Chapter 2

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I didn't look up while I waited for everyone to file into the tent to announce my fate. Tears streamed down my face, and I mourned in silence the loss of trust from my grandfather, even though I knew that it wasn't him.

Hell, meeting this timeline's Cooper didn't hurt me this bad because I was still passed out and had only started to stir when he left the tent with someone else, but I could tell that this Cooper was a dick and needed to get his shit together.

Where he had gone and who he had been with was a mystery to me, but I had a feeling that I would meet everyone again soon if they were still alive, and I prayed that they were because I was going to need to get everyone on the page if Caroline wanted to become the Red Wolf.

"I want to go see her," a voice whispered harshly outside of the tent I was in, and I had a feeling that it was Caroline. "She's tied up to a post. I don't understand why you don't want me to go see her."

"Because it's dangerous," another voice said, and my heart pounded hard in my chest because I knew that voice and would know it anywhere. "She is dangerous. I do not want to go near her, Caroline," Fernos warned, "and I do not want you to go near her, either, without me to watch over you."

"Well, I want to, Fernos," she said in a harsh tone that I didn't know she could muster, "so, you can either stand guard or go in with me, even if you don't want to go in. I do not care about what you have to say."

There was a pause while they both looked at each other, neither one backing down and trying to get the other side to back down first.

Caroline sighed and cleared her throat while she shifted on her feet. "While you attacked her, she was going to say that not having you know her was going to hurt the worst," she said softly. "I don't know what type of support the other you, from where she lived, gave her, but the lack of support she is going to receive from this you is going to kill her."

Fernos stayed silent for a bit, and I had no idea if he heard her or not and silently wondered what he was thinking. "She could be lying," he said, finally, and I had to bite back a scoff because I had a feeling that I wasn't supposed to hear what they had to discuss because of where I was located. "She could be lying about knowing me or any of us." He paused to let that sink in and cleared his throat. "Have you thought of that?"

"So you never had a son named Cason?" Caroline asked after she scoffed, and I had a feeling that she rolled her eyes. "Is that what you are saying?"

There was a long pause as they stared at each other, and his heart skipped a slight beat.

Tension hung in the air while they stared at each other, and I had to bite my lip to keep from saying something and letting them know that whatever someone did didn't work and that I could still hear them.

However, a big part of me wanted to ask if they were ok and to get them in here so that I could try and diffuse the situation.

"How do you know that name?" Fernos asked, his voice void of any emotion. There was no sadness, shock, nothing when Caroline said that name, not even pain.

Caroline hesitated, and I had a feeling that she was worried about my safety against Fernos. She knew that he didn't like me and knew that it could cause problems, even though I was sure that I could face them and survive...

I hope...

"Well?" Fernos asked again, his voice deeper than it had been. Warning filled his tone, and Caroline shifted on her feet and cleared her throat but didn't reply when he warned her to answer him. "Caroline," he warned again when she didn't respond.

The Red Wolf's Daughter (Book 3 Part 2: The Making of the Siran)Where stories live. Discover now