Chapter 24

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Freaking Florida Man.

As Dream continued to walk over to a sleeping cow George quickly caught up to him. He shook his head as Dream glanced down at him.

"Why not?" Dream asked. George sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm going. What's the worst that's gonna happen?" Dream smiled.

ummmm??... You get attacked??....

George just continued to shake his head

"Fine you scaredy cat. You wait at the car while I sit with the cool cows." Dream smiled. George continued to shake his head but Dream had already turned and continued walking.

Fine. Get attacked. See if I care.

Once Dream made it to the sleeping cows he sat down next to one and began petting its head. The cow quickly lifted its head and looked up at Dream. As soon as it saw him it started screaming.Dream quickly stood up and sprinted to George, who was laughing hysterically.

"Shut up its not funny!" Dream wheezed. George continued laughing, bending over a bit. "Why did it just scream!?" Dream laughed, wheezing his heart out. This comment made George laugh even more, scaring a few of the cows around them.

Eventually they calmed down and began leaning against the front of the car, watching the cows and looking at the sky. After a while the silence started to get to George. Usually when it got to quiet when he was alone he'd put in headphones and turn on some music to get rid of the silence, but right now music with headphones and music seemed rude to do while sitting with Dream. He sighed in an attempt to get rid of some of the silence. But it only worked for 2 seconds. Then it was back to silence.

Dream knew George doesn't like silence very much. Which is why he wasn't saying anything. He knew eventually Georg would give in and say something, Dream just had to wait. He felt a little bad about basically forcing his friend to talk but he was just too curious about what happened that was so bad George didn't want to speak anymore. He had to know. George began to sigh.

He's gotta say something soon...
Dream smiled to himself

George sighed again. He opened his mouth but closed it immediately

Oh come on....
Dream thought as he watched George shut his mouth

Dream sat there staring at George. Waiting for him to break. George began messing with the hem of his shirt which Dream assumed was a distraction for himself. Finally George opened his mouth and mumbled something, but Dream didn't know what.

Gotta do better then that...

It was quiet again. The only sound now were the crickets.

George couldn't take it. He had to say something. He couldn't wait for Dream anymore. He had to come up with some sort of conversation starter. Something. He tapped Dream's hand and looked at him he opened his mouths and began talking.

" did you find this place?" George finally asked. He looked up at Dream to see Dream looking down at him already. He was smiling.

"I'm not sure really. One day I was just driving and came across this place." Dream laughed.George hummed and nodded. It was quiet again which made George wince a bit. What else could he say? George turned to Dream and tugged at his sweater sleeve.

"Yeah?" Dream asked, looking down at George. George opened his mouth then closed it.


Maybe he should have come up with a conversation starter before getting Dream's attention...

Smart George. Real smart....

George let go of Dream's sleeve and shook his head, looking down at the floor. Dream laughed and nodded. He knew George just wanted some noise.

I love you, George." Dream smiled. George looked up at Dream and rolled his eyes. "Aren't you going to say it back?" Dream asked, pretending to be hurt. George shook his head and scoffed then turned his attention back to the sleeping cows.

"Why not?" Dream whined. George just continued to shake his head. George wanted a conversation but not this one. Anyone but this one

"George!"Dream groaned. George looked up at Dream with a very unamused expression which made Dream laugh a bit. "Fine." He groaned, rolling his eyes. George scoffed and rolled his eyes and looked away from Dream, a slight smile appearing on his face.

Dream smiled and giggled a bit, coming up with the perfect idea to get what he wanted. "George. Either tell me you love me or tell me why you don't like your voice." Dream smiled. George quickly whipped his head around to look back at Dream. His expression was shocked and confused. Dream smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Which one will it be George?" Dream laughed. George wasn't laughing, he stared at Dream with a slightly angry expression.

I want a new topic...
George thought to himself.

But how was he supposed to get one without talking? George looked up at Dream and shook his head.

"Ohhh no. You're not getting out of it George." Dream smiled. "Just tell me you love me if you really don't want to talk about it." Dream shrugged. George shook his head, rejecting both options.

He always hated telling Dream he loved him. It made him feel so guilty. Not because he was lying..but because how true it was to him. There was no way he could say that to Dream face to face. George means it too much. So his only option was telling Dream why he hated his voice. All the horrible details of it all, because he knew Dream would ask all the questions and he'd have to answer them. He looked up at Dream who was smiling down at him, oblivious to the storm building up in George's head. George took a deep breath and opened his mouth, finally ready to say it.

"My voice.." he started. Dream's eyes widened.

He's really going to tell me about that over just telling me 'I love you'!?.....
This hurts a bit on Dreams side, he loved George so much, why couldn't he just say it back?

"Did you um...bring your phone with you..? I don't want to.." George trailed off. Dream sighed.

"George please." Dream weakly laughed. George sighed and nodded.

"So you already know..I um..really hate my voice." George mumbled, forcing a laugh. "Uhm..but the reason is because I um..." George trailed off. How was he supposed to explain the years of bullying and torture he went through simply?

"Take your time George." Dream comfortingly smiled. George looked back up at him and nodded then looked back at the ground, playing with the hem of his shirt.

" I guess I'll just start from the beginning of it." George weakly laughed. "It first started when I was like 13 or 14..." he mumbled.

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