss and I got a yes. So that's a good thing, right?" 

"So tell me if I got this right, he doesn't want to be your boyfriend, but he's okay with kissing." Sapnap was a bit confused. Dream nodded. That's when Sapnap got off the couch and walked to George's room. He could hear Dream behind him walking trying to stop him, but Sapnap was a bit quicker. Sapnap opened George's door went inside and locked it so Dream couldn't come in.

He could hear Dream banging the door and George looked up with puffy eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Sapnap snapped. He knew Dream asked him not to be mad, he didn't say Sapnap couldn't yell in confusion. George just cried harder and harder.

"SAPNAP Sapnap, open the got damm door. Don't you dare yell at George! Open the door!" Dream yelled while banging on the door.

"NOT NOW DREAM, I'M A BIT BUSY!" Sapnap yelled back. "Just go back to the living room I promise not to yell at George."  The banging on the door stopped and he heard DReam saying fine while walking away. Sapnap went to sit on the bed next to George.

"Hey, hey sorry for yelling, I won't yell anymore, please talk to me." Sapnap said while making his voice more sweet and loving.  George nodded a no and pointed at the door. 

"George please, I want to help tell me what's wrong." George held his finger up to the door for the second time.

"No George I'm not going to go, I want to know why you said no to Dream." Then he heard George crying more and more. Sapnap felt bad he really did, but he was still 'mad' at George for rejecting his brother. 

Why you may ask. Ever since Dream started streaming he couldn't shut up about how pretty George was and how cute his laughs were. How was caring and loving he is. He never talked to them, but Dream still loved him. Dream crush got bigger by the day and at a certain point, Sapnap had to cut him off. It was getting too much, too much George and how pretty he was.

So when he heard from Dream that he and George kissed he was so happy for the both of them, but especially Dream, finally his brother's crush liked him back. But everything wasn't going to plan, so he tried asking George for an explanation one more time, but he got the finger to the door again.

Sapnap sighed and went out of the room, but he wasn't done talking.

"You know I really thought we could be grown-ups and 'talk' about this, this man is sobbing because you're selfish. Don't think about coming downstairs tonight." He snapped then he slammed the door and went back downstairs.

George cried he cried so hard he hadn't meant to make Dream sad...

Dream was sitting and sobbing on the couch a minute later Dream felt being pult backwards in someone's arms. Sapnap was holding him and sushing him. 

Sapnap held Dream and mumbled sweet words into his hair.

"You said you wouldn't be mad.." Dream cried.

"I'm sorry, I really am but he wouldn't talk and he kept pointing at the door for me to leave so I snapped, I told him not to come downstairs tonight." Sapnap explained. Dream turned around to see Sapnap's face.

"Yo- You told him not to come downstairs?" Dream was a bit surprised, it was late in the evening and nobody ate something. "What if he gets hungry? We can't force him not to eat. If he is hungry he should be able to eat." 

"He will be fine, I'll knock at his door later with some food." Sapnap said. "Do you want to watch a movie now?"

"Is it okay for me to fall asleep against you while watching the movie?" 

"That's perfectly fine with me. I'll put on a happy movie who does that sound?" Sapnap said while getting the remote for them to find a movie.

Dream fell asleep against Sapnap and when Sapnap moved DReam to the side he got up and made a plate with food for George he knocked on the door and sent him a text saying that there was food in front of his door.

He went back to Dream pulled Dream on top of him again and fell asleep as well.

Words 1026

So you know how I said I felt bad for leaving you guys on a bad ending before the new update?

Oops I guess...

I made it even worse, now Sapnap is mad at George, Dream is sad about George and George hates himself! Anyways I'll see u in the next update!

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