Chapter 13

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Dream Gonna make a big mistake.
Have fun!

A big reveal!

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"I don't like my voice." George blurted out.

Dream froze, one foot out of the car. George quickly got out of the car and began walking into the store.

"George! Wait!" Dream yelled, frantically hopping out of the car. He quickly ran inside after George. He looked around and searched for the boy, finding him standing the middle of the store looking at the signs above the aisles, looking for ice cream. Dream quickly ran over to the boy. George didn't look at him, he continued looking for the ice cream. Dream sighed.

Not here.... Not in the store.. But i need to know why... No not in the store....
Dream told himself. He knew if he would confront George in the store George won't speak to him ever again. Speaking George was rare but if you're kind and won't push him to talk he will come around. Dream figured that all out in the days George was with him and Sapnap.

So Dream not here.... Not the right time...
Dream ones again sighed.

"Ice cream is that way." Dream said to George. George nodded and began walking in the direction of where Dream had been pointing. Dream followed, although he was lost in his thoughts.

'I don't like my voice.'

What?.... How.. It's so beautiful
The whole time he walked behind George that sentence came back to his head.

'I don't like my voice.'

Dream couldn't wrap his head around it. George didn't like his voice so he won't speak? Also, how could he not like his voice? It is soft, warm and sweet at the same time. Dream loved George's voice. George accent swiftly slipping into his sweet voice making sentences sound put together and comforting. 

George skimmed the shelves for a moment, minutes later he settled on a container of Rocky Road. They made their way over to the checkout line then got back into the car. The ride was  silent for a moment before Dream spoke up

"Explain please." He asked. George hesitated. There was no getting out of this.

Maybe I can jump out of the car... Moving?!... YEAH! moving!... George! It's just Dream.. He is not gonna push you... He looking at me tho... Say Something... NO... YES!... why?... Because it's Dream he deserves a explanation.... It's Dream..... Come on George.. finee....
George struggled. His voices, he was going crazy. He always found them nice to have because he could talk to himself when he didn't speak at all but now it was getting annoying,  because every time he was going to talk the voices came back.

"I don't like my voice.." He mumbled

Every time with the mumbling.. He can't hear you... George speak louder... STOP!... Just stop... I want you gone for one minute... One minute without you judging me... please... No.
George again was fighting with his own mind.

"Why?" Dream asked, his voice getting softer and more sympathetic. George just shrugged and looked down at his hands, fiddling with the hem of his hoodie. Dream couldn't look away from George, but he had to, he looked back at the road. Every now and then he would glance back over at George. Eventually it got frustrating, he quickly pulled the car over on the curb. George quickly looking up to see what was happening.

"Why not George?" Dream finally asked turning his seat to face George. George looked back down, fiddling with his sweater again.

"George." Dream said, gaining  George's attention once again.

"Annoying." George smiled, his smile wasn't happy, it was filed with sadness... pain.

Are you now happy I told him... I literally told him.. I TOLD DREAM.... and now he is going to pity me.. I HATE YOU.... I HATE YOU.... so you hate yourself?... NO YOU!... I am you...
George struggled he really was struggling but before he could argue with himself again Dream spoke up.

"Annoying?" Dream repeated. George smiled and nodded, once again hsi smiled wasn't a happy one. George could see Dream face turn into confusion, he knew he needed a explanation. He was tired of talking. He was tired of his voice, He was tired of this topic.

"Bullied." He simply said.

Drop it Dream..

'What happened George?" Dream asked.

George picked up his phone and began writing, but before he could finish all of it he glanced back at Dream and saw him open his mouth to day something.

He is gonna take the phone away... He going to yell at you... GEORGE... GEORGE..
His mind was going crazy

"Please George just tell me, I need to hear the emotion behind the words so I can react with a good reaction for the explanation.

That's a shit excuse... PLEASE that's your reason really Dream... HA have heard better excuses... Really that's a really shitty excuse..
He mind was talking again to him. So George just shook his head. 

"Please." Dream asked.

George shook his head again and picked up his phone again. Then something happened that he never expected from Dream. He took his phone right out of George's his hands.

"Please George I don't wanna do this just talk to me! For gods sake." Dream said a little irritated.

"So what happened George?" Dream now back to his soft voice.

"I got bullied because of my stupid annoying voice alright?! That's it!" George spanned. He had all the rights to snap at Dream that way. He turned back and looked outside his window, away from Dream. He was so upset with Dream. Dream's heart sank. George hated his voice more then anything in the world. It was the thing he was most often bullied for. Especially his accent. It was something that often haunted him. 

He remembered years ago when he vested America for the first time, coming on a exchange student for school. The entire time he lived with his assigned American family he was made fu of and laughed at for his accent, something he couldn't easily get rid of. He was 19 at that time and he had a awful experience. Constantly being made fun of the way he talked and the way he had different names for things. He was soften made fun of for saying 'wardrobe' instead of 'closet', his student exchange family constantly laughing when he said a normal sentence for him and always correcting him on how they say it, sometime even mocking the way he said them.

"George.." Dream soothingly mumbled while he gave George his phone back.

What do you want now... please let's just go home and forget about this.. He's hating me now..
His thoughts. His stupid thought. Oh boy what were his thought wrong.

"George look at me please." Dream mumbled a bit louder.

George eased up at his comforting voice sighed at looked at him. Dream smiled, but it was a sad sympathetic smile.

"You really think you're voice is annoying?" Dream asked, with a slight chuckle. George nodded and sheepishly shrugged. Dream laughed, which kinds shocked George a bit. 

Why is he laughing... He making fun of me... Oh no...

"You're voice is incredible George. I wish I could hear it more often." Dream smiled. George's face immediately grew hot.


Words 1207

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