Chapter 8

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A/N: Surprise. I'm sorry about the long wait. I didn't mean to have it this long. xD I have like 22 more chapters that I need to post and haven't done it. But I am slowly working on getting stuff edited, so I should be posting more or less regularly. Mind you, I am working on 50 other books too, so it'll still be a while.

Ya'll can still ask me to post, and I'll put it into my calendar.

Thanks for being patient with me.



I kept my eyes closed and breathing steady while I waited for someone to appear. I had no idea when or who, but I knew that someone was going to check up on me and prayed that it was going to be Caroline and Fernos.

Sure enough, there was this pull, and I sensed a Demon in the room with me as well as Caroline.

"Kyler?" Caroline asked, her voice soft and barely above a whisper. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

I opened my eyes and looked at her with a small smile on my face. "I am fine," I said. "I am not hurt. Are you ok?" I asked, worried about her. "That didn't scare you too much, did it?"

Caroline grimaced and shrugged. "A little," she admitted. "I didn't like seeing you in so much pain and trying to get some relief..." She looked down before she looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

I smiled sadly and dipped my head. "It didn't hurt," I admitted and looked down before I looked up at her. "I'm sorry that I had scared you. It wasn't my intention."

"What do you mean that it didn't hurt?" Fernos asked, interrupting Caroline from saying something. He studied me and narrowed his eyes while he scowled. "You were crying and shaking and everything."

"I know that I was," I replied, "but I couldn't act like it didn't hurt; then they would have known that something was up, even though I didn't want them to know."

"So you lied."

"Sorta." I shrugged and grimaced. "It's more of; I know how to act with the spell. I knew that it wasn't going to work on me because it wasn't put on me by my actual grandmother, and I took something that would have prevented it."

"Who knew?"

"She did," I replied. "Maybe Percy, but I am not sure about him. There could have been a chance that he knew."

Caroline looked at Fernos before she looked at me. "Why did Tabitha tell Percy to "hush" when she took off your jacket?" she asked. "What are you hiding?"

"A lot, which is why I didn't want to be under that spell. Some things are more dangerous than others, especially if it is "leaked" to whoever we are having to fight."

"Is... it safe for us to know?" Caroline asked and tried to keep the hopefulness out of her voice, but it didn't work. "Can you tell us?"

"Some," I replied and nodded. I untied myself from the fence post, happy that Tabitha didn't put it any tighter and removed my dagger from her sheath. "This is what I was hiding from them," I said and held it out for her to see.

Caroline gasped while Fernos shifted, looking in between me and her. "It's beautiful," she said in awe. She reached out to touch her, but I stopped her before she could.

"Let's... keep the touching to a minimum if possible, please," I said, breaking whatever spell that had been placed on her. "She doesn't like it and is in a very salty mood at the moment."

Caroline blinked and blinked again when she "woke up" before she rubbed her eyes. "She?" Caroline asked and looked at me again.

I nodded and put her back into my sheath, ignoring her wanting their blood. "Her name is Bloodlust," I said and shrugged. "She's made from Witch and Fae magic, which is why Percy saw her."

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