Chapter 35

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"So embarrassing" George mumbled.

"It's not the most embarrassing.." Sapnap smiled.

"It is. I'm currently looking around in a gift shop in a zoo for boxers because mine is wet from the stingray pool." George jumbled. This sent Sapnap into an all-out wheeze, much like Dream's. 

"Sapnap." Dream laughed, walking up to the two. Sapnap calmed down from his laughing fit and smiled. "Do you have your stuff?" Dream asked.

"He's looking for boxers." Sapnap giggled.

 "Shut up." George groaned, smacking Sapnap's arm.

"Oh.. Uhm well maybe we can ask them if they sell that here..?" Dream awkwardly suggested, his face slightly red. George groaned but nodded. George then walked over to the counter and waited, Dream and Sapnap following closely behind. 

"Hi!" A woman smiled. 

"Hi um...I'm the one with the uh..pass." George awkwardly announced, earning a slight giggled from Sapnap. 

"Oh alright!" The woman smiled. "You can use the bathroom in the back to change." She smiled pointing to a door behind her. 

"Oh, thanks but um I was wondering if you Uh...sell boxers...?" George slowly asked, his face growing red as he could hear Sapnap chuckling behind him. 

"Oh! Yeah, actually we do." The woman smiled. She walked away into the back for a second then came back with a folded pair of red flannel boxers. George cringed a bit. "You're not the first person to fall in so we keep these in stock." The woman whispered. George giggled a bit and nodded. "Okay, you can go into there and change." She smiled, pointing at the door behind her. George nodded and walked behind the counter and into the room in the back, cringing as he could hear a small conversation pick up between Sapnap and Dream. He quickly walked into the room and shut the door, letting out a long sigh. 

I just fell into a 2 feet tall stingray pool. In front of the possible love of my life.

George groaned. The humiliation of the situation finally fully set in. And yet he still couldna help but smile at his own stupidity. George slipped out of his old wet clothes and changed into new warm clothes. He tossed the towel in his hand over his head and dried his hair, it wasn't soaking like the rest of him was but it was still a little wet.

 Definitely gonna need a shower after this. 

George sighed and wrapped the towel around the back of his neck, he collected and folded his wet clothes and opened the door. Upon opening the door he realized the store was empty, besides the woman from earlier behind the counter. She turned and smiled at him. George awkwardly smiled back and walked out from behind the counter, looking around the small store for any sign of his friends.

"Oh! Your friends left. I'm not sure where they went." The woman informed. George quickly turned and furrowed his eyebrows at the woman. "Your shorter friend dragged the taller one out of the store. I don't know why but they seemed in a hurry." She explained, catching onto George'sconfusion. George hummed and nodded. He wanted to ask her which way they went but his confidence in speaking left him with his friends. He found that it was a lot harder to talk without Dream or Sapnap next to him. But even then, with Sapnap he had a little bit of confidence but it was Dream who gave him the most. 

Well what now?...
George asked himself. 

He sighed and walked out of the store. Once he was out he scanned the crowd of people, looking for Dream or Sapnap. But he didn't see any sign of them. George then reached into his pocket for his phone but ended up reaching for air. He gave Sapnap his phone. George groaned at his stupid mistake and rubbed his eyes.

George sighed and walked towards the bird exhibit from earlier.

They'll come back eventually...
He told himself.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity, which was actually only 3 minutes, George began to get antsy.

 They might have left.... Maybe they're waiting for me outside......
 George thought.

He smiled and made his way to the exit. Once he was out of the zoo he looked around for his friends. He didn't see them. His smile faded.

 Just go back in and wait for them in front of the store. 

George turned to walk back into the zoo but was stopped. 

The gateway was locked. 

Once you're out you can't go back in. 

He groaned and walked away from the gate, taking a seat on a nearby bench. 


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"Dude." Sapnap smiled, as George walked away into the bathroom behind the counter. 

"What?" Dream asked.

"We never fed the giraffes." Sapnap smiled. 

"Sorry Sap. We should probably go home when George is done changing. He's gonna want a shower." Dream frowned. 

"What?" Sapnap asked, a frown appearing on his face. 

"Sorry man." Dream smiled. Sapnap scrunched his nose and furrowed his eyebrows. He quickly grabbed Dream's arm and dragged him out of the store. "Sapnap!" Dream yelled. 

"They need to be fed Dream!" Sapnap smiled, making it out the door of the shop. Dream quickly grounded his feet onto the floor, stopping the both of them. "Dream!" Sapnap whined.

"Sapnap no." Dream warned."Dream we'll be quick! It's fine!" Sapnap pleaded. Dream sighed and looked at the store then back at Sapnap.

"Fine." Dream said with a groan. Sapnap smiled and grabbed Dream's wrist pulling him to the giraffe area, which wasn't far from the shop. Sapnap giggled as they got in line. Every now and then Dream would look back at the shop to see if George had emerged. He couldn't see it too well but he could see the door.

 "Dream calm down already." Sapnap groaned, rolling his eyes. 

"We shouldn't have just left him." Dream mumbled, staring at the door of the shop. 

"Dream he's literally a grown man. He's fine." Sapnap groaned, losing his patience. 

"I guess your right, he is a grown-ass man and he can always call us.." Dream sighed and nodded, breaking his gaze away from the store and at Sapnap.

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