Chapter 40

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This made George and Sapnap laugh even harder.

"Why'd it take you guys so long to visit me?" Dream's Mom frowned. 

They all now sat at the dinner table eating spaghetti which Dream's Mom had cooked."Your son is an awful procrastinator Mrs. Dream." Sapnap smiled. Dream glared at Sapnap and shook his head. Dream's Mom just laughed and nodded.

"I'm so excited to meet you guys. Dream has talked a lot about you over the years." She smiled. George giggled a bit, he couldn't help but wonder what Dream had told his mother."What did he tell you." Sapnap smiled.

"Well for you he told me how much fun you two have." She giggled. "And he's talked about how nice of a person you can be." She smiled. Sapnap smiled and looked over at Dream who smiled back at him. Then Dream's Mom looked over at George. "He told me that you are a bit of a quiet one." She smiled. George giggled and nodded.

"What else?" Sapnap smiled. 

"Oh well, he also-" She started, but she quickly cut herself off. She looked over at George and then back at Sapnap. "Actually I don't think I should repeat what he said." She nervously laughed. George furrowed his eyebrows a bit.

What did he say? 

"Oh god please don't." Dream groaned, rolling his eyes and burying his face in his hands. Dream's Mom nervously giggled and glanced back at George then looked down at her plate. 

What did he say? Is it bad? Did he say something bad? Tell me what he said! 

George sighed and looked down at his plate, he began to eat again. As the conversation between the others went on he couldn't help but think, what did Dream say? And why won't his mom repeat it?

After a few hours everyone had finished eating and visiting and it was time to go home. But even on the car ride home, George couldn't stop thinking about what Dream might have said about him. Was it good or bad? It was bad, wasn't it? No matter how hard he tried he couldn't shake the question out of his mind.

"George? You okay?" Dream asked, snapping George out of his thoughts. He looked over atDream, confused. "Are you okay?" Dream asked a little slower this time. George furrowed his eyebrows and nodded then quickly looked forward back at the road. Dream frowned a bit then faced forward once more. From Dream's point of view, George was fine a minute ago, and now he's not.

What happened?
Dream sighed and pulled into the driveway. George was quick to get to the door but wasn't racing, he was attempting to be less obvious about the fact that he didn't want to be there anymore but unfortunately Sapnap and Dream saw through it.

"What's up with him?" Sapnap asked, watching George quickly make his way up the stairs."I don't know...was it something I said?" Dream slowly mumbled, little did he know it was exactly something he said. Sapnap hummed and continued to stare up the stairs where George had gone.

"I'll talk to him." He finally said. He then made his way up the steps, not caring to listen to Dream's protests. Finally, he made it to George's door. He knocked and waited. After a second very tired-looking George opened the door.

"Hey...are you alright?" Sapnap asked in a very soft voice. George thought for a moment but nodded. "What happened?" Sapnap asked. George sighed and shrugged. 

"Tired." He simply said. Sapnap nodded and looked down at the floor in awkward silence. 

"Are you going to sleep?" Sapnap asked. George thought for a second then nodded. "Okay..night George." Sapnap smiled. George gave him a weak smile and then shut the door. As soon as the door was shut he rolled his eyes. Why couldn't they just leave him alone? He just wants to be alone. He groaned a bit then flopped down, face first, onto the soft bed. He sighed.

I'm probably overthinking it. 

There is no reason for me to be sad about this. 


Stop being sad.
For the rest of the night, George internally fought with himself.

The next morning George watched as the morning sun slowly appeared. He groaned.

Not a second of sleep.

After a bit, he heard Dream and Sapnap's door creek open and a few shuffles. Someone was awake but George wasn't sure who. He furrowed his eyebrows together, he knew for a fact he Wasnt going down today unless it was for food or water so it didn't really matter who was downstairs. He didn't care. 

Dream, on the other hand, did care. 

He groaned and sat up as he heard the bedroom door close. 

Sapnap had awakened him as he left. Dream sighed. He wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. Might as well get up now. 

"Oh hey, I woke you up didn't I?" Sapnap smiled as Dream walked into the kitchen. 

"Yep." Dream laughed. 

"Sorry." Sapnap giggled. 

"What are you making?" Dream asked.

"Egg in a nest." Sapnap smiled, tilting the pan so Dream could see. Dream chuckled and nodded. 

"George isn't awake.." he mumbled to himself. 

"He'll probably be up soon." Sapnap shrugged. Dream hummed and nodded. 

"Did you figure out what happened?" Dream asked. Sapnap frowned and shook his head. 

"He just said he was tired." He frowned. Dream nodded and looked up the stairs. "Maybe he's home sick." Sapnap said, turning back to the pan. Dream's eyes widened.

What if he is? Does that mean he's going to go home? What does that mean for us?
A million questions made their way into Dream's mind. 

I can't lose him. 

"If he leaves I'm going with him." Dream mumbled. Sapnap quickly turned and stared at Dream. 

"What?" Sapnap asked. 

"If he wants to go back home then I'm going to go with him." Dream said, more confident this time. Sapnap's eyes widened a bit but he smiled nonetheless. 

"You would move that far away just to be with him?" Sapnap smiled. 

"Yes." Dream simply answered. Sapnap chuckled and shook his head. 

"You two are crazy." 

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