Chapter 18

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"What was that?" Cooper asked while I started to walk to another tent, and he followed me. "That was not interrogating him."

"No, it wasn't," I agreed, "but it was to get him to trust me and get him to understand that I was going to respect his decision." I cleared my throat and looked at him. "Now, do you know which tent holds the one that I was protecting from one of your own?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

Cooper scowled and narrowed his eyes. He didn't say a word, and I had a small feeling that he didn't know.

I sighed and shook my head, not knowing if I was going to get any answers from him or not. "Whatever," I said before I cleared my throat again. "I guess that means I have to go into all of the tents and see if it is them."

"Are you going to interrogate them?" he asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe later," I replied and shrugged. "I do want to make sure that everyone is fine and not injured. I need to take a nap before I pass out in front of everyone, but I want to make sure that they're safe first."


"No," I said, interrupting him and narrowed my eyes. "You aren't allowed in the tents without me with you because I don't want you to scare them so badly that they won't give me information."

Cooper set his jaw but stayed silent. He didn't say anything and narrowed his eyes, his eyes flashing darker.

I set my jaw and stayed silent while I stared at him.

Finally, Cooper sighed and looked away from me. He cleared his throat and set his jaw tighter. "Fine," he said coldly before he cleared his throat again while he looked at me. "I hope that you know that I do not like this."

"I know," I replied and bit back a satisfied smirk. I walked away from Cooper and went into another tent to see another "captive" but not the one that I needed, so I frowned. "Awww," I groaned but cleared my throat and made sure that my face didn't show how disappointed I was. "I'm Ky. How are you?"

The person, another male, in front of me blinked and blinked, shocked and surprised that I was there but also nervous and afraid.

I smiled and dipped my head closer to my chest. "I'm not going to hurt you," I said softly and held my hands up in surrender. "You're safe."

He hesitated but nodded while he stayed silent. He looked at the people behind me when Cooper, Caroline, and Giselle entered the tent behind me. His whole face grew pale, and his heartbeat picked up because of the people in front of him.

I looked at Cooper before I looked at the male in front of me. "Relax," I said. "He's not going to hurt you either, and if he does, then his ass will be on fire before you can say "hot potato.""

The male looked at me and gulped, pressing his lips into a thin line. He looked at Cooper again before he looked at me, and for some reason, I understood that he didn't want Cooper in the tent with him.

"Cooper, with all due respect, but leave," I said and didn't look at him. I raised my hand when he opened his mouth, and I knew that he wanted to argue. "I don't want to have an argument with you. Please, leave. Caroline and Giselle will be allowed to stay, but I want you out of this tent."

Cooper opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it. He growled, and the man in front of him shrunk away from him while Caroline shifted on her feet, her eyes darting between us. "Fine," he said coldly, "but I want a report on why you kicked me out and didn't allow me to stay. Is that understood?"

I held back an eye roll and nodded. "I will tell you when I am done here," I promised. I cleared my throat and looked at the man before I looked at him. "Can you see if you can't find the man that was about to get stabbed by one of yours, even though he was an innocent? That'd help me out a lot."

"I don't even know who he looks like," Cooper said, "so the answer i-"

"I'll help," Giselle said, interrupting him. She ignored his growl and cleared her throat while she shifted on her feet. She looked away from him and flinched. "I am curious too. I'll also explain why she wants to see him before she does anything else. If that pleases you."

"And you are going to leave her alone?" He gestured to Caroline. "I thought y-"

"I believe that Kyler can not hurt her. She knows her importance and wouldn't want to make her mother angry if she did something," Giselle said, interrupting him, much to my amazement and gratefulness. "If there is a problem, then I am sure that Fernos will take Caroline away from her if he feels like she is in danger."

She gestured to the sliver of shadow that had followed us from Caroline's tent. "She is safe, and I am sure that you want to hear things before her about his experience."

Giselle sent me and apologetic look, and I waved her off dismissively.

"It's fine," I said, not caring that they would be talking to him first. "I am curious about what he has to say as much as you two are, but I think I need to be here and do this first before I talk to him."

"And then you can eat afterward," Giselle said before she raised her hand when I opened my mouth. She waited, and I closed it and pressed my lips into a thin line, annoyed. "You need it, Kyler. It wouldn't be right to keep you up like this. The other guards can make sure that they stay safe and fed."

I bit back a sigh and nodded, deciding that it would be for the best. I could feel my legs trying to give out on me, but with the rest of my strength and stubbornness, I was able to keep steady.


"Cooper, please," I said with a small begging tone in my voice, and Cooper stiffened. "I need to see what is wrong. However, I know that he doesn't want you to be here. Caroline will be fine, and I will make sure that she doesn't end up hurt or killed. You have my word."

Cooper set his jaw and looked at Giselle before he looked at Caroline. "Fine," he said and looked at me. "If there is a single hair out of place on her head, then I will find a way to send you back to wherever you are from without you completing whatever you need to do. Is that understood?"

I held back an eye roll but nodded, even though I had a feeling he wouldn't be able to do it. "Ok," I said. "Now, please, go. I need to talk to him now."

Cooper glared one last time before he left, and Giselle followed him staying silent too but smiling at me when she left.

I took a deep breath and relaxed while I looked at the man, who looked relieved that Cooper was gone. "Ok," I said and cleared my throat, and the male looked at me from staring at the flaps. "Now, who are you, and why are you so afraid of Cooper?"

The Red Wolf's Daughter (Book 3 Part 2: The Making of the Siran)Where stories live. Discover now