Chapter 7

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I looked at the tent flap and didn't see either Fernos or Caroline, and I didn't see Gigi either.

Cooper cleared his throat, and I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He scowled and narrowed his eyes. "Well?" he asked coldly. "Why are you here?"

"Not tellin," I replied. "Neither Fernos nor Caroline are here, and I am not saying a word until they come. You can ask me all you want, but I'm not saying a word about that."

Cooper narrowed his eyes further and took a threatening step forward, and I had to hold back an eye roll because I was amused. "I. Said. Speak," he growled and tried to intimidate me, which didn't work.

I smiled sweetly, and shook my head; I was not going to speak, especially since the people that I wanted there weren't there.

Again, Cooper growled and took another threatening step forward, and my smile grew larger. Anger and hatred filled his brown eyes, and I had to make sure that there was no trace of pain or hurt on my face because he still had my father's face. "Speak," Cooper snarled, "before I kill you."

"Cooper!" someone gasped in shock, and we turned to look that way to see Giselle was there with Caroline and Fernos by her side. Her face was pale, and she looked terrified that Cooper would say such a thing, especially since I looked like his deceased mate.

"Oh, goodie," I said, interrupting Giselle from saying anything else. "Look who finally showed up." I turned to look at Cooper and raised an eyebrow while I grew serious. "Now, what is it that you want to know?"

Cooper narrowed his eyes and scowled while he turned to look at me. "Who are you?" he asked. "Why are you here?"

"My name is Kyler Rose Pierce," I said and shrugged. "I go by Ky, and I don't know the real reason why I am here, but I think it is because of my lineage and who my parents are." I grimaced. "Well, were because my family is on a whole different playing field than this."

Cooper narrowed his eyes further, and his scowl deepened while he looked at me. "And what do you mean by that?" he asked and growled slightly.

"Exactly what I mean," I replied. "They aren't here but on a different timeline. Some things that I know could be the same in both while others are not."

"Like what?" Cooper asked and raised an eyebrow. He folded his arms across his chest and scowled, and I stayed silent while I looked at him. "Well?" he asked when I didn't say a word and raised an eyebrow higher. "Are you going to answer me or not?"

"Like the fact that my father wouldn't act like such an asshole to a "prisoner,"" I replied in a "duh" tone, and someone had to cover a laugh with a cough, which we ignored. "And because my father would not make it so that others didn't have a voice in what needs to be done. He wouldn't let someone not learn how to fight and protect themselves, especially because of what had happened with my mother."

I glanced at Andrei before I looked at Cooper, feeling sheepish and anxious. "And... because I am older than someone in this room, but he is now older than me..."

Cooper glanced at me and then looked at Andrei, making sure that he kept his face blank. He looked at me again. "And?" he asked and raised an eyebrow. "So what? What does that have to do with anything?"

"It means that I don't have a connection with him unlike the one that is here." I ignored the flinch from my mate and made sure that my face was blank. "And besides, the Faes aren't here, and I have a feeling that something happened and could be potentially your fault or something else."

Cooper snarled and took a step towards me. Anger filled his eyes, and he was about to punch me but stopped when Gigi gasped. He looked at her and narrowed his eyes before he looked at Tabitha. "Put a spell on her so that she answers my questions truthfully," he snarled, and Tabitha flinched. "Make sure to cause her much pain if she doesn't answer truthfully. Understood?"

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