Chapter 1

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I furrowed my brows and bit back a groan when I woke up again. I was still in the same spot I had been in with the same person staring at me with wide eyes.

I dug my nails into the dirt and groaned again when my stomach turned in a somersault and caused whatever was in my stomach to twist around as if it was on a roller coaster.

Moving quickly but making sure that I did not pass out again, I moved until I was able to throw up without throwing up on my clothes because I had no idea when I would be able to have a new set.

Sweat beaded its way down my forehead, and I panted after I had thrown up. My whole body ached, and I prayed that whoever was here with me would help with that, especially with the bad wound on my back.

The girl shifted closer to me, her whole body tense, and she was ready to run if needed. "Are you ok?" she asked again, her voice soft and nervous. "Who are you? How did you get here?"

The girl had blonde hair and brown eyes that looked to be lost. She was concerned about me, even though she didn't know me, and I knew that she knew that I was an innocent.

She raised an eyebrow when I didn't answer off the bat and frowned. "Well?" she asked, trying but failing to sound tough and in control of the situation that we found ourselves in. "Who are you?"

"Ky," I responded, my voice scratchy and hoarse. I cleared my throat and licked my dry lips, trying to get them moistened so that I could talk again. "Well, Kyler Pierce, but I go by Ky."

Her eyes grew wide when I told her my last name, and I knew that she thought of my father and mother. Quickly, she composed herself, but I knew that she was still shocked, even though she was trying to hide it.

I snorted, amused and not fazed by her trying to school her features. "We need to work on your poker face," I said. I groaned while I sat up, deciding to ignore my back for now because there was no way that I could take care of it on my own.

I closed my eyes while I sat up, grimacing in pain but not making a sound. "We can't have the... Red Wolf give away their secrets because of their facial expressions." My voice grew softer when I said, "the Red Wolf," because I had no idea who was around to hear it.

The girl jerked back and landed on her butt with a soft "oomph." Her whole body was tense, and she looked this way and that before she looked at me, her brown eyes blazing. "How do you know?" she asked, her tone turning defensive.

I gave her a deadpanned look and slowly blinked. I had a feeling that she was looking for someone to help her or a way to escape, but she didn't seem to want to leave me for some reason. "Why did you look so shocked when I said my last name?" I asked. "How do you think I know?"

She hesitated and moved slightly closer to me. "So... you're her daughter?" she asked, and I knew that she was talking about my mother.

I nodded. "Let's just say that whatever my mother and grandfather had planned a long time ago worked, and... ya." I shrugged. "I have no idea how much into the future I am in, but I am pretty sure that in this timeline, their plan had failed. My mom was killed, which is why you're alive, and I'm pretty sure that my cousin is dead too."

The girl narrowed her eyes and scowled. "Who is your cousin?" she asked.

"Cason," I replied. "Cason Delerose." I looked around again, half expecting my grandfather to appear, for I knew that he had taken a liking to her and was very protective of her. "He's Fernos's son..." I looked at her and watched her eyes widen in shock. "Well... he was..." I shrugged and grimaced.

"I didn't know that Fernos had a son," she admitted.

I gave her a blank look. "If your Fernos is as quiet as mine, then are you seriously surprised that you didn't know that he had a son?"

She opened her mouth to say something to retaliate but closed it instead when she couldn't find anything. She shrugged and stayed silent.

"What's your name?" I asked and cocked my head while I looked at her.

"Caroline," she replied. "Caroline Weavers." She studied me and cocked her head. "If you know Fernos, do you know Thaddeus, Giselle, and others?"

My heart pounded hard in my chest when she said those names, and my mouth went dry. "Uhh..." I cleared my throat and licked my lips, "yes. Yes, I know them." I sighed and moved a hand through my hair while I shook my head and grimaced. "But, they won't know me."

Caroline studied me further, and worry filled her eyes. A frown appeared on her face while her brows furrowed in concern. "Will you be alright?" she asked, her voice soft and sad.

I licked my lips and looked at her. My heart sank to the pit of my stomach because I had no idea if I would be all right or not, even though I knew that I had to be. "I don't know," I admitted. I cleared my throat and shrugged. "But I can't worry about that. I have a job to do, and... ya."

She slowly nodded. "When seeing everyone, who will hurt you the most?"

"Oh, there will be a lot of people that I see that will hurt," I replied. "My dad, Cooper, for one, but I am more of a Mama's girl anyway." I winked, and she offered me a small smile.

I sighed, grew serious, and leaned a bit back, ignoring the pain that I was in and the bleeding. "Seeing Grandma Tabitha is going to hurt. I call her Grams, by the way. Ummm..." I furrowed my brows and looked down. "It's going to hurt to see Grandpa Vulcan because I am close to him. It will hurt to see my best friend, Willia, because... ya, she is my best friend. But..."

"But..?" Caroline pressed gently. She studied me, but I didn't meet her gaze. "Who is going to hurt the most?"

My heart sank and twisted into knots. A sense of longing filled me, washed over me, and covered me like a thick blanket.

Out of everyone's approval, I always looked for Grandpa Fernos's and Mom's. It didn't even matter that I wasn't related by blood to him, but his approval did matter to me, even more than my own father's.

My father knew about it and teased me about wanting Grandpa Fernis's approval more than his, but like he does with Mom, he lets me make my own decisions and follow my gut, supporting me no matter what decision I made.

"Ky?" Caroline asked again when I didn't answer. Concern filled her eyes, and she studied me with a frown on her face while I took too long to answer. "Whose?"

I looked at her and licked my lips, my heart beating faster and faster with each passing second. "Ummm... the person that will hurt the most wi-"

A loud growling hiss stopped me from talking, and I turned in that direction to see the man whose lack of approval would hurt me the most. Anger and protectiveness filled his eyes while he lurched from the shadows and towards me.

My face paled and stayed put while I looked at the man with murder in his eyes. I ignored Caroline's gasp of shock about this Demon coming out of nowhere and her jumping away from me.

The word "Fernos" escaped my lips before everything went black after he knocked me out.

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